Chapter Seven

Both of our heads turn towards the side of the ring where a tall muscular man stands, staring at the two of us with an amused expression, his eyes twinkling devilishly. I notice that he is older than Kayden and I, possibly in his middle twenties? His hair is a dark brown colour, curling around his head in an almost halo like circle, but this man radiates danger, just as Kayden does.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Kayden growls to the man, his jaw tense as he jumps down form the ring, his back turned to me. I jump down after him, going over to my shoes and hoodie, feeling suddenly naked in the presence of this strange man.

"A little birdy told me that you had claimed a girl, I didn't quite believe them, so I had to find out for myself," the humour is not hidden in his voice as he explains his sudden appearance. I walk up next to Kayden, feeling a little better now that I have my hoodie on. The man turns his gaze to me, his eyes filled with humour and excitement.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Kayden's words drip with venom, a threat lingering behind them.

"Oh I think I know exactly what I am talking about," the man's eyes twinkle with mischief as he continues to stare at me. Kayden tugs me behind his back, a protective hand taking it's place around my waist. I frown at his back, confused by this sudden behaviour, but also thankful that he is hiding me from the man's gaze.

"How did you manage to get him to agree with this one?" The man asks, amusement still clear in his words. What does he mean by agree? And who is 'him'? Kayden's whole body stiffens at the question, his stance changing from one of protection to one of readiness, getting ready to fight when the moment comes.

"Shut the fuck up," Kayden growls out, his words vibrating through his back, making me shiver. The man laughs a bitter laugh at Kayden's reply.

"You haven't told him have you? Oh how the plot thickens!" the man continues to laugh, I'm not sure whether he's laughing at Kayden or an unspoken joke between them.

"It's not like that," The anger radiating from Kayden is slowly suffocating me. I try to pull away from him, hoping that he will let me leave and wait for him by the bike while they sort out their issues, but he only tightens his hold on me further. Who is this man to make Kayden react like this? I never thought Kayden would be this worried about a single man before. I wonder who he really is, and what his connection to Kayden is?

"I think you're lying to yourself, Kayden. Although, I can see why you are so fond of her, I wouldn't be able to take my hands off of her either," the man's comment causes a nervous and nauseous feeling to flow through my body, making me shiver in disgust. I really wish I had just stayed at school now, I wouldn't be in this mess right now if I hadn't of given into the temptation of showing Kayden how strong I truly am, just to prove to him that I am not weak like he thought I was.

"Come out here sweetheart, so I can get a better look at you," Kayden's hand tightens around me, as if he is giving me a silent command to stay where I am and not listen to the man; like I would actually want to do that anyways. The only thing I want to do right now, is get as far away from that man as possible.

"You will not talk to her," Kayden's voice booms out, deep and loud, commanding and dripping with authority. This whole ordeal reminds of the night of Kayden and Tom's fight, except I am thankful for Kayden's protection of me.

"Come on Kayden, how long did you really think you would be able to keep this a secret? You and I both know what he will do if he finds her. Do you really want to do that to her?" I can't help but feel like the man is threatening me; a man that I have never met before. I frown at the man's words, why would be with Kayden be dangerous? Who is this 'him' person and what would he do if he found me and Kayden? My head is swimming with so many questions, so many scenarios that could happen; I just don't know which one could be true.

I pull out of Kayden's grip suddenly, moving away from him slightly, not wanting to be apart of this any longer. Kayden turns his gaze to me, turning his back to the boy so that he can focus on me, his eyes filled with questions, which I'm sure mirror mine. I'm not so sure that Kayden would allow me to ask my questions though, and if I did, he would probably just get mad and threaten me or something.

"Have you told her?" Kayden shakes his head a little, but his eyes stay on mine, and I can see the conflict dancing behind their glossy exterior. What hasn't he told me? Why do I even care? I shouldn't even be here in the first place, I should be at school, in English class right now, reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickins, not stood here in some strange stand off between two Boys with anger issues. "You know that she doesn't deserve this,"

"Don't tell me what she does and does not deserve, you know nothing of her!" I have never heard Kayden's voice so loud before. It makes me jump at how sudden it is, I can fell my heart racing, trying to beat its way out of my chest. Kayden turns his back to me now, facing the other man again, focusing his anger on the man, instead of me, which I am grateful for.

"You seem to forget that I have been here before, West, I know the outcome better than you do, and I know that she, no matter who she is, does not deserve this," the man retorts, his words now filled with remorse and sadness. I look around Kayden's back to see the man's eyes closed, his head pointing up towards the celling, a look of pure sadness and regret clouding over his features.

"This is not the same, Lehmar," Kayden's voice a little quieter now, seemingly wanting to give the man his space while he is lost in his thoughts. The man's eyes open again, the green swirling with conflicting emotions as he pulls himself away from his thoughts.

"Kayden, I want to go home now, please," I whisper quietly, hoping that the man doesn't here me. I want to be anywhere other than here right now, away from this man, away from this situation. I just want to be in the comfort and safety of my home, without having to think about this man ever again. Kayden stares down at me, uncertainty clear in his eyes.

"Don't worry I'm leaving now, I got everything I needed," he gives Kayden a look that I can't decipher, but from the way that Kayden tenses, I know that it was nothing good. "Stay safe, sweetheart, and if you know what's good for you, you'll leave West before its too late," and with those words, he leaves the club, waving slightly as the doors close behind, his laughter disappearing into the wind.

"What does he mean?" I ask Kayden quietly, looking up into his face, seeing his jaw tense and his eyes hard.

"Nothing. Come on, I'll take you home now," without waiting for any response, he pulls me out of the club and to his bike which is still standing outside of the club door on the side of the road. I wonder for a second how it didn't get stolen, but then I realise that everyone probably knows that it is his bike, and wouldn't dare steal from him.

The ride back to my house is quiet, but then it's not like we are able to talk over the roaring wind. My head is softly placed on Kayden's back and my arms are around his waist like before, but his back is tense, unlike the ride to the club when he was seemingly relaxed. I want to ask him what that man was talking about, but I know that he won't answer any of my questions. He has his secrets and I'm not sure I even want to be apart of them.

I sigh, closing my eyes as the bike gracefully glides around corners and in between cars. I never imagined myself being so at ease on the back of Kayden West's bike, but it makes me feel untouchable, safe and at peace as it is only me and the wind, and Kayden, but it's not like I can talk to him, and even if I tried, I'm sure I would only get brushed off and ignored, or shouted at.

The bike slows down, and as I lift my head up from Kayden's back. I notice, with a rush or relief, that he is pulling up my drive, stopping the bike once he is close enough to the path leading to the door. The engine suddenly shuts off, sending me and Kayden into a deafening silence. I pull the helmet off of my head slowly, causing my hair to fall around my face in an ungodly red main. I huff, pushing the hair out of my face, squinting up to see Kayden staring at me with amusement flashing behind his eyes.

"Here," he mutters, handing me my glasses, which I take gratefully. It's such a nuisance having to wear them just to be able to see. What I would give to have perfect vision! Kayden clears his throat, grabbing my attention as he holds his hand out for me to take, helping me off of the bike. I make sure to go slower than earlier, not wanting to repeat the embarrassment of having to be caught by Kayden again. I'm sure he would be just as annoyed at having to catch me.

"You never answered my question from earlier," I look up at the sudden sound of Kayden's voice breaking the silence between us. I frown at his words, trying to remember what question he is on about.

"About why you stopped fighting?" My frown deepens at his question, hoping that I wouldn't have to answer this question. I mean, why should I have to answer any of his questions when he probably wouldn't answer any of mine.

"Its not really any of your concern," I shrug my hand out of his, moving away from him and heading to my front door, wanting nothing more than to just be in the solitude of my house, where no one can bother me unless I let them. Kayden's hand suddenly grabs mine, spinning me around so that I am facing him again, his eyes flashing with anger, which I can tell he is trying to rein in.

"I am making it my concern, so answer my question," Kayden's voice is low and commanding, but I can feel my own anger beginning to rise. I yank my hand out of his grip again, standing my ground, not giving in to the dominance that is radiating off him, demanding that I bow to him and his wishes.

"How about you answer mine? Who was that man?" Kayden's jaw tenses at my question, his body stiffening and the anger rising in his electric blue eyes.

"That is none of your business," he replies through gritted teeth.

"Then my past is none of yours!" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air in frustration.

"You have no control in this situation, Drew. If I want to know something about you, you will tell me, I can be quite persuasive when needed," Kayden's voice drops a few octaves, his eyes still angry, but now they are shadowed by the familiar heated look that makes my body flush. He slowly stalks up to me, his eyes never wavering from mine. It doesn't take him long to have me cornered against the wall the wall of my house, his hands encasing me in, like the many other times before. This boy has some serious spatial issues.

"I could have you spilling out all of your darkest secrets right now if I wanted to," he whispers, his nose following the shape of my ear, making me shiver at the contact. He pulls his face away from ear to look into my eyes, which probably look similar to that of a deer caught in headlights. Kayden chuckles lightly, the sudden puff of his minty breath making me gulp and my cheeks to heat. His eyes glance down to my lips for split second, all of the anger has now vanished from his eyes and is now replaced by want and need. I lick my now dry lips, and watch in slight amusement and amazement at how his eyes follow the action, darkening further, changing his usual electric blue colour into one similar of a stormy sea.

"I have to go," He suddenly chokes out, pushing him self away from me, making him stumble a little. I stare at him dumbfounded at his sudden action, but I guess I shouldn't really be that surprised, its not the first time he has done it. He quickly moves over to his bike and slings his leg over the seat gracefully. I watch helplessly as he grabs the helmet off of the back seat and places it over his head. I'm still stuck on the wall of my house, only able to watch him from a distance. His eyes lift to look at me for a second before the engine roars to life and he backs down my drive, speeding off before I can even say anything.

I sigh shakily, closing my eyes, hoping that when I open them, this would have all been just a dumb dream.

"Well, well, well," I jump at the sudden voice, snapping my eyes open, seeing Tom stood a few feet away from me, his eyes laced with anger and disgust. "I never pegged you as a slut Drew, but I guess you can never truly know a person,"

"I-I am not a sl-slut," I can't help but stutter, his voice holds such animosity towards me, such anger and disgust that I have never seen before. He stalks up to me, pushing me back up against the wall with his body, much like Kayden just did, but when he does it, I feel repulsed and nauseous.

"Why are you stuttering Drew? Are you scared?" he laughs out bitterly as he runs a rough finger down the side of my face. I try to turn my face away from his touch, be he grabs my chin forcefully, snapping my head to look back at him. His usual kind brown eyes are tainted red by his overbearing anger, making him lose control.

"Did you beg him to fuck you? Are you that desperate for someone to like you?" I shake my head, frowning at his words.

"What are you talking about?" I manage to choke out through the repulsion running through my body.

"Don't play dumb Drew, you know what I'm talking about! You let West fuck you, and don't even try to deny it, I saw you leave with him at lunch, and you're little display before he left. If you wanted it to be a secret then you shouldn't have been practically fucking against your house," he spits at me, his words laced with venom and disgust.

"You don't know what you're talking about Tom, nothing happened between me and Kayden,"

"Bullshit! I saw you with him! You let him touch you! God knows what you let him do when you left at lunch, makes me sick just thinking about it," Tom's hands tighten around my face in a bruising grip, his anger starting to take control of his actions.

"Nothing happened!" I exclaim desperately, hoping to get some sense into him before he does something worse.

"There's no point in lying, whore, I saw you!" I sigh in relief as Tom's hand leaves my face, but my relief is short lived as I feel his hand snaking up my hoodie. I shiver in disgust as his clammy hand makes contact with the skin of my stomach.

"Tom, what are you doing?" I ask shakily, not wanting to move, not wanting him to take it as an invitation to move any further up.

"Well, now that you're whoring yourself around, I thought I would have a taste before everyone else does," I can feel the tears beginning to form behind my eyes at his words, knowing how bad the situation is right now. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest, and my breathing is shallow, my lungs desperately trying to get some air, but my body is too panicked to listen.

"Tom, please," the tears slowly start to fall down my face as his eyes travel down my body, his hands tracing my hip with a bruising grip. I whimper at the contact, trying desperately to get away from his roaming hands, but he pushes his body harder against mine, making me whimper in fear.

"Oh you're begging me now are you?" he smirks down at me as his hand travels down my thigh, gripping it hard, making me yelp out loud. I sob as I feel helpless in his arms, not being able to do anything, and I silently wish that Kayden never left me, that he came in with me and then maybe this wouldn't be happening right now.

"You should see how pathetic you look right now Drew. I thought you were a tough fighter, but here you are, crying as you let me take advantage of you," he laughs loudly as if my tears are an hilarious joke to him. My sobs turn into helpless screams as I feel his fingers fumbling with the button on my jeans.

"No! No, Tom, stop please! Please stop, you don't want to do this, Tom please!" I beg him, desperately thrashing against the wall, trying to get out of his unwelcome grasp, but with one swift movement, Tom is slamming my entire body harder against the wall, banging my head, making me lose my vision.

"If you let West have you then you're going to let me have you," He growls into my ear threateningly, but I can't move, the blow to my head is clouding my vision and stopping me from moving.

I can feel my jeans being tugged down, but it feels like a distant dream, my head swimming as the chill reaches my thighs. I groan as my head aches, but the sound of a car engine rumbling causes a piercing pain to shoot through my head.

"Tom! What are you doing?" I hear a distant voice shout, but I can't focus on it, my vision blurry and my ears ringing with an incessant high pitched sound.

"Nothing Erin, we were just talking," I hear Tom mutter as he moves away from me abruptly, causing me to fall to the floor. I yelp at the sudden contact with the stone pathing against my knees. I hold my head in my hands, trying to grasp control of my vision, and slowly, it begins to clear, and I can see Erin and Seth running up to Tom and I, Erin gasping at my half dressed form on the floor. Suddenly I am very aware of Seth's eyes on me, and the chill that hits my thighs brings my senses back.

"Drew, are you okay?" Erin asks as she kneels down next to me, but all I can do is sob as I hurriedly try to pull my jeans back up my legs. Erin looks up at her brother, shock and disgust clear on her face.

"She asked for it, was practically begging me to, Erin," I sob harder at his words, knowing that Erin will take his side because, after all, he is her brother.

"Bullshit! Look at her! Her head is bleeding! What were you going to do? Rape her on her own doorstep?" Erin snarls.

"Don't be stupid Erin, we were just having some fun!" Tom tries to defend himself, but Erin shakes her head, clearly getting angrier with every word that comes out of his mouth.

"Seth, call Kayden," Erin commands. Seth quickly pulls his phone out of his pocket, dialling a number which I presume is Kayden's.

Tom's eyes widen and he begins to back up, but Seth quickly grabs him by the collar of his jacket and pushes him against the outside wall of my house.

"You're not going anywhere you fucking bastard," Seth's voice holds so much venom that I'm surprised Tom doesn't melt on the spot, but I can see him physically shaking under Seth's hold. Seth turns his head suddenly and says something into the phone that I can't hear. By the looks of it the other person on the end of the phone hangs up, as Seth turns to look at us and nods his head at Erin.

"Come on Drew, let's get you up," Erin's voice is soft as she stands up, holding her hand out to me and helping me up. I quickly pull my jeans up a little further, as I wasn't able to whilst I was sat on the floor, and clumsily do the button up, fumbling a couple of times, my hands shaky and unsteady.

"Erin, you know he's going to kill me when he gets here," Tom's voice is shaky and scared, and I can't help but hope that Kayden does do something nasty to him, hoping that he never comes near me again.

"And you don't think you deserve that? I am appalled to call you my brother, you are nothing but a sick coward," Erin spits at him and she holds onto me tightly, her hand around my shoulders, keeping me close to her, which I am thankful for because otherwise I am sure that I would have crumbled onto the floor in a sobbing mess.

The sudden roar of an engine fills the air, and I know that it is Kayden, and I feel my whole body sag with relief knowing that I am now safe. Should I feel this safe with a boy I barley know?