Chapter Ten

His lips meet mine in a bruising kiss, full of need and yearning, desperation and hunger. His hand winds behind my head and into my hair, tugging it a little so that my head tilts back, allowing him to deepen the kiss.

You know in those soppy films when the two main characters finally kiss, and there are CGI fireworks behind them, intense music floating in the background and the couple are kissing on a podium rising in the sky? That is how this feels right now. All intense emotions and in-the-moment touches.

I slowly snake my hands up his shoulders, into his hair, pulling him closer to me, making him groan and smile against my lips. This is the first time I have ever kissed someone, and yet, it feels so right. I don't feel awkward or weird, it feels natural to kiss Kayden.

Kayden's hand around my waist tugs so that we are closer together, so that I am flush against him. I gasp at the sudden movement, giving Kayden the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue. Our tongues fight for dominance as the kiss deepens, but I ultimately lose, quickly submitting to him. Kayden pulls away from the kiss slightly, but he doesn't let go of me. He places his forehead against mine, his breathing harsh, matching mine. My heart is beating rapidly, trying to escape my chest as my lungs drag in deep breaths.

"You don't know how bad I have wanted to kiss you," his voice is hoarse and breathy, his breathing just as ragged as mine. I smile shyly at his words, my cheeks flushed and heated at both his words and the kiss. I can't believe I just kissed bad boy criminal, Kayden West!

"You are mine now, Drew, you understand that don't you?" I nod silently. I can't pluck up the courage to talk yet, knowing that I will stutter if I try. I'm his. What does that mean though? Does it mean that he's now my boyfriend? I can't imagine Kayden with a girlfriend. So what am I then? His possession? His property?

"Why are you frowning? What are you thinking about?" Kayden pulls away from my forehead so that he can look at my face properly, his eyes searching mine for an answer, but I can't keep his gaze. I look down to the floor, staring at our feet. Does he just want me for sex like he does all the other girls? Have they had to endure his father's wrath as well? What if his father has killed all of the other girls that he has brought home? The thought makes my heart beat in my ears, my throat go dry and my body to shake.

"Drew, tell me what's wrong," his voice is strong, commanding and full of authority. He's not asking me, his is demanding that I tell him.

"What happened to the other girls that you have been with?" I whisper quietly, but I know he heard me. His body goes tense and he shuffles from foot to foot.

"Drew, that's different," his voice is tight, as if he is trying to hide something. I look up at him and his jaw is tense, his eyes are bright and burning and his mouth set in a hard line. He's angry.

"How is it different? Did your father kill them?" he lets go of me, taking a step back and running his hands through his hair, his eyes hard, and I realise that he has never had to have this conversation with anyone before.

"The other girls were just sex, Drew, that's it. I was barely with the same girl twice and my dad never found out about any of them because I would never be public with them," he shakes his head, sitting down on the edge of the bed again, still running his hands through his hair, making it flop over his forehead messily, but, of course, it suits him, in a messy, unhinged kind of way.

"So what makes me any different to them?" my voice shakes as I ask the question. Will I be just another conquest? Does he really think that I would just give it up to him as easily as the other girls?

"I don't know, you're just...different," he frowns down at the carpet, a look of confused exasperation dominating his face, "like I said, I've never felt this way about someone before, this deep, pending urge to keep you safe, to be by your side. Its just as new to me as it is you,"

"So, does this make you my boyfriend now?" I ask him shyly, looking at him from underneath my lashes, a blush quickly seeping into my cheeks. Kayden chuckles lowly, his body relaxing as he thinks about my question. He stands up slowly, walking up to me, grabbing my face and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear; continuously staring into my eyes with a heated look that makes my body flush.

"Do you want me to be your boyfriend, Drew?" his voice is soft and deep, his eyes sparking with an un-said joke and his lips are twitching up into a knowing smirk. Do I want this handsomely dangerous boy to be my boyfriend? Do I want to be his girlfriend? I mean, it's a dangerous title to take. People will want to hurt me, maybe even kill me. However, he makes me feel safe, safer than I have felt in a long time. I nod my head slowly, looking into his eyes as they spark up with excitement.

"Say it, please," his words are rushed, his body buzzing with an excitement that I can feel all the way into my bones, making me just as excited as him.

"I want you to be my boyfriend, Kayden," his smiles makes me speechless. An unwilling gasp leaves my mouth at how happy he looks in this very moment.

He pulls me to him again, out lips meeting in a desperate attempt to get closer to each other. I can feel Kayden's happiness and excitement race through his lips onto mine, causing my every nerve to stand in attention. I never thought I could feel this happy with a boy who would usually instil so much fear in me. It's as if he is a completely different person all together.

Kayden lifts his hands to my face, holding me too him as he deepens the kiss. I move myself closer to him, pushing my hands into his hair, holding him with just as much emotion as he is doing to me. I can't help but sigh against his lips, my body going to jelly in his arms as I finally feel a connection to someone, something that I never thought I would ever be able to feel.

"Kayden," a sudden voice breaks us out of our moment, making me jump and Kayden to pull me closer to him, he's body going tense at the sudden intrusion. We look over to the door to my bedroom to see Seth and Erin standing at the door. Seth has a disapproving look on his face aimed at Kayden, and Erin is looking at me with a knowing smirk, but her eyes are sad, not as bright and happy as her face is suggesting.

"What are you doing here?" Kayden's voice is stern and loud, making my head ache a little. I wince a little. I should really take a look at it, see what the damage is.

"Erin has a key, she wanted to check on Drew. We thought you would have left by now considering it is two in the afternoon," Seth says, a warning tone in his voice. Surely it can't be that late. I look over to the alarm clock on my bed side table, which reads 2:02pm. I have never slept in so late before! But then, I suppose, we were awake at three this morning, and I did take a nasty bang to my head.

"I didn't realise it was so late," Kayden's voice is still strained. I look up at him, and see that he is holding the same warning look on his face that Seth is, the two of them daring the other to say something,

"Drew, why don't you go downstairs with Erin for a second while I talk to Seth," I narrow my eyes at Kayden, but he doesn't take his eyes off of Seth's, that warning look still in his eyes.

"Come on, Drew," Erin urges, holding her hand out for me. I look back up at Kayden, his eyes now focused on mine. I look down shyly at the heated look in his eyes, promises of later in his expression. I quickly shuffle away from Kayden, following Erin out of the room, the blush still tinting my cheeks crimson.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened last night," Erin's voice is tense as we make our way down to the kitchen. I lift myself onto one of the bar stools placed around the island, looking down at my hands as the blush on my cheeks darken.

"Did you sleep with Kayden yesterday, before Tom..." her voice fades off as she sits opposite me, looking at me with sad eyes as she mentions her brother.

"What? No! Erin you know I would never do that," she looks down at her hands.

"We saw you and Kayden leaving together yesterday and then when Tom said that you know, it just kind of seemed like an odd coincidence,"

"Erin," I look at her shocked, my head ringing with the idea that my best and only friend would think that about me.

"Yes, Kayden and I left the school yesterday, but it wasn't to do that! He took me to the club to fight," Erin looks up at me with a gasp, her eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar.

"You fought against Kayden," I nod at her, a small smile coming onto my face as I remember how quickly I was able to knock him down.

"I'm guessing by that look, you won," Erin smiles at me knowingly and I beam at her, proudly, "he's lucky, I've been begging you to show me how good you're fighting is for years," she looks down at the table again, he eyes sad.

"Well, maybe I can beat Kayden's ass again and you can see then," Erin giggles at my comment, and I sigh a little, noticing the sadness has left her eyes.

"So, are you guys together now?" I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks at her question.

"I think so," my reply is quiet, but I can't stop the smile from splitting my face in two.

"Are you blushing?" I grab my cheeks, trying to shield them from Erin's grabbing hands.

"You seemed quite happy before me and Seth interrupted," Erin smirks at me, her eyes alight with humour and happiness. It's so good to see her happy. I haven't seen her happiness directed at me for awhile now; I was beginning to miss it.

"Oh Erin, I have never felt so safe and at peace before," I sigh, closing my eyes as I think back to being in the room with Kayden, being in his arms, and it makes my whole body heat up, my heart beat faster and palms sweat. What is happening to me?

"I never thought I would see the day that, Drewanna Sanders would fall for a guy, let alone the bad boy hunk that is Kayden West," Erin sighs in a dreamy manner and then giggles as she looks back at me. I'm sure my face is mirroring one of horror.

There's no way that I have fallen for Kayden, I barely know him!

"What are you girls laughing about?" I jump, not realising that Kayden and Seth had made their way downstairs. They sure are quiet when they want to be. 'They probably have to be to sneak into people's houses and murder them,' my subconscious sneers at me.

"Oh nothing, just girl things," Erin winks at me, making my cheeks flame. I flinch as two strong hands clamp around my shoulders, warm inviting hands. I relax into them, leaning back into a warm chest.

"Drew, I have to go for a little bit, okay?" I tilt my head back so I see Kayden, although he is upside down.

"Okay," I whisper quietly, staring at his smiling face as he looks down at me, but I can see the worry in his eyes.

"I'll be okay," I try to reassure him, but it just causes him to frown, a deep confused look crossing his face.

"I'm going to have Callum camped outside, I've put my number in your phone, if anything happens you call me," his voice is stern and I just nod in return, still staring at his upside down face. He leans down with a small smile on his face, and plants a soft kiss on my forehead, making me blush and lean my head back straight, staring down at my hands.

"I shouldn't be long," I hear him say something to Seth as they walk out of the house, but I can't make out what he said. I look after them, wishing that he didn't have to go; worrying that it could be something that will get him hurt.