Chapter 11


The security stopped me in my tracks when I was about to enter the doors of the fansigning venue since Jayson and the girls went ahead of me.

"Sorry sir, unauthorized person not allowed." The dumbo looked at me.

"Move out the way, fat butt. I was hired by Mr. Park to protect TWICE."

"Do you have any proof?"

I took out my badge and showed it to him and I saw his eyes widening.

"Y-You're Reiki Tachibana? The City Hunter from Japan?"

"Do I have to slap you with this to answer that question of yours?" I looked at him with no emotions as I wave my badge a bit.

"S-Sorry sir. We didn't know. Go ahead." He said as he moved out the way.

"Tch." I kept walking till I arrive in front of the girls' waiting room.

"Well you look pissed." Shinwoo said as soon as I walked in.

"Yeah. Security guards pissed me off." All I said and sat down on the couch.

"Let me guess, they didn't know you were THE City Hunter from Japan assigned to protect us." Shinwoo said emphasizing the word 'the'.


"Haha. I knew it."

The girls were busy with stuffs inside the room but there is one person missing.

"Where's pengui--- I mean Mika?" Aish. I'm getting the girls' habit of calling the other members by their nicknames.

"Mika said she'll get some fresh air. She went out a while before you came in." Kyungwon said as she lift her gaze from her phone to me.


Some of the girls doesn't understand Japanese well so I turned my attention to Yona and Erina.

"Hey Yona, Eri, is Mika mad at me?"

Yona: I have no idea if she is or not. But back in the car she kept murmuring that she hates you.

Erina: Yep. Even heard her curse using our own language. To be honest, I don't even know if she was whining like a kid or being mad at you. Hahaha!

"Aish. That idiot. Where is she?"

Both: Rooftop.

"Arigatou." I stood up and walked out the room right away and headed straight for the rooftop.

I opened the door slowly and was about to call out her name when I heard her talking.

"Stupid Reiki. Why does he have to flirt with everyone at TWICE?! He was supposed to be a cold hearted jerk! MY cold hearted jerk. Sheesh! Stop daydreaming, Myoui. He likes Seyeon unnie and obviously Seyeon unnie likes him too so you're nothing but a freaking 3rd wheel! Maybe I should just leave the group instead." The heck is this penguin talking about?

"Aish. Hey penguin, you know it's not nice talking to yourself, you know. If someone else heard you, they'll think you're crazy." I was standing behind her and I saw her shoulders got stiff when I spoke up.


I decided to go out for a bit so I stood up and told my unnies and the maknaes that I'm gonna get some fresh air so they just all nodded.

As soon as I reached the rooftop, I immediately went to the edge railings and looked at the view, feeling the breeze hit my face and hitting my hair back.

I don't know why do I even feel jealous everytime I see Reiki being close to the others. Yeah, I admit that I like him but I don't know if this is just a simple like.

Maybe I'm... 'No, Mika.. you're not falling in love with him! Do not fall inlove with him. You don't wanna ruin your career, do you? But... what if I am?' That's the thought running on my mind right now.

My fans would hate me if I ended up dating him. The same thing goes for everyone else in the group. ONCES would hate us.

"Stupid Reiki. Why does he have to flirt with everyone at TWICE?! He was supposed to be a cold hearted jerk! MY cold hearted jerk. Sheesh! Stop daydreaming, Myoui. He like Seyeon unnie and obviously Seyeon unnie likes him too so you're nothing but a freaking 3rd wheel! Maybe I should just leave the group instead." I'm probably getting crazy already that I'm talking to no one else but just myself.

"Aish. Hey penguin, you know it's not nice talking to yourself, you know. If someone else heard you, they'll think you're crazy." My shoulders got still as hell when I heard his voice. Shit. Don't tell me he's been listening to me the whole time. I thought to myself.

I composed myself before speaking up.

"How long have you been there?"

"Just got here and I heard you talking to yourself." Damn it.

"How much have you heard?"

"Just about the 'leaving the group' part. And why the hell would you leave TWICE?"

I was left quiet with his question.

"I-it's nothing." I turned to face him and walked past him, heading for the door when suddenly...

I felt him pulling my arm towards him. The next thing I knew is he's holding me close. His arms wrapped around me with my head on his chest.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I'm here to listen if you have any problems, Mika. You can always vent on me." He said out of nowhere full of concern and worry.

I felt my cheeks heating up but I closed my eyes for a bit to cover it up.

"Uh... thanks.." I simply said and moved away from him and continued heading for the door.

I know he's following me from behind cause he's been greeting everyone we meet along the way back to waiting room. Aside from that, no one dares to speak up between us.

I looked over my shoulder and I can see him looking down. My conscience hit me right up but I shrugged it away and kept walking till we reach the room.

"Wow. Reiki took quite some time looking fo--- what's wrong Reiki?" Shinwoo unnie's question made me turn to him. He immediately plopped on the couch and buried himself on the pillows.

"It's nothing Shinwoo."

I was about to walk over to him when Jayson-ssi walked inside.

"Girls you're up in 3 minutes. Do your last retouches." Jayson-ssi smiled and walked out again. He's the one doing all perimeter checking around the building.

"Alright, girls, you heard him. Hurry up." Shinwoo unnie said as she do her last minute fix.

"Arraseooooo.." the rest answered in unison except for me.

Reiki sat back up and saw me staring at him and quickly looked away from me.

What a kid, Tachibana. I thought to myself.