Chapter 12


The fansigning is almost over. The girls from Twice stood up asking the staff to move the table and chairs off the stage which the staff did right away.

Everyone started saying their thanks individually and was asked by their fans to perform one of their songs. The girls smiled widely and agreed to the fans' request.

Everyone started to get into their position and their song 'Signal' started playing.

Halfway of the song, I kept my eyes roaming around the huge room to see if someone is acting unusual. No one is but I still told Jayson to keep a close look and stay at the door.

The song ended and the fans were clapping and cheering for them which brought smiles to their faces.

They bid their fans goodbye and started walking off the stage carefully since they're all holding a lot of stuffs from the fans. Huge plushies, human size to be honest. Some of the staffs were helping Twice carry their stuffs towards the changing room.

"Make sure everyone is out of the room before following us." I told the guards and they all nodded so I signaled Jay to come with me.

"Anyone suspicious?"

"Nope. But you know... something is not right. I've been getting this weird feeling that someone is actually watching our every move."

So Jay felt it too.

"Same here. It's odd. Like that person is just really nearby. Waiting for the chance to strike."

Jay just nodded in agreement.

"Go ahead. I'll just get some water. Tell the girls I'll be there in 5 minutes." I told Jay.

"Arraseo." Jay walked off ahead of me while I headed straight for the vending machine.

I'm completely lost in thoughts about today I didn't even notice my drink already fell down towards the slot.

As soon as I got my water, I started walking back towards the girls' changing room when I overheard someone talking through the phone. I quickly hid behind the wall near him and listened to the conversation.

"Yeah... no, no one noticed. Not even that stupid City Hunter and his dog. .... m-hmm. ... it'll go off just in time for them to reach their cars. .... yeah.. got it. .... just make sure the money is deposited in my account today. .... okay, bye."

So this is the odd feeling Jay and I have been getting since this morning. I peeked to look who it was and damn it was actually from one of the staff members.

I smirked to myself and continued walking to the girls' room.

I finally found you. The rat inside.

I walked in confidently inside the girls' room and they all noticed my smirk but Jay is the only one who gets the reason behind this smirk of mine.

"You girls ready to go back?"

"Yep, we're good to go. But Mimi needs help with her stuffs." Yona said.

I walked over to her and about to carry some of her stuffs when she slapped my hand away.

"I'm good. I'll carry these myself."

"Yeah, right. Let me carry them." I protested.

"I said I'm fine!" The girls were shocked with Mika''s yell including me. This is the first time she yelled that loud.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Mika?! You've been acting like this since this morning!"

"Figure it out yourself, City Hunter!" Mika picked up all her stuff and walked past me, dropping some of them in which I picked up and followed behind her.

What the fuck is up with this girl? Geez!

Everyone felt the awkward aura surrounding us so they decided to stay quiet while we walk off towards the cars when I remembered the conversation I heard earlier.

"WAIT DON'T!! MIKA STAY AWAY FROM THE CARS!!" I dropped all her stuffs I was carrying and grabbed her towards me just in time the explosion went off. The explosion was strong that it blew me and Mina far backwards. To protect Mika from the sharpnels flying, I used my body to shield her from the explosion.

"Reiki! Mika!" The rest sprinted towards us.

"We're alright!" I sat up with Mika still locked inside my arms.

"What the hell was that?!" Jay asked.

"Someone planted bombs on both cars. And it's from one of the staffs."

"Oh my God, Reiki!" Shinwoo yelled.


"There's a metal buried on your shoulder, Reiki." Minji pointed towards me while trying ber best to stop herself from shaking.

I looked over and saw a short metal on my shoulder which I immediately pulled out. Blood gushing out.

I felt Mika burying her face in my chest while shaking. She's terrified as hell.

"Damn it. We have no choice but to steal a large car." Jayson looked around while talking and his sight landed on a limo just near us. "Found one!" Jay immediately went to the car picking its lock and opened the doors. "Everyone get in before the enemy gets here!"

I looked at the girls and nodded at them telling them to follow Jayson and they all did.

"Mika let's go." I picked her up bridal style and ran towards the Limo and put her inside. I spotted the enemies rushing towards our direction with big guns so I looked at Jayson. "Go get the girls to the house! Now!"

"But Reiki, you're injured! In the state you're in, you'll die! Get inside!" Mika yelled trying to pull me inside with her.

"I'll be fine. Now Jayson, go!! Make sure no one is following you!"

"But Reiki---" I cut Jayson off.

"JUST GO!!" I yelled and he had no choice but to listen. Starting the car right away.

"Reiki, No!!" The girls protested but I just smiled at them.

Shot were fired towards us so I immediately shut the door close and watched Jayson drove off to safety with the girls.

Still holding on to the metal that I pulled out from my bleeding shoulder a while ago, I immediately threw it towards the enemy's direction hitting one of his companions in the head.

Woah. How did I do that?

The rest were stunned when they saw what I did and still continued to attack.

I smirked to myself as I locked my gaze unto them.

"Let's dance, bitches." I said as I charged towards them.