Chapter 13


"Mika-yah, calm down.. H-he'll be fine.." Seyeon unnie kept trying to calm me down.

Everyone is actually in a panic state at the house right now. Especially me.

"Jayson, if Reiki dies out there, we'll never forgive you!" Minji yelled, tears forming in her eyes.

"What was I supposed to do?! He told me to take you girls to safety and I just did what he asked!"

"You shouldn't have listened to him! You saw his situation right now. He's injured and God knows if he can take all those guys down by himself!" My voice is shaking but I'm trying to hide it but without success.

"Reiki is much more tougher than that. He will never let those idiots beat him."

Kyungwon unnie is trying to calm Seyeon unnie, Shinwok unnie did the same to Yona and Erina and Damhee towards the two other maknaes.

"I swear to God, Jayson. If something happens to Reiki, I will never---"

"You won't what?" We all heard a voice from behind. The voice that we've been waiting to hear. That I wanna hear.

"REIKI!" I ran towards him as soon as I turned around and hugged him tight. "You idiot!! Quite worrying us like that!!"

"Ow ow ow.. hehe. Sorry if I took too long." I felt his arms wrapping around me making me hug him tighter.

"M-Mika... injured person here.." I loosen the hug a little bit and couldn't stop the tears I've been holding back and cried on his chest.

"Sorry for making you girls wo--- OW!"

Reiki and I got tackle hugged by the rest of the girls not minding if I'm still hugging him.


Everyone was giving him light punches on his head, arm and chest.

"Ow ow ow! Geez can't you girls see I'm already injured? Are you all trying to kill me? Geezsus Christ!"

Everyone's frowns turned into smiles and got off from us.

"Pabo. Don't do that again." -Yona

"Arraseo. Mianhe." He slowly pushed us up so I'm still hugging him while sitting on the floor.

"You're quite a hugger today." I heard him chuckle weakly making me look at him.

"Cause I was worried as hell about you!" I pouted at him and punched his arm slightly hurting my fist in the process. His arm felt like metal. Geez.

"Gomene, penguin." He poked my forehead and stood up with me but he immediately fell on his knees.

"I gotcha buddy." Jayson caught him just in time.

"Thanks, Jay."

"Let's get these wounds treated. Jayson put him on the couch." Shinwoo unnie ordered him and he followed right away.

Once Reiki is on the couch, Shinwoo unnie headed straight to the shelves pulling out the first aid kit from the kitchen and walked back to us.

"So.... anyone knows first aiding?" Shinwoo unnie looked at everyone.

Akwards silence filled the area.

"Aniyo." Everyone said in unison and Seyeonnie just released a huge sigh.

"Being the eldest sucks sometimes. Give me that." Seyeonnie walked over to Shinwoo and took the kit from her and walked towards Reiki.

"Shirt off." Seyeonnie told Reiki which he followed right away. And damn the gods.

His body is perfect as hell. Those biceps, his perfectly tanned skin and....

T-those abs..

My eyes landed on a mockingjay tattoo on his right chest and I just noticed a small logo tattooed on his nape. Seeing that tattoo made me smile.

Everyone's jaw dropped and were blushing when they saw Reiki's god like body. Including me.

He probably noticed us staring at his body. "What?" He blinked twice.

Everyone turned their heads away from his body so he just shrugged.

"I.... uhm... gonna go get you a clean shirt.." I stood up and headed towards the room to get him a new shirt and walked back right after.

"There. All done. Now rest before I smack your head with this kit." Seyeonnie ordered him so he just nodded and smiled a bit.

"Here, pabo." I handed him the shirt and sat beside him.

"Thanks, penguin." He gladly took it and wore it slowly. I just smiled while watching him.

Reiki slowly leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling while everyone walked off to their rooms, finally being able to breathe fine knowing that Reiki is safe.

"Jay, can you hack into the parking lot's cctv?" Reiki asked Jayson without looking at him.

"Sure. I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, sit back and rest."

"Thanks bud." He released a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

I don't know what came over me but I moved closer to him and rests my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. I felt him wrap his arm around me and gently patted my hair causing me to smile and cuddle closer to him.


I woke up feeling a warm breathing on my neck and something warm above me. I saw my Mika sleeping peacefully on my chest.

So, uhm.... yeah. Mika is sleeping peacefully on my chest and I couldn't bare myself to wake her up so I just let her sleep in that position and I just couldn't help myself look at her face. To stare at her beauty.

All of them are beautiful but Mika's beauty is unique. I brushed some of her hair behind her ear exposing her beauty even more. I just really couldn't help it but smile and kiss her cheek gently. Making sure she wouldn't be awakened by the kiss.

I don't know if what I'm feeling for her is true but all I know is I wanna protect them all. Especially this sleeping penguin beside me. All I know is I'm ready to lay my life down for them all just to fulfill my mission. Yeah, I know it's a bit exaggerated but whatever.

I felt her penguin arms wrapping a bit tighter than earlier so I just let her be. I can still see the tear stains on her cheek.

Sorry for making you cry, penguin. It'll never happen again. I promise.

I closed my eyes feeling her warmth. Slowly dozing off back to sleep.