Chapter 14

"Don't worry, Reiki. This won't hurt." It's the same woman again. The same woman in a lab coat.

I found myself in an operating room. No. More like an experimental laboratory.

I saw myself on a bed. Arms and feet tied up on the edges. Like, what the hell is going on?

I watched myself being injected with a serum. I walked closer over to the table and took a peek on the serum name.

"BLDLST serum 13? What's BLDLST serum 13?" I asked myself while looking at the me who's on the bed. Slowly losing consciousness.

The lady beside the unconscious me looked at the machine near the bed I'm in.

"Vital signs?" She asked.

"Vital signs are increasing accurately.." her assistant answered.

"That's a good start." The lady turned to look at me. "He'll be the one to stop this madness once and for all someday. He will be the one to put an end in all these." She tapped my forehead and smiled. I couldn't see their faces but I saw that smile. Somehow I can feel warmth on that smile.


I slowly opened my eyes and roamed it around. It's been weeks since I've had that dream again. I kept roaming my eyes around till I saw a beautiful figure above me making me smile to myself. I'm laying on Mika's lap. I felt her hand playing with my hair. I gently took that hand of hers and kissed the palm making her look down at me in surprise.

"H-hey. Y-you're uhm... you're awake.." she quickly looked away. Hahaha! This penguin is just too cute.

"Yeah." I slowly got up still not letting go of her hand. "Are you alright?"

"Of course. Why won't I be? And besides I should be the one asking you that, City Hunter. You're injured."

"I didn't mean it that kind of question, pabo. I mean the way you were acting towards me since this morning." I looked at her closely.

"O-oh that.. it's uhm... nothing. Just having mood swings. Sorry." She quickly looked away. I know she's lying. She's such a terrible liar.

"If you say so."

"Reiki, you're awake. Are you feeling alright now?" Seyeon asked as she walked out of the kitchen with a mug in her hand.

"Mhmm. Thanks for taking care of me." I smiled at her and saw her blushing. Weirdo bunny.

"Reiki hyung!!" Tiger Chaewon and Damhee ran towards me jump hugging me tight.

"Ow ow ow!! Alright, I get it! You're glad I'm fine but at this rate you're gonna make my injuries bleed again. Geez."

The two maknaes ignored what I said then Minji suddenly joined in the hug. Soon followed by Yona then Erina, which I might say, almost crushed me.

"What in the hell!!?? Girls come on!"

The 5 pabos just laughed and didn't get off I turned to the three elders and begged for help but...

"GROUP HUG!!" Seyeon and Kyungwon yelled in unison and joined in dragging Jinwoo with them.

"Yah!! Darre ka, tasukete!!" I yelled in Japanese and they all just kept laughing. I looked at Mika with a 'help-me' look but she just laughed and soon joined in.

"Jesus girls, at this rate you're gonna kill me!!"

Where the hell is Jayson when you need him! -_-

It stayed in that position for quite a while before they all got off of me slowly.

"Why the heck is everyone such a hugger today? Geez." I fixed my crumpled shirt up.

"Like you said, we're glad you're fine." Kyungwon said.

"Well that's a nice way of being glad." I gave them a straight look and they just chuckled.

"I'm hungry. I want Jokbal." Obviously we all know who that is.

"I can make some dinner." I volunteered.

"Yah but it will take some time!" Erina with her pouting face.

"Then go ahead and eat the frozen and raw jokbal from the fridge." I shrugged and leaned back on the couch instead of getting off and head to the kitchen.

"Neomuhae!!" Erina made a TT sign while pouting more.

The room was filled with laughter till Jayson came in bringing his laptop.

"Rei, I got the footages from earlier."

"Great let's check it." He nodded and sat down on a vacant seat connecting the laptop to the TV and showed us the footages.

He showed me all 6 footages:

1. from the moment we got off the car, a guy in a black hoodie went towards our cars and planted the bombs underneath it and walked off like nothing happened.

2. After planting the bombs, the guy took his disguise off and put it inside a car.

3. The part where I overheard him talking on the phone with me hiding behind the wall near him.

4. 6 suspicious guys following us quietly till we reached the cars.

'How come I didn't notice their presence?' I thought to myself.

5. The timing when the explosion went off.

6. It shows the part where I brought the girls to the limo that Jayson picked its lock until the part where the shooting happened.

"Something doesn't add up. Jayson show me footage 5." Jayson nodded and replayed the footage.

I still don't get it. I fixed my eyes on the footage.

"Wait! Start it from the beginning." Jayson did what I said. "There! Stop! And frame by frame." He did it so.

I looked closer.. "zoom in to that guy over there." I pointed to the guy that was seen in the footage hiding near a black sedan.

As Jayson did, I grabbed the laptop and started to enhance the image.

"The same guy. He's the guy I saw and overheard talking on the phone." I pointed footage 3 and 5.

"Wait wait wait. Footage 2 and 6.. the car you guys used and the car he dumped his disguise in... they're the same car." I turned to Jayson giving him a check-it-out look, he got it right away and stood up heading to the back.

"This guy.. he looks familiar. Aish! This guy looks familiar." I hacked into the SKPD, Incheon Branch police system for a face recognition.

After a few moments of waiting it showed 3 matches. One is an 85% match. And the other two are 95% match. I looked their names up and it all showed the same crimes they did. Attempt to suicide bombing, illegal drugs, murder incidents.

"We can lower down our suspects to these three." I printed the files about them and put it on a folder and carefully set it aside.

"Rei, I didn't find any hoodie but I found this." He showed me a handkerchief with a small embroidery.

"R x S?" I felt something clicked in the back of my mind but I shrugged it off.

I smelled the handkerchief and I can sniff a strong perfume from it.

"This smell is just too familiar to me but I don't remember who I smelled it from, nor when and where."

Ugh, I need to figure this out as soon as possible. For now, I just have to check out the profiles of these three suspects that's on the folder.