
Chapter 23


Entering the spirit hunting forest.

Lin Feng walked into the nearest tree to support himself as he releasing a big breath.

''My body is weaker than thought...'' Lin Feng muttered while releasing a sigh.

After using a healing potion and body tempering pill, Lin Feng's body strength has increased, and 15% of internal injuries recovered, which is good.

But If he uses his body strength more than he had been recover, he will feel severe pain in his body.

''These internal injuries basically limiting my body strength by making me experiencing a severe pain.''

''At least, I don't become disabled because of the backlashes,'' Lin Feng stated with a wry smile.

(Here we go!) Lin Feng thought as he gritted his teeth because of the pain rushing through his leg.

''Uh,'' He groaned while feels his leg trembling a little bit.

''I need to control my body efficiently...'' Lin Feng released a sigh of relief as the pain already disappears from his leg.

''...Master,'' Aria appeared from thin air while staring at Lin Feng with a worried look.

''Aria, don't worry...'' Lin Feng replied, ''It's just a little pain.''

''...'' Aria stared at her master.

''Do you want me to train you, Master?!'' Aria proposed.

''Eh?'' Lin Feng tilted his head.

''Okay...'' Lin Feng replied.

He is ingeniously planning to fight a spirit beast to temper his body and fighting capabilities. But because Aria wants to train him, maybe he could try it.

Aria nodded her head when she heard Lin Feng's response and suddenly launching a kick toward her master stomach.

''W-What!'' Lin Feng was shocked by Aria's incoming attack and instinctively taking sword birth to defend his stomach.


Lin Feng got launched by Aria kick and bumped into a tree.


''Why are you suddenly attacking me?'' Lin Feng asked as he can see that his hand is trembling.

''Evade...'' Aria responded while launching another kick toward Lin Feng.

''Evade?'' Lin Feng alerted as he rolled his body away from Aria's kick.


Aria's kick destroys the tree and leaving a big hole in the tree's body.

(Strong!) He thought with a solemn expression.

Lin Feng's breathing heavily while looking at his maid.

''Battle maid...'' He muttered as Aria staring at him menacingly.

''...Master,'' She said while staring at her master.

''Control your breathing and Evade...'' Aria instructed while appears in front of Lin Feng and kicked him again.

''My breathing?'' Lin Feng dazed as the kick almost touch his shoulder, but he hurriedly jumped back.

''Mm, your breathing!'' Aria nodded.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng is doing what Aria instructed as he tried to control his breath while evading Aria's attacks.

Looking at the incoming kick, Lin Feng then evades it by slightly moving his body to the side.

(Wait, breathing?) Lin Feng thought as he realizes something from the content of wind thunder sword art.

Lin Feng is suddenly changing his breathing pattern while taking oxygen into his lung, which increases the amount of oxygen in his blood.

''Evade...'' Aria once again said while lunching a kick toward Lin Feng.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng released a small breath while evading Aria's attack.

''...'' Aria dazed for a second because Lin Feng is already starting to grasp his own breathing.

''Success,'' Lin Feng smiled because he can feel his mind become clear and able to focus while his blood is boiling.

''I will increase my speed attack a little,'' Aria suddenly said, making Lin Feng speechless as he can see Aria's kick toward his stomach.

(It's totally on a different level, what do you mean by a little!) Lin Feng thought as he controls his breath and hardly evade Aria's kick.



Aria's kick landed on the ground and creating small cracks, which produced a small bead of cold sweat on Lin Feng's forehead.

''Hmm...'' Aria stared at the cracks and averted her gaze toward her master.

''Should we continue?'' She asked, ''Master?''

''Huu...'' Lin Feng breathing while looking at the cracks.

(I somehow able to control my breathing because of wind thunder sword art, but this only at the entrance level!) He thought while thinking about two techniques from wind thunder sword art.

''I also effectively reducing useless movement, and not triggering severe pain from my injuries.'' He muttered while grasping his fist.

Staring at his maid, Lin Feng then grinned, ''Bring it on!''

In the next few hours, we can see Lin Feng's eyes closed while lying on the ground as he is breathing quietly, and Aria silently staring at her master.

Lin Feng's clothes are already damp because of sweat and a few shallow cuts scattering around his body because of Aria's kick, which he failed to avoid.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng smiled, ''I can control my body without triggering any pain from my internal injuries.''

(But, she doesn't seem to be tired) Lin Feng thought while peeking at his maid, who doesn't even let out a single sweat.

''Thanks, Aria...'' He said while lifting his body from the ground.

''Mm,'' Aria nodded while approaching him and starts wiping sweat around his face, which brings out a wry smile on Lin Feng's face.

(I knew it, she intentionally don't attack my face, even though she can easily do it!) He thought as Aria has done wiping his sweat and letting out a satisfied nod.

Tapping his leg on the ground a few times, Lin Feng then sighed.

(Pains mean nothing as long I can become stronger!) He thought while walking with Aria into the deeper area of the spirit hunting forest.

''Hmm?'' Lin Feng's eyes directed at the specific place on the mini-map.

''There is a spirit beast, but it seems alone?'' He muttered while walking toward the blue dot.

''Grey, scan...''

[Name: none]

[Species: Spirit Beast/Rushing Boar]

[C. Age: 100 years old]

[Description: a wild boar with a very sharp tusk and nimble agility, be careful not to get attacked bt its tusk]

[Ability: Rushing tusk strike]

''One hundred years, Rushing Boar?'' Lin Feng stared at the spirit beast in front of him, a boar around two feet with brown fur and a pair of white tusks.

''This boar ability is rushing tusk strike and had a nimble agility?'' He muttered while looking at the Description of rushing boar and its ability.

(Perfect for testing my sword art?) He thought with a smile.

''Sword Birth...'' Lin Feng chanted as a familiar sword appears on his hand.

''Sigh, even though I can't use its ability,'' Lin Feng wryly smiled, ''I can still use it as a weapon.''

''Master...'' Aria spoke as a frown appears on her face.

''Don't worry,'' Lin Feng replied with a smile as he wants to test his own strength.

Lin Feng is walking toward the territory of the spirit beast.


The rushing boar caught his presence, which makes him vigilant around Lin Feng!

''Intimidation!'' Lin Feng muttered while his eyes are staring directly at the rushing boar's eyes.


The rushing boar is angrily staring at Lin Feng as the intimidation skill failed.


In a split second, the rushing suddenly swiping his leg onto the ground and launched his body forward while pointing his tusks at Lin Feng.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng calmly breathing.

(WindThunder Sword Art only had two technique) Lin Feng thought.

''But, in these two techniques, there is a unique breathing technique combined with a few forms of swordsmanship, which make it hard to master.''

''After learning it with the help of Grey and Aria,'' He muttered, ''I only able to learn the first form of each technique,''

''Let me try it on you!'' He added while holding his sword with two hands.


Inhaling a significant amount of oxygen into his lung, Lin Feng could feel his blood boiling!

''Wind Sword Art!'' Lin Feng smiled as he dashes forward and slashes in a horizontal cyclone pattern.

''First Form.''

''Dust Whirlwind Cutter!''