After training!

Chapter 24


(An: Um, 300k? Thanks!)

(There will be a time skip after this chapter!)


''First Form,''

''Dust Whirlwind Cutter''

Lin Feng is slashing out his sword, which created a mini-sized whirlwind.

Deflecting, the incoming attack of rushing boar.


Rushing boar taking a few steps back before got launched three-meter away by a mini-sized whirlwind.

''The first form of wind sword art is already this powerful.'' Lin Feng muttered while looking at the effect of his attack.


The rushing boar is furiously stomping his leg into the ground while staring at Lin Feng!

(It seems because of my injuries, the amount of strength that I can unleash is not enough to defeat this spirit beast) Lin Feng with a wry smile as he shakes his head.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng breathing while concentrating his focus on the rushing boar.


The rushing boar is swiping his leg on the ground a few times like a bull before running toward Lin Feng with an incredible speed.

(Even though changing the pattern of breathing technique is a little tricky, let's try thunder sword art) He thought.

''Thunder sword art,'' Lin Feng smiled as he is changing the pattern of his breathing.

''Master is changing his breathing pattern?'' Aria said while curiously observing Lin Feng without blinking.

Lin Feng is entering Iai stance as he placed his sword in his hip while bowing his body a little and channeling his body strength into his leg.

''First form...'' Lin Feng muttered while takes another high amount of oxygen into his lungs as he is releasing white steam from his mouth afterward.

''Thunderclap and flash!''

Lin Feng draws his sword, nimbly dashes forward, and decapitates the head of the rushing boar.

After the death of the rushing boar, a yellow spirit ring is hovering around its dead body.

''Lightning...'' Aria muttered with bright eyes.


[You have killed a rushing boar]

[You have received an epic summoning scroll piece]


''Huh?" Lin Feng tilted his head when he heard Grey's notification.


''God damn it,'' Lin Feng shouted while feels severe pain in his leg because channeling too much strength into his leg.

''Uugh,'' He groaned in pain while falling with his butt into the ground.

''Master!'' Aria is approaching Lin Feng with a fast speed.

''Aria...'' Lin Feng wryly smiled.

(Ah, I run out of stamina!) He thought while feeling exhausted.

''Well, I already evading Aria's attack for a few hours and fighting a spirit beast with wind thunder sword art.''

''I guess that's enough training for today,'' He muttered with a smile.

''Grey, explain.''


[Summoning scroll pieces are another form of summoning scroll, which, when obtained in enough numbers, you can perform a summoning]

[But, they have a low chance of drop as you can only get them if lucky or fighting something more powerful than you or your summons]

''Lucky...'' Lin Feng muttered with a bitter smile as he still remembers his sword of fortune.

''So, after I obtained one hundred pieces of this summoning scroll.''

''I will able to perform epic grade summoning, right?'' He excitedly asked with a little smile.

[Yes, Host]

''Even though the chance of drop is low, It's worth it to collect them, I guess...'' He muttered with a nod.

''...Master,'' Aria's voice comes into his ears as he comes out from his thought.

''Aria!'' Lin Feng everted his gaze while seeing something that makes him a little charmed.

(D-Did she just pouting?!) He thought with a surprise. Aria's pouting because Lin Feng is ignoring her for a moment as he is too busy communicating with Grey.

''Sorry...'' Lin Feng apologetically said with a low voice because he was tired.

''Mm...'' Aria nodded as she can feel that her master is tired.



Aria is suddenly picked Lin Feng up from the ground and putting him on her back.

''W-What are you doing!'' Lin Feng muttered while he can feel Aria's silky smooth hair!

''Master is tired...'' Aria answered, ''So, I will carry you in my back!''

''Uh, okay...'' Lin Feng muttered with a low voice as he was exhausted.

''Before that, take me to the rushing boar body.'' He said, which Aria responded with a nod.

Touching the corpse, Lin Feng then inserting the rushing boar's corpse into his inventory.

After that, Aria is carrying Lin Feng out from the spirit hunting forest, and in their path, Lin Feng is seeing familiar peoples, which a man and a kid with blue hair.


''Tang San and Grandmaster?'' He said with a little surprise to see them in the spirit hunting forest.

''No, Tang San is innate full spirit power, which means he already can absorb a spirit ring!''

(It seems Grandmaster knows the value of Tang San talent!) He thought with a nod.

''Their enemy is datura snake?'' Lin Feng said while looking at the spirit beast in front of Tang San and Grandmaster.

Even without Grey's help, he can recognize the spirit beast because he has a record of the spirit beast, which had a detailed introduction to him about the datura snake.

''Datura snake, from its ink green skin and length, it's should be around four hundred years old,'' Lin Feng frowned as datura snake had a potent venom and strength.

(Should I help them?) He thought as he sees Grandmaster got poisoned and fall to the ground.

''Hmm?'' Lin Feng got surprised by Tang San's sudden movement and hidden weapon, which swiftly killing the datura snake in just a few minutes.

''Well, whatever.''


After got carried by Aria for a few minutes, two of them then arrived at the gate and got stopped by the guards, which brings out a frown on Aria's face.

''Stop!'' The guard said while looking at Aria, which is very unfamiliar with him.

''What do you want?'' Aria's coldly said while staring at the guard, who stopped her.

''That kid!'' he said while pointing at Lin Feng at her back, ''Where did you meet him?''

''He's my master!'' Aria said, making the guard frowned as Aria's response is not the answer he expects and wants to hear.

''Hmph!'' He coldly snorted.

''Hand that kid to me!'' He said while tried to grab Lin Feng from Aria.

''Don't. Touch. Master!'' Aria coldly stated while imposing pressure coming out from her body, making the guards around her instantly kneeling with pale faces.

Aria then proceeds to walk away from the guard, leaving them shivering in fear.

''W-What kind of pressure is that!''

''I-I Don't know...''

''She is definitely a powerful soul master.''

Meanwhile, Lin Feng and Aria is already arrived outside of spirit hunting town, and with Kro's help, they can swiftly coming back to nuoding city.

Aria's carrying Lin Feng in her back as they finally arrived at the inn.

''Oh, you guys come back?'' Yun Xi said while looking at Lin Feng on Aria's back.

But she got ignored by Aria, who is walking toward the rented room and placing Lin Feng on the bed.

''You don't have to do that, you know...'' Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

''Master should sleep...'' Aria stated.

''Sigh, Thank you, Aria,'' Lin Feng replied with a smile as he falls asleep.
