I'm Doing My Best!

Chapter 31


''What did you say...''

''You want to kill my master...''

Aria's red eyes staring at Bi Ju like he was the biggest nemesis and trash in her life.

Lin Feng is the most precious person in Aria's life, and someone dares to threaten her by saying that he wants to kill her master!

(He said he want to kill my master!) Aria thought.

''He said he wants to kill my master...'' Aria muttered with a cold frown, which frightened Bi Ju!

''E-Everyone!'' Bi Ju shouted while fearfully staring at Aria!



All of them are frozen stiff for a second as a cold aura from Aria's body makes them shivering!

But, Bi Ju's voice makes them come out from their dazed condition as spirit rings floating around their body.

''You want to kill my master...'' Aria coldly whispered while appears in front of Bi Ju with a spear in her hand.

''W-What!'' Bi Ju can't react in time as Aria's voice come into his ears.

''Burst...'' Aria muttered while placing the tip of her spear on Bi Ju's stomach.



Bi Ju instantly got launched by Aria while a small hole appears on his stomach and intense pains creeping his body.

Aria's figure fades as she appears in front of Bi Ju, who is miserably descending into the ground.

She is coldly staring at him while striking out a powerful punch toward Bi Ju's body leg.




The bone-cracking sounds are echoing through the field with Bi Ju's blood-curdling screaming that seems to awaken their consciousness about the danger they faced right now!

Bi Ju is miserably falling to the ground as his broken leg swaying like jelly because Aria destroys his bone into small pieces!

''You want to kill my master...'' Aria tilted her head while her red eyes are staring at Bi Ju!

''You said that you want to kill my master...'' Aria coldly smiled, ''Right?''

Aria stomped her leg into Bi Ju's right arm as another bone-breaking sound echoing through the field.




''Is that hurt?'' Aria asked while raising her leg from Bi Ju's right arm!


''What about another one?'' Aria smiled while stomping her leg to Bi Ju's left arm.



Bi Ju is lying on the ground in a miserable condition, his stomach has a bloody hole, and his four limbs got disabled by Aria!

''A-Attack!'' Bi Ju weakly said while staring hatefully at Aria!

''Noisy...'' Aria muttered while scrapping her leg on Bi Ju's broken left hand!


''D-Do we attack her...''

''I don't know!''

''She's defeating leader in a split second!''

''But, don't worry!''

''It's because she caught Leader off guard!''

''So, she could attack him with a sneaky attack!''

''Hmm...'' Aria averted her gaze toward the remaining spirit master.

''Do all of you also want to kill my master...'' Aria said with a smile!


Aria disappeared as she dashed forward with an incredible speed toward the nearest spirit master.

''I will also treat you the same with that trash...'' Aria stated, hinting toward the disabled Bi Ju on the ground.

''A-Attack!'' the spirit master swung off his spear toward Aria, but she easily dodges it.

''Weak,'' Aria commented while stabbing her spear toward his chest!


the soul master that Aria just stabbed is falling to the ground as he has a shocked expression before he died.


''O-One attack!''

''She killed him with just one attack!''


[Aria have killed a spirit elder]

''I've created a disaster for them, huh.''

''Aria...'' Lin Feng muttered while looking at his battle maid on the field.

Lin Feng has a complicated expression when she sees Aria

brutally disabling a man and kill a man with a stab of her spear without any hesitation.

It's not like he never sees someone killing a person before as he already experienced it, of course as a killer and victim himself.

But, there is a bitter taste in his mouth as if he wasn't weak, he can easily take the yellow chine grass by himself.

(I'm feeling useless right now) Lin Feng thought with a wry smile on his face.

''I need to finish my quest...'' He muttered while clenching his fist and staring at the field again.

Aria's figure is dancing through the field as her spear swaying like a death reaper scythe to kill a spirit master, one by one!

''No, don't kill me!''

[Aria have killed a spirit elder]


[Aria have killed a spirit elder]

[Aria have killed a spirit elder]

[Aria have killed a spirit elder]

[Aria have killed a spirit elder]

[Aria have killed a spirit elder]

[Aria have killed a spirit elder]

[Aria has killed...]

''Twenty-one...'' Aria said while pulling her spear from the spirit master's chest.

''Weak!'' Aria stated while looking at the six remaining spirit masters, who have a realm of the spirit ancestor!

''We need to attack her at the same time!''

''Use your strongest spirit skill!''

All of them are staring at Aria with fear!

But after looking at the pile of dead bodies on the field, they decided to attack Aria with their might!

''Lycans Possession!'' one of the spirit ancestors shouted.

His body then starts releasing a dim light as a pair of sharp fang appears on his mouth, and claws appear on his hands!


''Weak,'' Aria commented while dashing toward the man and thrust her spear toward his chest!


''Burst!'' Aria calmly said as a powerful burst come from her spear tip and instantly killing the man.

[Aria have killed a spirit ancestor]

(Twenty-two) Aria thought while staring at the dead man.

''Next...'' She stated.

''Valpor Sword!''

''Tiger Roar!''

''Poison Breath!''


''Iron Fist!''

Five different kinds of attacks from the remaining spirit ancestors launched at Aria!


''Energy,'' Aria muttered as she is infusing her spear with her energy.


Aria is profoundly thrusting her spear while instantly releasing her energy and creating a powerful burst!


''Haha, She's dead!''

''There is no way she could defend that!''

''Even the white snake before couldn't defend our combination attack!''

''Oh, really!'' Aria comes out from the explosion!


All of them are dumbly staring at Aria as her cold voice come into their ears.



[Aria have killed a spirit ancestor]

[Aria have killed a spirit ancestor]

[Aria have killed a spirit ancestor]

[Aria have killed a spirit ancestor]

[Aria have killed a spirit ancestor]

''This isn't even a fight.''

''It's just a straight one side massacre,'' Lin Feng muttered while hearing grey's notification on his head.

Bi Ju's staring at Aria like she was a demon while tears are running from his eyes.

''You want to kill my master?'' Aria said while looking at Bi Ju with a smile.

''D-Demon...'' Bi Ju muttered while staring at Aria.

In his eyes, Aria's smile is a smile of a demon!


''Die!'' Aria tilted her head with a smile and then stabbed Bi Ju's head with her spear.

[Aria have killed a spirit ancestor]

[You have gained one rare summoning pieces(2/50)]

Lin Feng walked toward the field while Kro is following him.

''Aria...'' Lin Feng muttered.


Aria is hurriedly approaching Lin Feng with the yellow chine grass in her hand.


''I'm doing my best!'' She stated while bowing her body and giving Lin Feng the grass.

''Mm,'' Lin Feng nodded with a wry smile.

Staring at his maid, Lin Feng then sighed as he is hugging her.


''Goodjob!'' Lin Feng whispered into Aria's ears while hugging her.

(Master!!!) Aria thought with a little panicked because he is hugging her.

But, after hearing his soothing voice in her ears, a smile appears behind her veils.
