
Chapter 32


''Master...'' Aria muttered while closing her eyes.

She could feel the warmness from Lin Feng's body entering her body.

''Good job...'' Lin Feng whispered to her ears.

Aria opened her red eyes, which highly dilated with a surprise while a smile appears on her face.

''Mm...'' Aria responded as she is also hugging Lin Feng with her body.

Two of them keep hugging for a minute, but for Aria, it's like the world has frozen, and she wants to have this warmness for her entire life.

(Warm~) Aria thought while tightening her hug on Lin Feng.

''This feeling...''

''I want to keep it...''

(I want to be with my master for my entire life) Aria thought while closing her eyes again.



[Aria's bond has reached: 100%]


(Eh, Wait, What!) Lin Feng thought with astonishment because of the sudden notification from Grey!

''Aria...'' Lin Feng muttered with a shocked expression while looking at his maid!

Aria's body is suddenly releasing an intense light!

(Isn't this too sudden!) Lin Feng thought while looking at the shining Aria.

Aria is starting to float as the shine on her body becoming more intense.


''Bright...'' Lin Feng commented while covering his eyes with his hand.



The gentle breeze starts circling around the spirit hunting forest!

It's flowing toward the deep area of the forest, where Aria is floating.


''Wind...'' Lin Feng muttered while feeling a gentle breeze touching his body.

The breeze starts gathering around the shining Aria as a silhouette of a woman in white with slightly long ears like an elf, along with beautiful pale white-gold hair, and a pair of enchanting golden rose eyes appears on the air.

She had a resemblance to Aria, but with more refined looks and expression.

''Aria...'' Lin Feng said while staring at the silhouette.

The silhouette calmly staring at the blue skies and averted her gaze to Lin Feng with a warm yet gentle smile on her beautiful place.

She opened her mouth for a few seconds, but no voice comes out as Lin Feng is dumbly staring at her.

''Master...'' Lin Feng dumbly muttered as he can read the silhouette's lips movement.

The silhouette smiled when she heard Lin Feng's word while dispersing into a formless wind.

''W-Wait!'' Lin Feng shouted while trying to reach her hand, but she is already disappeared.

A faint ray of light falling from the skies!


It's maybe a little weird, but even though the ray of light seems so intense, there is no reaction as no one can see it except Lin Feng as it's just like an illusion!

Aria's body stops shining as her appearance has slightly changed.

She is wearing a white dress as her hair has become longer and reaches her hip.

Her face has become more beautiful with a pair of goldish-red eyes, slightly long ears like the woman silhouette, which caught Lin Feng's attention!

''Aria...'' Lin Feng smiled while looking at his maid.

''Master!'' Aria responded while running toward Lin Feng and tackling him to the ground.

[Awakening success]

[Congratulations on Awakening your summons!]


[1x Epic summoning scroll]

''Epic!'' Lin Feng muttered in surprise as Aria's bosom touching his face.

''Um, Aria?''

''Yes, Master!'' Aria smiled, which very different from her usual poker face.

(Somehow, Aria become more expressive and cheerful) Lin Feng thought with a wry smile on his face.

''How are you feeling now?'' He asked as he thinks this happens because of her Awakening.

''Mm, I'm happy!'' She answered with a smile.

''Is that so?''

''Mm,'' Aria nodded while suddenly she transforms back into her usual form.

Aria comes back to her usual form, which is black maid outfits with a familiar poker face.


''You're transforming back?''

Aria is staring at Lin Feng and after a few seconds!

''Mm,'' Aria nodded with a little dissatisfaction in her heart.

''It seems I can't stay in my spirit form for a long time,'' She stated while lifting her body from the ground as she is also helping Lin Feng.

''Oh!" Lin Feng understandably nodded because he can't use his silver wolf claw for a long time as its uses too much spirit energy.



''Mm,'' Aria nodded as a gentle breeze coming off from her body.

''I awaken wind spirit as my martial soul.''

''Wind Spirit...'' Lin Feng muttered.

''Do you awaken another thing aside from your martial soul?'' He curiously asked.

''I got a weapon and a skill!'' Aria responded while grasping the wind around her and forming a beautiful whitish-golden spear.

''This spear...'' Lin Feng muttered while feeling a compelling pressure coming off from Aria's new spear.

''Do this spear has a name?''

''Mm, this spear name is...'' Aria nodded, ''Zephyr!''

When Aria said the name of the spear, it suddenly glowing with a faint green light.

''Okay,'' Lin Feng nodded with a smile.

''What about your skill?''

''My skill name is Ariel!'' Aria replied.

''It makes me transforming into my spirit form while heavily increase my power based on my feeling and the wind element around me.''

''But, you can't stay in that form for a long time, right?'' Lin Feng asked as Aria already come back to her usual form in just a few minutes.

''Mm, I can stay in my spirit form for at least two minutes...''

''It also cost too much energy and body strength,'' Aria stated with a slight disappointment as she can't stay in her spirit form for a longer time!

''Hmm, Wind Spirit, Zephyr, and Ariel...'' Lin Feng muttered with a little bitterness as his summons has become more and more powerful than him.

Lin Feng is staring at his battle maid with a slight bitterness.

He's happy, of course, he is happy.

But, at the same time, there is a spark in his heart to become stronger!

(I need to surpass her strength!) Lin Feng thought while clenched his fist.

''My Quest...'' He muttered with a sharp glint on his eyes while staring at the yellow chine grass on his hand.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng released a heavy breath and calming his mind down.


''Goodjob!'' Lin Feng smiled while patting Aria's head.

(Master!) Aria thought while enjoying the warmness from her master hand.
