Heaven Dou City

Chapter 56


''She's your maid?'' Zhou Yin said with a dumbfounded expression.

''But, how...''

(There is no way he gets a maid from out of nowhere, right) Zhou Yin thought.

He's also pretty sure that Lin Feng isn't lying about living without his mother, which makes him confused.

Well, Lin Feng did get Aria from summoning, and he will not tell Zhou Yin about it.

''Hmm, Lin clan, huh...'' Lin Feng muttered while ignoring Zhou Yin's dumbfounded expression.

''Where is the location of this clan.'' He curiously asked.

''Ah, It's on the Star Luo Empire,'' Zhou Yin answered as he comes out from his thought.

''It located on the east of the star luo city.''

''Lin clan is actually a clan with a duke position, and have a few powerful spirit master.''

(Wait, What, Star Luo Empire?) Lin Feng thought while tilting his head.

Lin Feng is confused because the original Lin Feng grows in a small village on the heaven dou empire territory.

''Something is off...'' He muttered while thinking about something.

''Star luo city.''

''Duke position.''

(I need more clues) Lin Feng thought as he stared at Zhou Yin.


He sighed and then asked, ''Can you tell me more about my mother, family.''

''Hoho, I will gladly tell you about your mother's family'' Zhou Yin chuckled.

Zhou Yin then starts telling Lin Feng about his mother's family.

After a few minutes of explanation, Lin Feng then placed his tea while releasing a small breath.

''I don't find any useful information.'' Lin Feng murmured.

What he found is his mother's position in the family. She's the duke's illegitimate child.

Because of her talent, the duke is fond of her, and then she got engaged with another duke family, but she falls in love with an unknown man that appears out from nowhere.

Of course, the duke is disagreed with their relationship and decided to kill the unknown man, which backlashed because the man is a powerful soul master.

He is single-handedly overpowering the entire clan!

After getting married and his mother is pregnant with him, the man suddenly disappears, and no one knows about his location even until now.

(What kind of man is leaving after impregnating his wife!) Lin Feng thought with a weird expression.

''My father...'' Lin Feng muttered.

Zhou Yin is staring at Lin Feng with a wry smile and then said, ''You know.''

''I hate your father.''

''He's leaving your mother when she's pregnant and never come back.''

''But, I also jealous of him.'' He stated while staring at the window.

''He's a strong man with great luck that he can have your mother as his wife.''

''And, to be honest.''

''He's not worthy to be your mother's husband.'' He stated while everting his gaze to Lin Feng.

''Oh, Is that so...'' Lin Feng responded without any reaction.

''Haha, I'm expecting more reaction from you.'' Zhou Yin laughed.

''Well, I never know about my father,'' Lin Feng stated, ''So, I don't really care about him.''

''Hahaha, what a funny brat.'' Zhou Yin laughs even more while facepalming himself.

''Well, since I already promise something with your mother.''

''From now on, you will be in my care.''

''Huh, what do you mean by that?'' Lin Feng tilted his head.

''Ah, right.'' Zhou Yin said while once again facepalming.


''You're mother, and I made a promise, if something happens to her, I'll teach you about cultivation.'' He stated while staring at Lin Feng.

''Oh, what is your cultivation realm right now.'' Lin Feng suddenly asked, which caught Zhou Yin off guard.

''Haha...'' Zhou Yin laughed, ''I will show you how great is my strength.''

''Prepare yourself.'' He added.

Zhou Yin is calmly sitting on the chair while eight spirit rings floating around his body, and a figure of a green lion appears behind him.

''Soul Douluo with eight spirit rings.''

''Two yellows, two purples, and four blacks spirit rings.'' Lin Feng commented with a little surprise.

Zhou Yin spirit rings configuration is surprisingly on their optimal age.

(He's strong) Lin Feng praised with a little smile.

''But, his strength is not enough...'' He muttered.

''Um, So, you will be my teacher according to the promise you made with my mother, right.''

''Mm,'' Zhou Yin nodded, ''Yeah, you'll be my disciple according to our promise.''

(Ah, I really want to reject his offer) Lin Feng thought as he really doesn't a teacher at the moment.

But, he still needs information from him.

''Ah, Can I think about it for a few days.'' Lin Feng said with a smile.

''Eh, but I already showing my cultivation realm to you...'' Zhou Yin retorted while staring at him with a speechless expression.

''I have my reason...'' Lin Feng stated, ''So, I can't.''

''But, your mother...'' Zhou Yin muttered.

He is calmly looking at the uncomfortable expression on Lin Feng's face and then sighed.

''Fine...'' He said while staring at Aria.

(Maybe because of his maid, he wants to think about it, eh) Zhou Yin thought.

Aria is strong, and he can feel it, but he didn't know how strong she was.

''Well, I'll be back in a few days...'' Lin Feng said while standing up from the chair and walked toward the door.

Aria is calmly following her master as they finally left the room.

''Maid, huh...'' Zhou Yin thought while looking at Aria.

''There is a mist around her,''

''I can't find out how strong she was...''

(What a mysterious woman) He thought while sipping a tea.


Lin Feng and Aria walked out from the green breeze city and move into a small forest as he calls out Aurel again.

''Kuuu!'' Aurel appears in front of them.

''Haha...'' Lin Feng chuckled, ''I need your help, Aurel.''

''Kuu!'' Aurel nodded her head.

Three of them are flying above the cloud toward the heaven dou empire, and Lin Feng is overwhelmed.

He is surprised because he only sees the above cloud scene on the plane before, but of course, this is more superior.

(Aurel is protecting us, huh) Lin Feng thought with a smile.

He can see golden winds covering Aurel's body as the wind pressure will not them because she's flying at a fast speed.

After one hour of a fast ride, they then almost arrived at the heaven dou city and landed not far away from the city.

''Thank you, Aurel,'' Lin Feng praised his summons while patting her head.

''Kuuu!'' Aurel nodded.

He and Aria then walked toward the city and found that heaven dou city bigger than they thought.

''This is a little bit too big.'' Lin Feng muttered while looking at the mini-map.

Ah, yeah, they can enter the heaven dou city because of Lingxue's blue badge, which frightened the guard when they see it.

Lin Feng and Aria are walking around the city, and suddenly a carriage with a fast speed moving toward them.

The carriage almost hit them, and they can easily dodge it, but the carriage hit a tree as shouts come from it.



''Damn it!''

Two people, who seem to be noble, come out from the carriage with an angry expression.

Looking around the area, they then spotted Lin Feng and Aria on the street.


Lin Feng sighed, ''Ah shit, here we go again.''