Poison Douluo

Chapter 57


(An: I'm going to sleep, Bye!)


Lin Feng and Aria are stood on the street as the two noble is staring at them.

(An: introducing Noble 1 and Noble 2)

''You there!'' Noble 1 shouted while pointing his finger toward Lin Fen. "Do you know what you just did?!"


''Nah, Goodbye.'' Lin Feng said as he and Aria walked away.

Feeling that they got ignored by Lin Feng, Noble 2 then appears in front of them with a cold expression.

''Where are you two going.'' Noble 2 said while staring at Lin Feng and Aria.

''We need to settle this matter.''

''Fine,'' Lin Feng replied.

''Then, where is our compensation,''

''Your carriage almost hit us.'' He stated while glaring at the noble 2.

''Huh?'' Noble 1 and Noble 2 tilted their head.

They stared at Lin Feng like he was an idiot when they heard his words.

''Do you know who we are.'' Noble 1 said while intensely at Aria.

''I don't know, and I don't want to know.'' Lin Feng retorted while shrugging off his shoulder, ''Where is the compensation.''

''Y-You.'' Noble 1 is angry.



''Come here.'' Noble 2 shouted as a few guards that patrolling around the area began gathering around them.

Lin Feng is calmly looking at the guards while taking the blue badge from his inventory.

(Well, Let's finish this off) He thought.

(An: Introducing Guard 1 and Guard 2)

''Halt!'' Guard 1 shouted as the guards stopping in a formation.

''What is the problem.'' He asked the nobles, which have a nasty grin on their face.

(Really, you ask them first) Lin Feng thought with a mocking smile.

''Well, It's because they were noble, I guess.'' He muttered while shaking his head.

''They just make my carriage crash into that tree.'' Noble 1 said while pointing at his carriage.

''Is that true?'' Guard 2 asked Lin Feng with a doubtful expression.

''It's not,'' Lin Feng indifferently replied.

''Their carriage almost hit us, and fortunately, we can dodge it.''

Guard 2 expression suddenly become strange when he heard Lin Feng's words. He is already guessing what happened in here.

''Lie!'' Noble 2 shouted.

''That's a lie.''

''They standing in the road like idiots and walked toward our carriage.''

''In a panic, we are tried to change the direction of the carriage and crash into the tree.'' He stated while staring at Lin Feng.

''Catch them.'' Guard 1 firmly stated.

''Captain, don't you think we need to investigate the truth of the story.'' Guard 2 interject while giving a glance toward the nobles.

The two nobles frowning when they heard this and staring at each other, and nodded their head.

''I, First Son of Yan Earl, Instructed all of you to catch that kid and woman!'' Noble 1 shouted while showing a badge with a flame symbol.

''We obey.'' The guards said while approaching Lin Feng and Aria.

We can see Guard 2 sighed with a helpless expression.

''Oh, you also have a badge.'' Lin Feng said with a surprised expression.

''What a coincidence,'' He smiled, ''I also have a badge.''

Lin Feng is calmly showing the blue badge from Lingxue as the guard becomes frozen stiff when they see this badge.

''H-How.'' Noble 2 shouted with a shocked expression.

''That's First Prince Badge...''

''How can a commoner kid likes you have it.''

''That badge must be a fake, or...''

''You must be stealing it from the prince.''

''Guards catch that thief.'' He said while pointing his finger to Lin Feng.

Noble 1 is suddenly whispering something to his ears as a greedy smirk appears on his face.

''If he tried to fight back, you can cut off his limbs.''

''Also, bring that woman here.''


The ground suddenly got cracked as a cold breeze flowing to the area.

''Oh no,'' Lin Feng said as Aria's figure disappeared from his side.

(Dude, you just dug your own grave) He thought while looking at the nobles.

Aria appears in front of the nobles while wind is gathering around her hand.

Her red eyes already become cold as she stared at them with disgusted looks.

''You want to harm my master...'' Aria coldly said.

''Then accept my wind.''

''Cut.'' She stated while flicking her finger.

The cold breezes come toward the nobles as their upper limbs slide off from their body.



''My hands.''

''Its hurts.''

Aria is ready to flick her finger again as a familiar hand stopping her movement.


''That's enough.'' Lin Feng said while sighing.

''But, Master...'' Aria responded with a pout.

''I know.'' Lin Feng stated with a sigh while crouching in front of the nobles.

''You make a trouble for yourself.'' He said toward the noble.

''Do you think a prince's badge can be easily stolen by the other?''

''Look at this badge.'' Lin Feng said while putting the blue badge in front of their eyes.

''This badge is not fake, right.''

Lin Feng is staring at them as the nobles nodded their head while feeling intense pain.

''Good.'' He nodded.

''Well, let's settle this matter.''

''I still need my compensation.'' He stated with a friendly smile.

''I want you two to bring the compensation tomorrow morning.''

''W-Where...'' Noble 1 asked while gritting his teeth.

''Hmm, the place...''

''You can bring it toward the first prince place.''

''By the way, I'm he-his savior.'' Lin Feng stated, ''Then, goodbye till we meet again.''

(I almost said her savior) Lin Feng thought.

The guards around him staring with a dumbfounded expression.

''Well, we will go then.'' Lin Feng said while walked away with Aria.

''Adios.'' He added while waving his hand.

''Captain,'' Guard 2 stared at Guard 1.

''Shouldn't we help those nobles.'' He said while looking at the nobles on the ground.


Guard 1 sighed, ''Save the noble first,''

''After that, we'll report this to head guard.''



''This area.'' Lin Feng murmured while looking at the mini-map.

They have been walking around the heaven dou city for a few minutes as Lin Feng suddenly found an area with many blue dots.

(Interesting) He thought.

''Let's go, Aria.''

''Mm,'' Aria nodded while following his master.

After they arrived at the place, a surprised expression appears on Lin Feng's face.

''Forest.'' He said while tilting his head.

''The central area somehow only has a few blue dots.''

''Is that a volcano?'' Lin Feng said while looking at a mountain with smoke in the center of the forest.

Because of curiosity, Lin Feng and Aria then entered the forest.

They found many spirit beast from 1000-20000 years old but easily defeat them and after a few minutes.

Lin Feng and Aria arrived at the border between the forest and the foot of a mountain, which somehow got surrounded by poisonous gas.

''Poison...'' Lin Feng frowned.


[One Titled Douluo is Approaching]


A silhouette of a man landed in front of them.

A man with long dark green hair and emerald-like eyes is standing in front of them.

He wears an only unadorned grey robe with his hands tucked into his sleeves. He has beryl eyes, green fingernails, eyes as ice cold and vicious as a viper.

''Titled Douluo.'' Lin Feng said while looking at the man.

''Hmm,'' The tilted douluo staring at Lin Feng with a surprised expression. ''Interesting.''

''Brat, you know that I was a titled douluo.''

''No, I'm only guessing.'' Lin Feng replied,

''Oh, really.'' the titled douluo with a smile.

"Then can you guess what my title is ..." he asked.

''Hmm...'' Lin Feng rubbing his chin.


''Poison Douluo.''