
Chapter 61



An explosion occurred from the inside of the ice and fire yin yang well.


A person clad in blackish-onyx armor got launched from the hot spring.

''Master...'' Aria said while looking at the figure in the air.

''Is that young master...'' Dugu Bo muttered.

(But, isn't the young master is a child?) He thought because the person clad in armor is clearly having an adult body.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng, who is inside the tyrant onyx armor, calmly gripping his own hand while feeling the immense power inside his body.

Lin Feng still doesn't realize that his body is changing.

Even though he can use the power of Incursio, his child body, and the living armor is still not fully compatible.

The armor is adapting itself for his body, which resulted in growing his child body into an adult.

(This power) He thought as the armor seems alive, which brings out a smile on his face.

''Incursio...'' Lin Feng said while grasping the air, which materializing a sword similar to incursio on his left hand.

''Huu...'' He released a small breath.

[You have learned Green-Eyed Poison Art]

[You have gained thousand poison imunnity]

[You have gained fire resistance]

[You have gained ice resistance]

[You have leveled up]


[Name: Incursio]

[Type: Living Armor Form]

[Attribute: Dragon, Demonic, Ice, Fire, Poison]

[Description: Incursio, Evolving Living Armor, In this state, the user will get clad in black tyrant onyx living flesh and gained a massive power enhancement]

[Innate Skill: Devouring, Evolve and Adapt, Burning Red Flame, Chilling White Flame]

[Because of the essence of WDK and FDK, Incursio got mutated into a more compelling form, which adds extreme fire and Ice resistance and two innate abilites]

''Hmm, Poison Attribute come from me, I guess.'' Lin Feng muttered.

''Incursio is adapting to my body, huh...''

(I've gained a lot) Lin Feng thought.

''I also gained a little bit of enlightenment.'' He stated while staring at the skies.

''WindThunder Sword Art.''

''Zero Form.''


''Storm Cutter...'' Lin Feng while slashing out his sword toward the skies.

One massive energy slashes about ten feet flying are away to the skies as the whirlwind and thunderclaps echoing through the area.


The cloud got shattered as a heavy explosion made of lightning and wind dancing in the skies.

''More...'' Lin Feng said while making the incursio on his hand hovering in front of him.

''Burning Red Flame.'' He stated while opening his left palm.

''Chilling White Flame.'' He added while opening his right palm.

A burning red flame and a chilling white flame appear in the air, making the temperature rising and dropping at the same time.

''Ghost Sword Art.''

(Perfect Vision) Lin Feng thought while reserve grasping Incursio.

''Ghost Drive...''

He then launched a slash toward the skies and creating a shockwave with a burning and chilling effect.

(Burst) He thought when looking at the drive, which he just created.


An explosion occurred as a burning flame and chilling flame ragging in the skies.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng released a sigh of relief while free-falling from the airs.

When he about a few meters away from the ground, Lin Feng calmly adjusting his body and landed perfectly without any injuries while leaving a small speck of flying dust.

''Master...'' Aria dashed toward Lin Feng and hugged him.

''Aria...'' Lin Feng smiled and realized that he's somehow taller than his maid.

(Uh, my body) He thought while looking at his own hand, which has become an adult hand.

Aria is suddenly taking his armor helmet and showing his refined adult face with a pair of purple cross-shaped crossed eyes.

''Master...'' Aria blushed a little when pushing her lips to her master lips.

''Ar-Mm.'' Lin Feng said but got cut off as two of them enjoying their first kiss.

''Yan, close your eyes.'' Dugu Bo said to his granddaughter with a wry smile.

''Mm,'' Dugu Yan nodded while using her hand to close her eyes.

But, we can see that she was peeking from the gap of her finger, which makes her blush.

(Is that how an adult kissed with each other) She thought.

(Mm, Master~~~) Aria thought while closing her eyes and enjoying every last bit of Lin Feng's kiss.

(Aria) Lin Feng thought while looking at his maid.

After a few minutes, they finally released their kiss, leaving a trail of their saliva.

''Mm, Aah...'' Aria released a heavy breath while staring at Lin Feng with a burning passion.

(Oh crap) Lin Feng thought with a small smile.

''Do you enjoy it?'' He asked.

''Mm,'' Aria nodded with a smile.

(It was delicious and warm) She thought inside her heart while thinking about what if she kissed her master for a little more time.

(I can't hold back if I do so) Aria thought while looking at the adult face of her master.


A small cloud appears between them, and Lin Feng back to his children's body.

(That's unfortunate) Aria thought with a little displeasure.

''But...'' She whispered while touching her lips.

(At least, I got master first kiss~) She thought.

Lin Feng is peacefully looking around his body, and after a few seconds, released a small breath of disappointment.

''Nah, It should be grateful...'' Lin Feng said while shaking his head.

(Incursio is evolving and adapting for my body) He thought.

''Hmm?'' He averted his gaze toward his back, which shows his subordinate with a little girl.

''She is...'' Lin Feng asked.

''Ah, Dugu Yan, She's my granddaughter.'' Dugu Bo said while softly pushing his granddaughter in front of Lin Feng.

''Even though she's still small, but she already starts training her martial soul.''

''Our martial soul is rare and has incredible power but comes at the cost of slowly poisoning the user.''

''I can survive because I was able to reach titled douluo.''

''My father can't survive...''

''My son also can't survive this poison.''

''The only way to survive this poison is to become strong.''

''That was I thought until I met you, Young master.''

''Mm, I know.'' Lin Feng nodded as a golden lotus appears on his right hand.

''Status recovery.''

Golden light is showering Dugu Yan's body as she can feel her body got cleaned by something.

''Done...'' Lin Feng stated while looking at Dugu Yan.

''You know, actually, I found another way to solve your poison.''

''Eh, What is it, young master.'' Dugu Bo curiously asked.

After learning green-eyed poison art, Lin Feng found many ways to dispelling a poison inside their own body, and in Dugu Bo's case, he can give him two methods at the moment.

(First, Teaching him green-eyed poison art) Lin Feng thought, which he against because he does not trust Dugu Bo, and he had yet proven his loyalty to him.

''You can push your poison inside your spirit bone.'' Lin Feng stated, making Dugu Bo dazed for a little bit.

(He's right, If I push my poison into my spirit bone, then my body will not be affected) Dugu Bo thought.

Dugu Bo can push the poison contained in his body to an absorbed Spirit Bone. Thereby he's localizing the poison within the Spirit Bone, where it wouldn't affect his health.

''Mm, thanks, young master.'' Dugu Bo bowed with full gratitude.

''Thank you, young master.'' Dugu Yan also bowed to Lin Feng.

''Mm,'' Lin Feng nodded.

''Then, I'll go to the first prince place.'' He stated while walked away with Aria.

''Eh,'' Dugu Bo startled, ''Young master, can I take you to the palace.''

''Mm...'' Lin Feng thought for a little bit and then nodded.

Dugu Bo smiled when looking at Lin Feng's response as four of them are traveling toward the heaven dou palace.

After a few minutes of traveling, they finally arrived in front of the heaven dou palace.

''We arrived.'' Dugu Bo stated while walked into a huge castle.

''We greet Poison Douluo...'' The guard bowed.

''Hmm, where is the first prince place?''

''This way...'' One guard said while leading them toward the first prince palace.

(Well, this is a little bit too grand) Lin Feng thought while enjoying the view of the palace.

After a walk for a few minutes, Lin Feng finally can see Lingxue in her cross-dressing form is sitting in the chair.

Lin Feng also can see a man with an elegant man wearing a white robe with a calm and scholarly appearance.

''Lin Feng!'' Lingxue said while looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled while raising his hand and waving it for a little bit.
