The payments

Chapter 62


In the garden, we can see Lingxue and an elegant man calmly discussing with each other.

Lin Feng and his co then walked to the garden.

''Yo!'' Lin Feng smiled.

''Lin Feng...'' Lingxue said with a surprised expression.

''Hmm?'' The elegant man near Lingxue tilted his head and then averted his gaze to Lin Feng.

''Qinghe, do you know this kid.'' He asked his disciple, which is Lingxue, or Xue Qinghe, who is she replaced.

(An: We're using Lingxue)

''Mm, He's the one who saved from the star dou forest,'' Lingxue replied with a nod.

(That woman is also here, huh) She thought while looking at Aria.

(Hmm, my enemy) Aria thought while also staring at Lingxue.

We can see a spark of lightning between these stares.

''Oh, I see.'' The elegant man nodded and then smiled.

Lin Feng walked toward them as Aria, Dugu Bo, and Dugu Yang are following him.

(Poison Douluo) The elegant man thought.

''What is he doing in here?'' He muttered while looking at Dugu Bo.

''Ning Fengzhi.'' Dugo Bo stared at the elegant man.

''Hmm, you know him?'' Lin Feng asked.

''He's the clan head of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.'' Dugu Bo answered with a little frown.

(Oh, the clan that considered to be the best in terms of the support and auxiliary martial soul) Lin Feng thought while looking at Ning Fengzhi.

''They have a problem, though.'' He stated.

Spirit Master with the martial soul of the seven treasure glazed tile pagoda can't break through to level 80, and that's because their martial soul got restricted.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has the best supportive ability, and it doesn't have any offensive skill.

The spirit master with this martial soul can't break through to level 80 as the pagoda only has seven floors/tiles, which is the limit of the martial soul.

(They maybe have the best support, but if they don't have any protector, they basically a bunch of defenseless spirit master) Lin Feng commented in his head.

''Well, they can change it, though.'' Lin Feng whispered in his heart.

Even though the soul master with STGTP martial soul is an auxiliary system spirit master and needs to be protected, they can change this by learning martial arts and secret techniques.

But damn, this world is focusing too much on spirit skill.

(Well, That's their clan problem, not mine) Lin Feng thought while shaking his head as he arrived in front of Lingxue.

''Yo, It's been a long time.'' He stated.

''Don't Yo me.'' Lingxue chuckled, ''We just split up yesterday, and you've been here.''

''Haha...'' Lin Feng also laughed, ''Then, where is my payment?''



Lingxue is staring at Lin Feng with a speechless look.

''What do you mean,'' Lin Feng tilted his head, ''Of course, I came here to take my payment.''


(He's not changing at all, not even a single bit) Lingxue thought while looking at the nonchalant attitude of Lin Feng.

''Payment?'' Ning Fengzhi frowned. ''Qinghe, this payment is...''


Lingxue sighed while wryly smiling as she is rubbing her forehead.

''He saved me.''

''But, to be exact, I rent his assistance for saving me out from the star dou forest,'' Lingxue stated, making Ning Fengzhi staring at Lin Feng with a new light.

''Wait for a little bit, I need to take your payment from my room...'' She stated while walked away from the garden.

''So...'' Ning Fengzhi stared at Lin Feng, ''You're saving the first prince from the star dou forest.''

''Yeah.'' Lin Feng nodded.

He's not really interested in Ning Fengzhi, but still trying to be polite as this place is not his playground.

(This kid is unusual) Ning Fengzhi thought. He can guess that Lin Feng is around 7-8 years old, but his temperament is weird.

''So, how much did Qinghe must pay for your service...'' Ning Fengzhi curiously asked.

''Hmm,'' Lin Feng raised his index finger, ''this much.''

''One hundred gold coins?'' Ning Fengzhi guessed.

(Ah, yeah, I finally remember that his clan is filthy rich) Lin Feng thought while staring at Ning Fengzhi.

''He owes me one million gold coins...'' Lin Feng answered.

''Eh.'' Ning Fengzhi stunned by Lin Feng's answer.

(What kind of services did he provide?) He thought with a little doubt.

Well, If Ning Fengzhi is in the same situation as Lingxue, Lin Feng will set the price higher than one million gold coins, hmm, maybe around one hundred million gold coins.

After all, Life is the most precious.

''What kind of services did you do for Qinghe?'' Ning Fengzhi asked as there is no way someone like Lingxue will pay that much for a simple task.

''Nothing special,'' Lin Feng stated while looking at Lingxue is comeback from his room.

''I only saved him from a ten thousand years old spirit beast and then safely escorting him out from the star dou forest.''

''Ooh, Eh...''

''Wait, Did you just say ten thousand years old spirit beast.''

''Mm,'' Lin Feng nodded as he avoided Ning Fengzhi's eyes.

(He saved Qinghe out from the inner area of star dou forest) Nin Fengzhi thought while staring at Lin Feng with a dumbfounded expression.

''Here...'' Lingxue said as she arrived.

She's calmly placing a ring inside of Lin Feng's palm.

''This ring is a spatial tool, you can take it,'' Lingxue whispered to Lin Feng's ears while peeking a little toward Aria.

(Hmm, She doesn't have any reaction on her face) She thought while expecting some irate expression on Aria's face.

''This scent...'' Lingxue sniffs out a female scent on Lin Feng's lip.

(Don't tell me) She thought while raised her head and stared at Aria.

(Master is mine) Aria thought with a smug smile while gesturing something as she is touching her own lips.

(This woman!) Lingxue gritted her teeth and then released a small breath.

Ning Fengzhi is thinking about something while staring at Lin Feng.

''Since I already got my payment, then I'll go back to my place...'' Lin Feng stated with a nod.


Lingxue face is twitching when she looks at Lin Feng, who is walking away from the garden.

(I want to recruit him into spirit hall, but I need to get more close to him) Lingxue thought.

''I also need to defeat this woman...'' She muttered as she feels irritated by Aria's smug smile.

''Ah, yeah...'' Lin Feng is suddenly turning back.

''If some noble come to your place, please take my compensation.''

''Compensation?'' Lingxue and Ning Fengzhi tilted their head.

''I met some noble on the street and almost got hit by their carriage,''

''So, I threat-, ehem I mean,''

''We peacefully settle the matter, and they agreed to give me compensation.''



Lingxue sighed and nodded as she already guessed a few things in her head.

''Mm, I'll visit you back later,'' Lin Feng said while walked away from the garden.

''Wait...'' Ning Fengzhi said, making Lin Feng stopping his walks.

''Can I also rent your services.''

''Hmm, what kind of services?'' Lin Feng asked.

''Training, I need you to train someone in my clan.'' Ning Fengzhi stated.

(Training, huh) Lin Feng thought.

''I'll think about it first.'' He stated as he wants to focus on his training.

''Well, till we meet again.''

Ning Fengzhi and Lingxue are calmly looking at Lin Feng.

''So, Did he really save you from ten thousand years old spirit beast.'' Ning Fengzhi asked.

''Mm, He did.'' Lingxue nodded.

Ning Fengzhi smirked ''Interesting...''