Another One

Chapter 80



[Fighting a 100.000 years old spirit beast]

[Description: the test of strength, you have been living in this world for six years, you already train your power, but you need to test it]

[Objective: Defeat a 100.000 years old spirit beast]

[Condition: Fight without the help of your summons]

[Reward: 2x Rare SS, Violet Mist Sword Arts]


''Okay...'' Lin Feng said while looking at the Quest information.

''Hmm, Defeat a 100.000 years old spirit beast, huh.''

(I would never think to suddenly having a quest like this) He thought while rubbing his chin.

After thinking about a for a good few seconds, Lin Feng then accepted the Quest.

''Yes...'' He said while looking at the blue screen.

(I want to know the limit of my strength) He thought as he really never goes all out, even if he's fighting Aria.

He's also want to know how powerful is the 100.000 years old spirit beast.

''The reward of this quest is also good...'' He commented with a smile on his face.

(Well then, it's time for work) He thought while stretching his body a little bit.

''Let's go...''

''We have a spirit beast to chase.'' He said while jumping from a tree to another tree.

''Eh?'' Zhu Zhuqing can't respond as Aria carrying her on her shoulder while Artamiel is calmly following them.

They then follow a trail of broken trees as the familiar titanic ape appears before their eyes.

''Hmm, where is Xiao Wu.'' Lin Feng tilted his head because he doesn't see at all while stopping at a tree branch.

(This ape didn't eat her, right?) He thought because the titan ape doesn't release any ill intentions when approaching Tang San's group.

The titan ape is solely focusing on catching Xiao Wu, and that's why Lin Feng feels something is off.

''Aria, Artamiel.''

''Protect Zhuqing...''

''You can help me when I give you a mark.'' Lin Feng said while staring at his summons.

''Mm,'' Aria nodded.

''I'll obey,'' Artamiel answered.

He then averted his gaze to Zhuqing and said, ''Please stay safe here, and just enjoy the show.''

''Un...'' Zhu Zhuqing nodded while feeling her face is so hot. She's doesn't aware that she is blushing hard when staring at Lin Feng's face.

Lin Feng then using the great art of turtle breath and aura manipulation at the same time to mask his presence while proceeding to approach the big boy.

''Well, let's take this big boy down...''

''What about using a bow first.'' He stated while taking out a heavy black bow and a set of tempered arrows from his inventory.


''Divine Sun & Moon Archery.'' Lin Feng muttered while placing the arrow to the bow and pull the bowstring with his full strength.


He released a rhythmical breath while freeing his hand from the bowstring and delivering a powerful shot toward the titanic ape.


The arrow is flying at a fast speed.

The titan ape can sense something small is approaching his body.

He tried to slap it with his hand only to found that the arrow is avoiding his hand.

As its avoiding his hand, the arrow is flying directly toward his eyes.


The arrow pierces the titan ape's left eyes, and the beast roared in anger because someone dares to attack him.


(Well, since its skin seems strong and thick. I can only attack its soft spot, and its eyes are the perfect spot) Lin Feng thought as he's putting the bow and arrow into his inventory.

''Metal coin, metal coins...''

''It should be around here.''

''Ah, there are the coins.''

''Oh, I have a lot of coins.'' Lin Feng said while taking out a few metal coins from his inventory, well, he still has more as he got these coins from summoning.

(Hmm, perfect testing subject) He thought while putting a few metal coins into his parka's pocket.


The silver lightning gathering around Lin Feng's left arms as he control and tried to condense around his finger, creating the electric and magnetic field.

The electromagnetic force is gathering around as a smile appears on his face.

''Intimidation.'' He stated while his masked presence is gone and flicking a metal coin into the air.

The titan ape is finally aware of his presence as its abruptly turning its titanic body toward his direction.

''Hi.'' Lin Feng smiled, ''Please accept my gift.''

As the metal coin appears in front of his finger, he then flicks it, which launched a ray of light toward the titan ape.




The ray of light is perfectly hit the giant body of the titan ape, which creates a burning scar on its left shoulder.


(the broader the target, the easier it is to attack) Lin Feng thought while seeing the titan ape roaring in pain.


''It has a potential, but not enough to defeat the titan ape.''

''Heavenly sword.'' Lin Feng said while raising his hand to the airs.


Three giant white swords produced from his pure spirit energy appear on the skies as they start falling at a fast speed.

''Abyss Bind.''

The shadow below the titan ape starts moving and binding its body.

It weakens the titan ape's strength as the heavenly sword falls into his body.

The heavenly swords are piercing the titan ape's skins but don't pierce through its flesh.


The titan ape suddenly jumped into the air.

''Hmm?'' Lin Feng tilted his head while seeing the incoming titan leg that wants to stomp him.


The giant leg arrived on him, passing through his body, and landed on the ground, creating a tremor and big hole.

Dirt and dust are flying around the area as Lin Feng, who's unscathed by the attack, calmly staring at the titan ape.

''Raijin Improvised.'' Lin Feng stated as the heavenly sword forming into a giant figure with silver lightning around its body.


The titan ape is staring at the silver lightning figure in front of him, even though not as big as his body, it only a few meters shorter than his height.

Raijin is dashed forward toward the titan ape and launching an attack toward its stomach.



Raijin's fist directly comes into the titan ape's stomach because its attack speed is too fast to countered.

(G-Giant VS Giant) Zhu Zhuqing thought while staring at the battle.

She's gripping her hand in frustration as she feels weak.

''I want to become stronger, so I can stand beside him...'' She muttered while looking at Lin Feng, who is standing at the top of a tree.

''Heavenly sword...'' Lin Feng said while a giant sword appears on Raijin's hand.

''Thunder Sword Art.''

''Second Form.''

''Rice Spirit.''

Raijin unleashes five electrified arching slashes in a single moment, which directly hit the titan ape's chest and creating five cuts wounds.


The titan ape enraged while staring at Raijin with red eyes and ignoring the wound on his body as he dashed forward.

The gravitation on the area got pressured.

(The gravitation) Lin Feng thought with a frown while feeling something pressuring his body.

But, he's calmly countering it with his spatial manipulation as the black cloud starts gathering around the area.

''Another 100.000 years old spirit beast.'' He muttered as his mini-map showing two blue dots approaching this place, the first dot is standard, but the second is the same size as the titan ape's dot.

''One more, huh.'' Lin Feng said with a smile on his face.

''Bring it on.''