The Fight is Over

Chapter 81




Thunder and lightning rumbling on the black cloud as a snake or serpent silhouette appear from the cloud.

''A big snake with the bullhead?'' Lin Feng said while looking at the spirit beast in the skies.

The spirit beast in the skies had the head in the shape of a bull that is at least 4 meters in diameter, eyes the size of lanterns, and a dark cyan enormous snake body thicker than water barrels.

''Da Ming...'' The titan ape suddenly said while looking at the skies.

''Huh.'' Lin Feng staring at the titan ape with a startled expression.

(Why he suddenly talk!) He thought.

He's not shocked to know that a spirit beast can talk. The titan ape's suddenly talking when this spirit beast appears, but when he's fighting him, he only roaring like a mad spirit beast.

''Hmm, do they know each other.'' He muttered while looking at the bull-headed snake spirit beast. ''The titan ape calling the snake spirit beast Da Ming.''

''Er Ming.'' The bull-headed snake responded while staring at the titan ape. ''You're injured?''

(Yep, they do know about each other) Lin Feng thought as the bull-headed snake's voice come from its mouth.

''Yeah, this silver giant is injuring me,'' Er Ming replied while punching Raijin with his fist.


''I'll help you...'' Da Ming said while the thunder on the black cloud is flickering in the air.

(Well, one more, I guess) Lin Feng thought while creating one heavenly sword.


The heavenly sword is shining as its transforming into a giant with a golden wind dancing around its body.

Fujin then completely formed and flying toward the bull-headed snake.


Fujin punches out his fist, which directly hit Da Ming's face.



Da Ming roared while the thunder and lightning fall from the cloud and hit Fujin's body.


''What?'' Da Ming's eyes widened in astonishment when he found Fujin is unscathed from his attacks.

(Hmm, the golden wind is repelling lightning and thunder) Lin Feng commented while seeing a faint golden whirlwind covering Fujin's body.

''Wind Sword Art.'' He said while a giant sword appears on Fujin's hand.

''Fifth Form.''

''Cold Mountain Wind...''

Fujin suddenly appears above Da Ming's head and creates several circular arched slashes that increase in size, which looks like a golden mountain.



Fujin's attack successfully cuts Da Ming's head skin while blood is flowing from its head.

Lin Feng is staring as the movement of Fujin seems to become slower and slower.

''Domain.'' He muttered while staring at Da Ming.

''Blue Sky Slowing God Claw.'' Da Ming's coldly said.

A blue claw suddenly appears beside Fujin and grab its body while pushing it to the ground.

''Sky Blue Fading Thunderclap.''


A thunderous roar comes out from Da Ming's mouth as he's unleashing a dragon-shaped lightning bolt that phases through the cloud and hit Fujin's body in a flash.


Fujin's body becomes blue-colored before disintegrating to ash.

''That's should be his strongest technique.'' Lin Feng commented while releasing a sigh.

(Even the golden wind can't repel it, huh) He thought while looking at the remaining of Fujin's body.

''Well, I still have one avatar to be used.'' He stated as he's shrugging off his shoulder.


A giant black fiery appearance and a sword in its hand appears in front of Da Ming and slashing out its sword toward his snake body.


Ghost's sword slashes through Da Ming's skin and flesh but stops when reaching his bone.

''Da Ming!''

Titan Ape hurriedly grabbing the tree around him and throws it toward the ghost, which seems useless because the trees are passing through its body.

''Hmm?'' Lin Feng tilted his head when seeing Da Ming roaring to the skies and another dragon-shaped lightning bolt appears.

''I won't let you use the same technique twice.'' He said with a smile on his face.

''Full Counter.''

Lin Feng is slashing out Incursio, which releasing a sharp sound, the dragon-shaped lightning got reflected.

''What.'' Da Ming shouted in surprise while looking at his own attack got sent back to himself.


Da Ming's body is falling from the skies as Er Ming jumping from the ground and catch his body.

Lin Feng is calmly looking at the two-spirit beasts as he activated his spatial manipulation.

''Space Lock.''

''I can't move...'' Er Ming suddenly said while feeling the space around his body became tense.

''Sage Mode...'' Lin Feng said as a golden lotus symbol appears on his forehead.

''Boiling Blood.''

(Ittou Shura) He thought while free-falling from a tall tree.

A white hue is come out from his body while his spirit energy is burning like a bright fire.

''Dance of the Red Night...''

He landed on the ground and dashed forward while performing a few dances, which creates a powerful momentum in every step.

''Final Night.'' He shouted as he appears in front of them.

(Last Night of The Thousand Nights)

Lin Feng is gently slashing out Incursio in slow motion as thousands of light rays appear on the area.


The world is starting to lose its color as the night seems to come.

But, in the darkness of the last night, there is a light, light of destruction.

Lin Feng appears on the other side of Da Ming and Er Ming's body as two of them falling to the ground.

''Huu...'' Lin Feng released a heavy breath as he's stopping all his power's enhancements.

''...'' Aria.

''...'' Artamiel.

''...'' Zhu Zhuqing.

''L-Lin Feng, H-He defeated Er Ming and Da Ming...'' Said Xiao Wu, who is hiding inside of a tree.

''That's harder than I thought...'' Lin Feng commented while staring at the fainted spirit beasts.

(Even though I have a lot of energy and stamina left, I'll need a rest) He thought as Grey's notification appears on his head.

[You have finished the Quest]




[4x Rare SS, Violet Mist Sword Arts]

''It's more rewarding than I thought.'' Lin Feng smiled.

(Since the Quest only said to defeat and not kill, I'll not kill them) He thought as he the one who started the fight.

''Hmm, someone is staring at me...''

''Xiao Wu.''

Lin Feng averted his gaze to a tree, where Xiao Wu is hiding.

''You're safe now,'' He shouted, ''But, You should run now.''

''Go back to Tang San.''

He then makes his golden lotus appears above his hands as a golden light showering Da Ming and Er Ming.

''It should be enough,''

''Well, that's a good fight.'' He commented while walked away.

Lin Feng then back into his group as Zhuqing suddenly hugging him.

''Zhuqing?'' He tilted his head.

''Lin Feng.'' Zhu Zhuqing stared at Lin Feng's eyes.

She then kissed him on the cheeks while blushing a little.

''I'll promise that I'll become stronger,''

''So, I can help you!''

(Ah, she become bolder) Lin Feng thought while chuckling.

''Mm, I'll be waiting.'' He said while patting her head.

Zhu Zhuqing, who is blushing, then releasing her hug while walked away as there is smoke comes out from her head.

Aria is staring at her but then releasing a sigh while staring at her master.

''I need more cuddle time with master...'' She muttered with a calm expression.

(Hmm, Aria is needed more, huh) Lin Feng thought while observing his maid's expression.

''Kuuu!'' Aurel suddenly appears in front of them.

''Hmm, looks like you're enjoying your sleep.'' Lin Feng commented while looking at Aurel.

''Kuuu!'' Aurel nodded.

''Well, Let's go back to the base...'' Lin Feng said while jumping onto Aurel's back.

''I need some rest.''

''Right, Aria.'' Lin Feng asked his maid.

''Un, You need a lot of rest'' Aria nodded with a smile on her face.