First Mate's Advice!

A/N: Have Early Access to my stock on Patreon. Do you consider supporting me there?


"You two are pirates?" the new leader asked.

"Yep." Luffy grimaced as he remembered where this would be going.

"I see. As marines, we cannot harbor pirates, so we must ask that you leave this island immediately," he said, causing the villagers around them to go into an angry uproar.

"You guys were scared too."

"They're our saviors, as well as yours, you jerk."

"However, we will not report you to HQ. Also, for defeating Morgan, as per your bet with him, a vessel has been prepared for you."

"Alright," Luffy said before standing up. "Let's go, Zoro," he said. He walked towards the door, with Zoro right behind him.

"And what about you?" The marine asked Coby.

"Aren't you their friend?" he asked. Coby just stared at them as he turned back to Luffy. "Is this guy, your friend?" Luffy looked back at him before smirking.

"Actually, he's a cabin boy," Luffy said. Coby went wide-eyed as Luffy began to speak about Alvida, wishing for him to shut up or they won't let him in.

"And Coby here, well he-" Luffy said before Coby punched Luffy.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled. Zoro smiled as Luffy looked at Coby with a grin.

"You bastard!" he shouted before he started repeatedly punching Coby.

"Enough!" shouted the marine as Zoro held Luffy back. "It's clear that you guys are not friends! Leave this island at once!" he shouted. Both of them left while Coby lay on the floor, realizing that Luffy helped him yet again. He stood up, thinking that he needed Luffy's help in the end, and asked himself if he was helpless.

"Sir. I wish to join the marines." Coby said as he stood up straight and looked the marine in the eye.

"Sir, I advise against this. Pirates are known to plant spies in the marines."

"I wish to join the Marines to carry out real justice and to stop all criminals!" Coby said with a steeled determination. The leader looked at Coby before tilting his hat down and stood next to him.

"I've seen many a marine stronger than you die at the hands of pirates. This life will not be easy. You're in, kid."

Coby smiled, realizing that his dream had finally come true.

"That was some bad acting," Zoro said as they loaded their stuff onto a small sailboat. They came here after saying goodbye to Rika and her mom. Luffy also got a letter from Ririka that Nami had left for him. As for their plan to hit a pleasure house, well, it wasn't possible now because of the marines. Luffy was already feeling a little bit tired. It seems his Incubus Physique needed much energy to maintain. Specifically, he needed ero-energy. He needed to lay with women in the next stop or else... Luffy shuddered at the thought of being with Zoro in the middle of the sea.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine." Luffy said, dumping that thought from his head. He was untying the boat, waiting for Coby to appear.

"Well, they hate us now. Best way to leave." Zoro said.

Luffy smiled as they sailed away when he sensed him, Rika, and her mother.

"LUFFY!" Coby shouted before throwing him a salute. "Thank you for everything. I will never forget this kindness!" Luffy and Zoro smiled before the rest of the marines showed up and saluted them as well. Coby looked back at the leader, who looked back.

"You have some good friends there, kid," he said. "Men, what we've done is a complete violation against all we stand for. Therefore, no food for three days," he ordered.


"SEE YA!" Luffy shouted as he waved them all goodbye. He then turned back to the sea, ready to get on with his adventure.


"What does it say?" Zoro asked while he rowed the boat.

Luffy folded Nami's letter put it back in his pocket before answering, "Nami says she found the wanted poster of Pirate Buggy in the treasure room at the marine base. It seems this Buggy has already looted the money and the map to reach the grand line. Though it's not important, it would have very helpful to have. I know how to cross over to the grand line... Nami went after buggy while we were busy dealing with Morgan. She already has a general idea where Buggy might be going, so she left us instruction to follow."

"This girl... Nami, was it? Is she trustworthy? You really want to recruit her?" Zoro asked, a little curious.

"She is trustworthy if you get her trust first. Also, I know she is a very good navigator, which we lack currently. I'm don't know anything in that area. So we need to get her on our ship." Luffy explained.

"Hm...last question. Do you think she has the heart and mind to live on a pirate ship, follow the rules of the Jolly Roger, and the danger that comes with it? You need to carefully choose your Nakama, Luffy. The pirate life is, after all, very hard and is not for everyone. I would advise recruiting someone who is already a pirate or live on the edge of a blade. It would be better if one of our Nakama is female and has an open mind."

"Open mind?" Luffy was stumped for a bit.

"You really didn't plan before setting sail, huh?" Zoro grumbled a bit before continuing, "A pirate ship needs a strong Captian, First mate who is good in fighting or managing finances, a cook, a doctor, navigator, a shipwright, a helmsman as a core group. Better if they are all fighters. A few subordinates to do the menial work so that we have more time to train. It would be good if some of our Nakama are female with an open mind. By open mind, I mean, they are ready to share the bed with their Nakama because life on the sea is too monotonous. It is known for sailors to go crazy after not seeing land for months; subordinates mutinied because they didn't get to loot money or touch a woman in weeks."

"Oh..." Luffy looked at Zoro in a new light. He didn't know that Zoro could think so well. Well, maybe he should throw away his prejudice of their characters as there is bound to be something different in reality than the anime.

"You should think more if you want to become a good Captain. It's not a child's play. That's why I said you should choose your Nakama carefully after taking the future into account. Though it is not necessary for every female crewmate to have sex with everybody, they could do it with the person they like or love. But it's still advisable to get a female crewmate that is happy to take many men to bed. I say this because there are very few women that go out to sea to become a pirate. The ratio on the ship is always tilted more to men than women unless it's done deliberately. There are other problems that could lead to a mutiny on the ship, I had heard from some drunken pirates of this, but it's best you know it too; they are..." Zoro explained all that the problems he had from somewhere to Luffy so that he can become a good Captain. It was his responsibility as the First mate.

Zoro then spoke to Luffy in a threatening tone, "You should heed your first mate's advice to keep our future life stable. Also, I will break out with you if you kill innocent men and children, rape women against their will, or plunder from the poor. Even pirates need to have morals. These are my bottom line. Do you understand?"

"Crystal clear, my friend. I also have a bottom line, the same as yours. You wouldn't join me if you didn't have any inkling to my character."

"That's right; I joined because you were not a rotten shit," Zoro smirked.

"Thank you for the compliment, Shishishishi. As for your advice, I have taken it. But we have to recruit Nami at all costs. She is too good to leave out. I know a few places where we can find men to fill the rest of our ship's position. Also, I want to make a pirate group that has few strong individuals than fill my ship with the normal pirate mob that can betray us at any time in critical times. As for the problem with the monotonous life at sea, I also agree we should get open-minded girls like Nakama. Though I know, Nami is quite an outgoing person and bold, but I cannot say she would want to take more men to bed than one." Luffy said after some thinking. He didn't mind sharing women if they were all happy to do so.

That's what it means to be a pirate. Do what you like, no need to care about the rules set by society.