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"Girls are the weirdest creature, after all. You cannot fully understand them. I would put forth the idea of pirates' free and uninhibited life when I ask her to join us. Alright?"
Zoro nodded and said to clarify himself so that he doesn't look like a pervert as he was not, "I not saying she has to share my bed too. She has the free will to choose her mate or mates, but anyone who joins us or any other pirate group should know what's a pirate's life entails. As you said to me, pirates are those that pursue freedom above all things. They are free and unfettered. I like that notion too. I hope all our future Nakama have the same thinking."
"They will, that I can assure you. Now tell, about your past, about life, I will share mine. We have a long journey ahead of us, after all." Luffy smiled and started getting to know about his first mate more.
It had been two days since Luffy and Zoro left Shells town. They were sailing onto the next island, both starving.
In these two days, they have talked about their past and opened to each other completely. In fact, Luffy also shared his secret with Zoro after being completely sure that he wouldn't be betrayed. The foundation of the one-piece characters and their beliefs were, fortunately, the same.
Luffy revealed about his Incubus Bloodline and Physique. He told him about its functions upon doing so, Luffy found Zoro's face quite comical. Luffy also shared knowledge about the system. Thankfully, Zoro bought his lie about its origin. A very special Devil Fruit that is one of a kind.
Though it is known that no single person can eat two devil fruits, but who can say for sure that there are no exceptions, the devil fruit is known to grant ultra weird abilities. Therefore, the notion of the System being a power gained through Devil fruit was acceptable to Zoro.
"I'm so hungry and horny," whined Luffy.
"That's because you ate our food, dumbass, and I will gut you if you came a step closer to me," grumbled Zoro as he sat on the opposite side, guarding his arse for the past day.
"I only like girls, dude. Even if I were at the brink of death, I wouldn't fuck a man."
Zoro didn't believe him one bit. Luffy might have control over himself now, but it might be not for long he loses his shit. Luffy had explained everything about his bloodline advantages and disadvantages. Therefore Zoro was sure when Luffy lost control; it would his arsehole that Luffy would go out for.
"You are one person that needs to keep a woman at your side all the time in this world. I will never be alone with you from now on. You are too dangerous with your weird ability."
"Shishishishi, suit yourself, Zoro. But believe me, I'm not into guys, and I won't lose control of myself." Luffy tried to assure him while keeping his eyes on the sky. He then saw a silhouette in the sky and smiled. He and Zoro both looked and saw a giant bird flying above them.
"A bird," Zoro said.
"No, lunch," Luffy said as he stretched his arms to grab the top of the mast. "Gum, Gum ROCKET!" Luffy yelled as he flew up at the bird. He flew up and smirked as the bird tried to catch his head in his beak.
"I will not let myself get caught as it had happened in the canon, you damn bird." Luffy evaded its beak and grabbed hold of the bird's head. But it was then he found himself without enough strength to break its neck. The motherfucking bird had a strong neck and he was weak from hunger.
The bird grabbed hold of his legs using claws. And then, as it had happened in the canon, the bird took him away.
"Zoro. I think I'm stuck," he shouted.
"YOU DUMBASS! HOW'D YOU MANAGE TO DO THAT?!" he yelled as he started rowing the boat after them. He yelled out insults at Luffy while he tried to keep up, while Luffy just laughed as he was carried off. Though he prayed in his heart that the bird doesn't throw into the sea. He had not checked how it felt in the seawater, he only has a memory of it when he was a child.
Zoro looked to see three guys floating in the ocean, screaming for help.
"WHAT?!" they all screamed. They all grabbed on as Zoro passed and jumped inside.
"Oh, you made it," Zoro said.
"YOU WERE GONNA LEAVE US TO DROWN!" they screamed. They then pulled out their weapons and demanded the boat, stating they were pirates. Zoro just looked at them with a dangerous look in his eyes. The three pirates, covered in bumps and bruises, then started rowing the boat for Zoro, stating that they didn't realize who he was.
"Thanks to you idiots, I lost my friend. Just keep rowing." Zoro said in a bored tone before asking why they were drifting at sea. The three then told him how they were coming back from raiding a ship before they spotted another boat with a girl in it.
She had offered them the treasure from the chest in her boat in exchange for food and water. They boarded her boat to find it empty while the girl had taken their boat full of treasure, leaving them at the mercy of a storm that she predicted.
"She knew a storm was coming, huh?" Zoro asked in interest.
"Yeah, and now we're in big trouble." one of the pirates said. "If we return to Captain Buggy empty-handed, we're dead."
"Buggy?" Zoro asked.
"You mean you've never heard of Captain Buggy, the clown pirate?" another asked. "He's a monster who's eaten a Devil Fruit."
"Is that so?" Zoro asked.
Luffy was depressed for a little while as he looked around from a bird's beak view. The bird was still flying in the sky as it approached an island. Luffy finally grinned as he looked down, trying to spot Nami. He didn't get to look long before the bird was shot at with a cannonball. The ball exploded, making the bird drop Luffy. He looked down and saw Nami and three other guys carrying weapons who were chasing her.
"INCOMING! Luffy shouted before he crashed into the ground between them. They all stared at the dust cloud from where Luffy landed, thinking he was dead. The dust cleared to show a laughing.
Luffy standing up and dusting himself off. "That was fun and scary. Oh, does anyone has something to eat? I'm famished."
'It's Luffy. He came!" Nami thought as she gawked at Luffy. She looked back at the other pirates before grinning. "Boss. I'm so glad you're here," she said in a happy tone as she ran up to him and held his hand.
"Thanks so much for coming to rescue me. I'll leave them to you," she said before she ran off. Luffy just stared at her running away before he looked at his hand. He smiled as that warm feeling came to him.
"She's getting away!" one of the pirates yelled.
"Who cares? We've got her boss right here." said another as he approached Luffy.
"We'll use him to barter for that map she stole." Luffy didn't even look at them, still smiling as he thought of Nami. This irked the pirate as he punched Luffy in the back of the head, stating that the girl stole something from them.
That woke Luffy from his thoughts as his straw hat flew off his head. He spun around, punching the pirate square in the jaw before catching his hat and placing it on his head. He was tired and dealing weak but not so weak that he could defeat some puny pirates.
"Do NOT touch my hat!" Luffy said. The other pirates charged him, only to meet the same fist that knocked out their friend. Luffy smiled as he dusted off his clothes before looking up at Nami, who had appeared on a roof ledge, to see how the fight went. She had expected Luffy to be okay while the three pirates were on the ground, unconscious, and beamed him a smile.
"Whoa! Do you beat those three barehanded? All this time, I never got to see you fight," she asked.
"Yeah. They were pretty weak," he said as he smiled. "Nice to see you again, Nami."
"Let's go; we need to steal from Buggy. You are a Devil fruit user, right? It will be a piece of cake for you." she said. She was about to leave but saw Luffy fall onto his back. "Huh?"
"I'm so hungry," Luffy whined as he held his stomach. Nami just glared at him in thought before she sighed. The boy really did look hungry.
"You can't fight on an empty stomach, after all," she said as she jumped down next to him. "Follow me. I'll get you some food."
Luffy jumped to his feet in excitement. "Really? Thanks!" he said, smiling. Food was the only thing that could keep him energized other than sex. As long as he had food, Luffy could keep his urges down and not lose his sense.
Luffy followed her through the streets to an abandoned house. As she started making him some food, he was looking at her up and down. A blush came across his face as he smiled. "She looks cute and gorgeous. I'm having a hard time controlling myself." He pulled his hat down again to hide his face as she came back.