"Damn, it's the wrong number." Quinn stood up and pocketed the new card "No wonder they told us the second number is worth 50 points, it's impossible to find it in a place with these many people."



Quinn was forced to jump backwards again, this time to avoid a slice from a pole-arm wielded by a boy. The boy wore the same black and black as the girl Quinn had just taken down but had blond hair with black highlights and an earring in his left ear. He knelt beside the girl and placed his hand on her neck to check for her pulse, once he found it, he stood again and faced Quinn.

"I would request you give me the card you took from my partner, but I'm sure you would refuse," The boy said

Quinn brought the card out of his pocket and rolled it around his fingers. "Are you talking about this card? My memory is a bit hazy"

The boy didn't bother responding, instead, he twirled the pole-arm in his hands and charged at Quinn. He swung the blade up, then down, and when Quinn dodged both attempts, used his longer reach to land a horizontal cut on Quinn's chest.

Quinn jumped further back and accessed the cut along his chest. It wasn't too deep and only cost him his shirt.

"You know....." Quinn looked to the boy with a glare, "I really liked this shirt"

"I apologize for that. I'm simply doing my job"

"Your job?" Quinn brought out two silver gauntlets from his pocket and placed them on his hands 'Thank goodness Helga gave me these' he thought.

"That is not for you to worry about.." The boy said, twirling his pole-arm behind his back before bringing it forward and holding it blade-down in front of him, "You will not be needing that information"

"sigh~ how troublesome. Fine, if you don't want to tell me then don't." Quinn got into his own stance, his two hands in front of him in a boxer stance and his body inclined more towards the left, "But answer me this; is your boss the hood wearing girl?"

"...Yes," The boy said just before he charged him again.

He went for the same combination as the first time; up, down and a horizontal slash to the chest, but was surprised when Quinn dodged the first two strikes and used his gauntlet to redirect the third strike. Quinn closed the distance between them. He delivered two consecutive jabs to the chest, driving the boy back and forcing him to create more distance between them or else risk his weapon becoming pointless in the fight. The boy scowled and hit the butt of the pole on the ground, making it retract into a shorter pole. He threw a slash to Quinn's head. Quinn ducked under it and tried to deliver a blow to the midsection. The boy's leg rose to block it, and he countered with an elbow to the head. The blow connected with the back of Quinn's head, forcing a grunt out of him.

Quinn moved back again to create some space between them. He touched the back of his head and saw there was some blood on his hand.

"You're far stronger than that girl there," He said "Faster too"

"You simply surprised her, we weren't expecting you to be this strong"

"Really, who's we?" Quinn got back into his stance "Because this anonymity is becoming really annoying"

"I cannot say for the rest of us, but I can grant you my name." The boy got into his stance as well "I am known as Ban"

Quinn grinned "Well, I'm Quinn" he intoned

Then they both pushed towards the other. Only to stop in tracks and jump back when an arc of fire split the ground between them...

"Who do you think you are running away from!!" a voice shouted