General Wasashi and General Nash sat opposite from each other on a round table, the room they were in was dark and empty of anything except for six more seats - with three of them situated on either side of them.

The room was completely sealed off apart from one room that led in and out of it, there were two guards stationed outside the room and soundproofing layered all around it.

The tick-tock of the far clock resounded through the room and the hum of the projector coming to life was the only companion. After a while, six figures appeared in a spray of astral blue light, one on each of the six seats in the room.

"I see we all turned up this time. That's good"

The first one to talk was an ogre with a large horn and slit eyes. He sported a buzz cut on his black hair and even as a hologram, the crisscross scars were visible on his bare chest.