Ban was crouched low on the roof of the dorm, staring down at the ground below. A dark figure moved through the shadows and he put his hand to his ear.

"Take a right," he said, "People are coming from your left"


Thalia's voice came back to him and Ban watched the shadows move towards the right side of the base. He looked towards the left, wondering who the three people coming were, but he suddenly felt a chill go down his spine as the two of them looked up at him at the same time.


Ban quickly fell to his bottom - away from the view of the two people - while breathing heavily.

"They can see me?" he panted, "They knew I was looking at them from this distance?"

That should have been impossible. He was at least two miles away from them and he could only see them as specks through a binocular, so how in the world could they see him with their eyes?