Chapter 136

Bai Jia didn't hold back. "Raging Twin Serpents!" Jumping into the air, she unleashed the water serpents towards the band of leaders.

"What!" "Run! It's a Martial Fighter!" As they saw her fly, the band of enemies instantly became disoriented.

*Whoosh!* Yet they were mere soul foundation cultivators to Bai Jia. Unable to outrun or repel the water serpents they were obliterated.

"H-help me!" the last of the leaders covered his body with his arms over his head.

*Bam!* Just as the water serpents were about to crush him, something dropped from above, shaking the ground.

As the dust disappeared, two identical figures appeared. They had large bodies, similar to the cultivator Qian Yu had fought back on the slope. After that battle, he had learned from Jiang Hai that this was a cultivation technique endorsed by the royal family of the Chen Empire. Obviously, they had tremendous physical strength and their fighting style was similar to Sun Hong.

'They are both Martial Fighters. Should I fight?' Tian Xinyi asked.

"Hmph, brother, let's end this fast," one of them nonchalantly said.

'Yes, Xinyi, help Jia'er,' Qian Yu summoned Tian Xinyi. He was confident in Bai Jia's ability to handle one of them by herself. However, one against two was a different story.

'Yes, master,'' a purple flash of lightning appeared by Bai Jia's side.

"So you have a spiritual beast? A qilin… interesting," a greedy look appeared on the eyes of the two men as they looked at Bai Jia and Tian Xinyi.

"As for me… I'll deal with you," Qian Yu looked at the surviving enemy leader, a middle stage soul foundation cultivator like himself.

"Hahaha, it's over for you now that the Martial Fighters are here!" On the contrary, the enemy leader had regained his fighting spirit. By now, the two sides of qi gathering cultivators had already started fighting.

"I don't have time to waste," Qian Yu charged forward.

Transcending Lightning Step!

"Woah! Calm down!" His enemy yelled as Qian Yu dashed towards him.

Yet Qian Yu didn't bother with him, and sent his spear forward.

"Whoosh!" The guy disappeared, ending up being Qian Yu.

Yet as Qian Yu turned around, he saw many similar faced individuals, as if the man had duplicated himself. Their swords radiated brightly as they ran and jumped at Qian Yu.

*Swish!* Qian Yu swept his lance horizontally at the closest enemy. Yet he felt no impact as his spear passed through the figure, disintegrating it like it was a cloud of smoke.

Qian Yu didn't have time to think as he quickly saw another 4 clones right in front of him.

*Swish!* Qian Yu stabbed two of them and as they disappeared, he felt a tingling, dangerous sensation.


Transcending Lighting Step!

Qian Yu dashed back as he clutched his chest. Looking down, he clutched his bloodied hand as he felt his heart beating more rapidly than ever. It had barely been enough time for sufficient qi to enter his feet again and a millisecond later, Qian Yu was sure he wouldn't be standing right now.

An ambiguous expression of anger appeared as he turned to see his enemy. 'How deadly and determined… he openly laid all his cards at once without any hesitation,' Qian Yu's nails dug deeper into his palms.

'I was too careless. Too impatient as well. I thought he was a complete weakling from how scared he was earlier. He's clearly strong and experienced,' Qian Yu wanted to slap himself in the face.

'I was lucky this time,' Qian Yu swallowed hard, tasting a bit of blood.

Taking a deep breath, he shook his head. 'Close combat sword technique, movement technique, and a cloning technique… what do I do?' Qian Yu popped a healing pill into his mouth as he steadily watched his enemy.

'Lightning Spasm is useless against any of those. Dissipating the clones with it works, but it still leaves me open to his sword-'

*Clang!* His enemy closed in on him, slashing forward.

Qian Yu traded blows and quickly stepped back, 'Well, at least, it's a stand still right now. If he clones himself, I can always retreat with Transcending Lightning Step. It seems it is taxing as well so he can't use it too many times. As long as I don't aggressively use Transcending Lightning Step, I won't lose.'

*Clang!* The enemy's sword glowed radiantly once more as he swung forward. Yet Qian Yu quickly blocked it, and using the force, he helped himself to run further away.

"Tch, can you do anything else?" His enemy realized Qian Yu was recovering as he stalled.

*Clang!* Qian Yu stayed silent as he continued looking for an opening. Yet with his current skill, his opponent's swordsmanship was currently flawless to him.

"Bah you! God-" His opponent yelled again, only to see Qian Yu's fingers pointed at him.

Mark of Heavenly Lightning! A lightning bolt shot outward. Yet his opponent dodged it as it reached him.

"Hahaha! That's more like it!" he shouted as he started chasing after Qian Yu.

Yet an idea had suddenly appeared in Qian Yu's head. Stall as he could, it wasn't something he could afford. A simple glance towards the other explosion in the city reminded him he needed to win and as such, he had simply shot out an attack.

*Clang!* the two started trading blows again.

Yet unlike before, Qian Yu didn't run away after a few trades. Instead, he continued fighting him, bidding for the right time.

*Swish!* Qian Yu furiously bit his lips as he felt a cold blade slash across the side of his abdomen. Yet he also pointed his fingers at his enemy.

Mark of Heavenly Lightning! The stream of lightning qi erupted, leaving no time for his enemy to dodge.

*Bam!* A small explosion occurred as Qian Yu fell to the ground, clutching the sides of his abdomen.

"Hmph, that was all?" His opponent appeared from the smoke. The attack was a direct hit, but it wasn't that strong, leaving nonfatal wounds on him.

"Tch, damn it," Qian Yu stumbled as he got up.

Transcending Lightning Step! Qian Yu retreated further back.

"I've got you now!" The enemy's eyes opened wide as he used his own movement skill.

"It's over!" By the time he arrived near Qian Yu, he had already duplicated himself into dozens of copies.

"It's over?" Qian Yu repeated as he looked back.

*Slash!* Qian Yu turned around and slashed at the first clone that arrived.

*Swish!* Qian Yu stabbed at another one. Yet it too simply turned to a gust of wind that disappeared.

"DIE!" The dozens of clones simultaneously shouted as 5 of them, 1 above and 4 to the side, approached Qian Yu at once.

Qian Yu stayed motionless as they closed in on him.

'This one,' Qian Yu smiled inwardly.

*Puat!* Blood splattered.

"What…"The enemy's bloodshot eyes slowly looked down to see a spear had impaled through his chest. Slowly turning his head back up, he saw a man looking down on him.

"Hoowww..." He muttered weakly for his last time. The man in front of him had been completely still. Yet at the last split second, he turned around, ignored the incoming attacks of the four clones with complete confidence, and thrusted his spear forward.

*Thump!* Qian Yu pulled out his spear as a smile appeared on his face. 'It worked...' Qian Yu fascinately stared at the faint lightning bolt mark on the dead man's body.