Chapter 137

Taking a few seconds, Qian Yu bent down, found a storage ring on the dead body and quickly pocketed it before he started running back.

The battle on the streets between the qi gathering cultivators had already finished as he returned. Fortunately, it looked like Bai Jia's twin serpents had dealt a significant amount of damage to the enemy troops and morale. However, as Qian Yu looked around, Zhen Yue and Bai Jia had both disappeared.

Qian Yu felt his heart drop but closing his eyes, he sighed in relief as he felt Tian Xinyi's relative position.

"Soldiers! For now, help the injured and rest. Go find some shelter. You all are in no condition to fight. I will be going ahead first," Qian Yu settled the soldiers down first before leaving. Qi gathering soldiers were definitely useful in the attack formation but now, their biggest weakness, individual strength, reappeared.

Heading in the direction of Zhen Yue, he quickly saw a few individuals flying in the air. Rather, a man was stuck in between Zhen Yue and Bai Jia. In his arm, was his unconscious brother.

"Condensed Water Blast!" a small jet black orb of water appeared in front of Bai Jia before she flicked it forward.

*Shua!* At the same time, arches of lightning shot outwards from Tian Xinyi.

*BAM!* an explosion occurred as the lightning and water landed onto the man.

"Looks like they are fine," Qian Yu approached closer to them.

'Master! We did it!' Tian Xinyi ran towards.

"Mmm, good job,' Qian Yu patted her small head.

'How was your fight?' Tian Xinyi curiously asked.

'It-' Qian Yu sighed. 'He was strong. I almost died.'

'Ah… don't worry master! I'll protect you from now on!' Tian Xinyi said.

'... I must grow stronger,' Qian Yu bit his lips.

"Qian Yu, how was it?" Bai Jia had returned as well. In her hands were two storage rings.

"I'll explain on the way," Qian Yu replied.

The three quickly moved across the city yet with a normal population of about 15 million people though, it was extremely large.

Nonetheless, strong fluctuations were emerging from afar as they slowly got closer to where Zhen Yue and Zhao Xieren were stationed.

"Qian Yu, give me your hand!" Bai Jia grabbed Qian Yu's hand. With a leap, she suddenly flew in the air as she pulled Qian Yu along.

"I think that's Hong'er!" Qian Yu squinted as he saw a cloaked figure fighting in the distance. He had seen her fought many times and even with this great distance, her martial techniques were one of a kind, making them easily recognizable.

"Yes, you're right, I'll speed up!" Bai Jia exerted all her qi as she flew as fast as possible. In a minute, they quickly arrived at the battle area.

Qian Yu quickly glanced around the chaotic battlefield. Compared to the previous area where Qian Yu had come from, this one was a little less chaotic. With only one Martial Fighter that was being occupied by Sun Hong, the rest were soul foundation cultivators or weaker.

"You help Sun Hong with the Martial Fighter. I've found the other two," Qian Yu didn't hesitate to jump to another rooftop as he started running towards Zhen Yue and Zhao Xieren who were currently fighting in the streets. Surrounding them were hundreds of qi gathering cultivators.

'Zhao Xieren broke through to the late stage of soul foundation,' Qian Yu smiled as he got closer and noticed the difference in qi fluctuations coming from Zhao Xieren.

'I'll help Zhen Yue first,' Qian Yu decided before he jumped off the building and arrived right in between Zhen Yue and the unknown enemy.

"Master!?" Zhen Yue abruptly stopped as she recognized Qian Yu.

"Mmm," Qian Yu nodded but vigilantly stared at the unknown enemy. Seeing Qian Yu's arrival, an ugly expression appeared on his face.

"Let me help you," Zhen Yue walked to Qian Yu's side.

"It's fine," Qian Yu's heart stung as he looked at her tattered robes and injured body.

"No, I want to fight alongside you," Zhen Yue adamantly said as she strongly tugged his robes.

Her words stirred Qian Yu's thoughts as he looked at her pleading eyes.

"Alright, let's make it fast then," Qian Yu fed her a recovery pill.

"Yes, master," Zhen Yue raised her hands, forming a silvery claw of qi.

*Whoosh!* The two immediately ran forward, side by side. With her bloodline though, she was much quicker than Qian Yu and the average soul foundation cultivator.

*Swish!* She arrived at the enemy and her claws swiped forward, meeting the enemy's spear.

"Mountain Slicing Spear!" His glaive glowed as it seemed to elongate before he swung down at Zhen Yue.

*Whoosh!* But she was like a ghost, easily dodging it as she appeared behind him.

"Now master!" She yelled out as she saw the enemy turn around.

Transcending Lightning Step! Qian Yu quickly appeared in front of the enemy.

As he did, Zhen Yue's eyes glowed as she stared at the enemy soul foundation cultivator.

*Puat!* The enemy was like a frozen statue as Qian Yu quickly thrusted his spear forward.

"Mmm, good job…" Qian Yu felt a little speechless by Zhen Yue's Trance Gaze. As a surprise move, it was certainly deadly.

"Hehe, in a 1 on 1, it's not that strong as I don't have enough time to attack afterwards. However, it works very well if I have someone fighting with me," Zhen Yue giggled.

"Take the storage ring," Qian Yu quickly found the storage ring and gave it to her.

"No, it's fine, you can just keep it… what's mine is yours anyways," Zhen Yue rejected it.

"Alright then," Qian Yu shrugged. They pretty much shared everything anyways so it didn't really matter to him. With that settled, he turned his glance to Zhao Xieren, only to find that her battles had finished. Rather, her enemy had run away with the troops.

"Qian Yu!" Zhao Xieren hadn't noticed Qian Yu's arrival until now. Glancing between chasing the enemy leader and Qian Yu, she quickly made her way to Qian Yu.

"Good job, I see that you've advanced," Qian Yu smiled at her progress.

"Yes… it's about time," Zhao Xieren replied, a little disheartened.

"Is something wrong?" Qian Yu asked. It was a joyous occasion but she seemed a little bothered.

"It's nothing…" Zhao Xieren shook her head and left.

But Qian Yu grabbed her arm, turning her around, "What's bothering you?"

Zhao Xieren sighed and as she turned around, tears were in her eyes. "Q-qian Yu…" She stopped as her eyes wandered around. "This country… the city… it's so destroyed… so many people died… not even cultivators, but so many mortals as well…" Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Qian Yu hugged her as he took a look around as well. The previously orderly city had been transformed as broken buildings and streets were seen everywhere. Meanwhile, dead bodies littered the ground, turning into blockades at certain intersections.

"Calm down, you're doing your best…" Qian Yu slowly and weakly patted her back. He believed that she had steeled herself already a few weeks ago but nonetheless, she was still the innocent girl he knew. Only through real hardships could one truly change.

"I-I'm scared…" Zhao Xieren's legs grew weak, collapsing into Qian Yu.

Qian Yu picked her up. "Just rest for now…" Finding a quiet place inside a nearby building, he laid her down.

'Xinyi, tell me if any enemies come nearby,' Qian Yu left the building and returned outside, just in time as Bai Jia and Sun Hong returned.

"How'd it go?" Qian asked them.

"He used some treasures and ran away. We chased him for a bit but he got away," Sun Hong gnashed her teeth.

"That's fine, it's better that you both are back now," Qian Yu said. "Zhen Yue, organize all the soldiers. Have them rest for now," Qian Yu turned to Zhen Yue.

"What about us? What should we do?" Bai Jia asked.

"Did you notice?" Qian Yu looked up and slowly turned his head.

Bai Jia followed his eye movements before saying, "Hmm, a defensive barrier formed around the walls protecting True Ice Manor.

"It's pretty quiet now. At least when compared to before," Sun Hong muttered.

"Yes, you're right," Qian Yu fell into deep thought. Compared to before where there would be explosions every few seconds, the rate had died down a lot to a few explosions every minute.

"With Martial Emperor True Ice fighting the enemy Martial Emperor right now, his most trusted subordinates should be in control. Regrouping should be their aim," Bai Jia spoke up.

"Yes, I agree. Likely, these groups we are encountering were sent to scout around and eliminate any isolated groups. This is probably why there has been less fighting," Qian Yu said.

"As for where they would regroup… True Ice Manor? In the center of the city?" Bai Jia guessed.

"Yes, they most likely regrouped there… that means the enemies are likely there as well," Qian Yu nodded.

"Should we go help them?" Bai Jia asked.

Qian Yu turned to look at the building Zhao Xieren was sleeping in before looking towards the direction of True Ice Manor, "For now, everyone needs to rest. Instead, there's something else we could do."