"Please just drop the subject"
Bakugou just looked at me, not knowing what to say.
"We should be getting back"
I wiped my tears and put on a smile. The two of us walked back to the room in silence. When we got back Todoroki and Midoriya were still hard at work.
💚 "Hey where did the two of you go"
🧡 "We were on t-"
"No where important"
I went and sat back at my desk. I started working, it was quiet for a few hours until Todoroki announced he was heading home.
❤️ "Goodbye see you all tomorrow, make sure not to work to late it is already 8:45"
I waved him goodbye until I processed what he really said.
I stood from my desk in an instant.
I gathered all my things and shoved them in my bag.
💚 "Yumi what's the matter"
"It's 8:50 I have to get home right now"
Bakugou grabbed my hand before I could make it out the door.
🧡 "What's the big hurry"
"You don't understand if I'm not home before him, he will beat me"
I spoke without thinking, I pulled my hand away from him and started running down the hallways and out the building.
•Bakugou's POV•
🧡 "Midoriya...."
💚 "I know I'm calling Todoroki and the police right now"
•Yumi's POV•
I hopped on the train and looked at the time.
I prayed I would make it home before he did, fearing this beating would be worse than last time.
I got off the train and started running, then with a big gust of wind out of nowhere it started snowing. I slipped and fell to the ground. I quickly checked the time.
I scrambled to my feet before running again. My hair, clothes, and bag were covered by the falling snowflakes.
I could see my house, it was right there I just had to keep running. So I ran and ran until I could see...
Until I could see the lights inside were on.
It was 9:05
I continue to run until I could see a silhouette outside. It my father patiently waiting for me to get home.
I walked up to the drive way, my head hanging low. I walked up to him, knowing what was to come.
🖤 "Where were you"
🖤 "Where were you Yumi"
"I was at work"
He punch me in the gut, making me throw up the contents of lunch that day.
He kicked me in the face. I was laying on my back looking towards the dark sky. I could feel the cold snowflakes landing gently on my face.
🖤 "When are you going to learn"
He kicked me over and over. My blood was dyeing the snow a crimson red. My body was become numb, I wasn't able to feel the cold anymore. And then I heard it
I sound I never thought I would hear, there were police sirens coming this way. Four police cars and one ambulance were parked in front of my house. They had there guns drawn and they were all pointed at my dad.
👮♂️ "Sir step away from the girl and walk towards up"
My dad looked down at me, eyes filled with hate and anger.
🖤 " You filthy bitch, YOU SET ME UP DIDN'T YOU"
He kicked me in my face again.
That voice...
I turned my head to see Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki standing there with the police. They looked ready to kill.
All my father did was laugh, like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.
🖤 "This girl has done nothing but cause me misfortune, she deserves to die for what she's done"
💚 "Sir this is the last time we are going to ask, step away from her and put your hand where we can see them"
My father scoffed before raising his hands and stepping back.
He just looked at me.
🖤 "No one will ever love you, all you do is cause trouble for others, we would all be better if you just died"
The police moved closer, putting him in cuff and moving him from the scene.
Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki ran to me in an instant.
❤️ "Yumi are you okay"
💚 "This girl needs medical attention right now"
The paramedics rushed to me and started treatment. Todoroki and Midoriya were panicking so much, while Bakugou sat there quietly holding my hand tightly.
I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I was in so much pain, then I completely blacked out.
❤️ "Yumi"
I was rushed to the hospital where I was treated by Recovery Girl, at the request of Midoriya. She healed all of my wounds, old and new leaving only scars. I was out for a few days but when I woke up I learned Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki had come to visit me every day. It felt nice being cared for and to talk to people without being pressured. I had made my first friends.
💚 "Hey Yumi, how are you feeling today"
Midoriya walked through the door holding a gift bag.
"Hello Midoriya, I feel better than ever"
I gave him a soft smile as he came to the bed and sat down.
💚 "Am I the first one to visit you today"
"Yes, Bakugou and Todoroki must be busy"
It was quiet until he spoke up.
💚 "Yumi..... the police want to talk to you about your father, the want to know the details of what you've been through"
I looked down at the scars on my hand and traced them, then the door flung open.
🧡 "Hey idiot, your don't have to talk to the police right away"
❤️ "He is right, we want to make sure you are okay first then we can deal with your father"
Both Todoroki and Bakugou walked though the door and sat in chairs.
I smiled and nodded.
"....thank you...."
"Without you all I would still be living in hell or worse"
We started talking when Recovery Girl came into the room.
👩⚕️ "Goodness you sure are popular"
🧡 "Hey old hag, how it going"
She hit Bakugou with her cane.
👩⚕️ "Watch your tone with me boy"
👩⚕️ "Anyways how are you my child"
She spoke to me while examining my body.
"I feel fine"
She looked at my scars for a moment.
👩⚕️ "You know I know someone who can get rid of these scars"
I looked down at them thinking about what I should do.
"I think I'll keep them to remind me of the hell I escaped and to remind myself to keep living"
She just smiled at me.
👩⚕️ "Well I come bearing good news, you can be discharged today to go home and with that I'll take my leave"
She left the room.
The room was quiet until I spoke up.
"Todoroki, Bakugou, Midoriya if you aren't to busy this weekend could you help me move out of my house"
The three of them smile and nodded
💚 "Of course I'll help"
❤️ "Same here"
🧡"Eh I have nothing better to do so why not"
I laughed at him remark.
With that small word it felt as if the whole world changed. I gained the one thing I long for. I gained freedom and the wings to carry me anywhere.