A full-scale battle is going to start.

I kick the body of a player towards Goli, who with his trunk hits the side of the player's head throwing him towards a tree, but even before arriving this player turns particles showing that he has just been killed.

"This is already the 5th group we face." I tell Goli as I look around, our group of 10 Goblins is fighting 15 players preventing them from killing 3 Goblins.

It may seem risky to fight so many Players just to save 3 Goblins, but having three more Goblins or even one more Goblin makes all the difference. We are facing immortal players, no matter how much we kill them they will always come back, so saving even if it is a single Goblin is necessary.

"Ding. Congratulations, you've just leveled up. Lv 6 ~ Lv 7." ... Of course that's why too .....

Finally I got enough XP to get up from Lv, now there are only +3 levels left to be at the maximum Lv that the game allows in the starting village.

"Congratulations, you have gained recognition from the Goblins, your friendship with them has increased."

This is already the 5th group of Goblins that we saved, after separating from Gobu and Gala our group must have saved around 30 Goblins forcing us to divide them into groups of 10 to save the other Goblins.

I've killed so many players that my name is black, I don't know what will happen if I die .... But this fear of death is strangely fun, normally the Player will not be afraid to die but with the black name at risk of losing everything the feeling of not wanting to die is increased several times.

While thinking about these things and allocating the points in my status, we continued to prowl the forest looking for any Goblin or players. If it is Goblin we bring it with us, if it is a Player he is killed.

And again we saw a group of 10 Goblins, I started to notice something. Approaching the Goblin group, I ask Goblin who is from my tribe, to bring all the Goblins I encounter on the journey here.

I also asked my group's Goblins to do this. After everyone separated, I sat next to a tree and opened the browser LLILI-Chan.


While Mc is hunting Players, the Group of Players killed by the Goblins were complaining in the starting Village, around 300 players were killed in the Pure Forest.

"What the hell is going on with this game?. Why are so many Goblins joining a party to hunt us down?. Damn it." One of the players who was killed did not stop complaining and he is not the only one.

"Goblins?. I'm sure they the fault of that PK, he is attracting Goblins to our location, he is one of those malicious players that even though he doesn't earn anything he still does these things. I saw his name , it's so black that I can't guess how much this player killed. " The one next to it started to crack too.

Everyone was complaining, but nobody had the courage to leave and return to the Pure Forest some even gave up and went towards the Black Forest to hunt Wolves, at least they didn't form gangs like the Goblins.

"I will see this damn PK being killed by the hand of our guild leader, my leader is gathering all the online members of the clan to hunt down that damn PK." One of the players commented proudly.

"I bet this NumberZero must be trying to compete against Death Happy to see who kills the most before he dies. I support Death Happy a lot more, he at least doesn't intentionally kill all players, unlike this NumberZero that keeps attracting Goblin to kill us. " Another player invented something even more random.

"But it is undeniable that this NumberZero is doing well, in a single day it must have passed Death Happy's death count." In the end the discussion went from anger to curiosity as to why NumberZero is killing so many players, some thought it was to overcome Death Happy, while others thought he was just a selfish person.

But nobody thought that NumberZero is actually on the side of the Goblins. Nobody imagined that he is controlling these Goblin, because it seems unimaginable at this point in the game for someone to control so many monsters.

"Oh, I had new information from the Guild master, it looks like our guild will cooperate with one more to control the start of the Pure Forest and also to kill this PK. It looks like Rasae is also joining this 'Expedition'." The player who is in a guild notified again, even talking about Rasae.

"Rasae is Queen's brother, isn't he?." Another player who was listening to the conversation selflessly asks after hearing Rasae's name.

"Yes, he is always by her side. At first we thought they were boyfriends, so most people hated Rasae, but after everything was cleared up most people became super friendly with him." The player in a guild laughs at what he said.

"Well, we should get ready then." The players were excited and prepared to go on this 'expedition'.

Those who heard the conversation started posting all sorts of things on LLILi-Chan, without realizing that they are just passing on information.


Even an Npc is smarter than these idiots ... Why are they giving me inside information and telling me everything they will do, are they idiots or is there a plan behind it?

I wonder after looking at the LLILI browser. At that moment most of the goblins have arrived, absence only to Gobu who went to look for those who got lost.

After all, he is the only one who knows this part of the forest from what he told me.

Right now there are at least 100 Goblins in front of me, not all of it was me who saved, so most of them are not recognized by me, but that will change.

Climbing on top of something to make me get taller and look at everyone.

"Goblins ... '" My voice caught everyone's attention and ended his conversation. Raising my voice to the highest tone I can, I started to speak.

An interesting fact that I learned was that the Goblins understand what Humans speak, human speech is actually the official language in LLILI Online, so even though I cannot understand the Goblin Language, I can still convey what I want to them.

I think with my title of First Leader everything would be simpler, but this title is actually kind of useless ....

"I know you don't know me or even know who I am, so I'll introduce myself, I'm NumberZero, Leader of the Rewrite Tribe. Most of you who are here now have been saved thanks to our Tribe. I'm not here to ask for anything in In exchange for that, we saved you out of our own will and for being unsatisfied with the humans who despise us. " I say while watching the reactions of the Goblins, some did not seem interested in what I say, while others watched me with sparkles in their eyes.

"Today, after killing a lot of humans, I received news that made my blood boil ... Humans plan to destroy our Tribes, all of them." This caught the attention of the Goblins.

Some have even started to protest by saying things like they are too weak, we are stronger than them and that to this day they have not been able to do so.

I raised my hand again and the Goblins stopped talking, although it took a few seconds.

"We Goblins are not strong, we are weak ... But we still survive today thanks to our unity.. Humans have never managed to destroy our tribes and that is our pride ... Unfortunately the world is undergoing changes, foreigners now live among us ... They all manage to get stronger at the cost of our death and even when we kill them they come back to life as if nothing had happened. " The Goblins started to get dark, some even cried at what I said. This is the fear in their hearts, no matter how much they kill the Foreigners they come back, they are afraid of dying.

"It showed me that we Goblins are not united enough. Even if Foreigners manage to grow stronger at the death of us, we also managed. Even if Foreigners look strong they are just a bunch of failures, this was shown after we kill each one of them. Even if they come back to life, it doesn't matter that, I will kill each one of them again." I say with blood boiling in my veins.

"Even though Foreigners are many, even though they have so many advantages, we Goblins are not something they can kill for pure pleasure ... Right now, there is a troop of at least 300 Foreigners coming towards us, to kill us." The Goblins started to panic when I said they were coming to kill us, the Goblins were at a loss as to what to do.

And in fact I hid the real number at least 500 players coming here.

"I tell you ... I will stay here ... I will protect my honor, I will protect our honor .... I will show Foreigners that I am not a simple Goblin that they can kill for pure pleasure ... For each Foreigners that I kill, I will become stronger ... And the stronger I become, the more Foreigners I will kill ... I will avenge every one of my brothers who died at their hands ... Those who wish to leave leave now, can go, because I will protect your back while you retreat." ... I don't know what I'm talking about anymore ... I just wanted to give a simple speech but my blood started to boil and out of nowhere I said things that never crossed my mind ....

The Goblins below couldn't look at my face, they just looked down in shame ...

"We are so shameful, thinking of running away while one of our brothers is here, ready for us to protect ... I am a Goblin, I can be weak, I can be ugly, I can be disgusting ... But one thing I am not .. . I am not a coward ... I will stay here, next to Zero and protect the back of those who want to leave." A Goblin in the crowd shouted this as he walked forward.

When that Goblin said that, many Goblins started shouting their motivations too, saying they would stay ... Soon all the Goblins said they would stay to protect this land ...

"Congratulations, you have gained recognition from the Goblins, your friendship with them has been increased."

"Did you receive enough recognition to change your race to Goblin Roxo (Leader), would you like to change your Race?. Yes, No."

"His great speech increased the motivation of the Goblins, their blood boils for the battle, they are willing to fight to the death, until each one of their enemies is dead, in this battle all the Goblins received 30% more of Buff in the status. "

Again I chose not to change the race and a pleasant surprise that I received to learn that we have a 30% Buff in the next battle ...

"I will tell you the strategy. We will do so." I begin to tell the Goblins the strategy I have in mind.


Rasae Pov.

I walk with the two guild leaders, while behind us there are at least 700 players and there are more coming to our troops. The leaders of the two guilds actually only brought together 130 players from their guild each and the rest of the players simply felt like joining this 'expedition'.

Now why am I here? ... Well, a bird told me that a certain PK is killing players around here I am sure it is that villain ... So I am here, to kill and have my revenge in double dose since even with him dead my sister will not let him escape.

With a smile, I follow alongside the guild chiefs.

"Didn't this PK just leave after learning that we were coming with an army towards him?" One of the guild leaders called Red Banana asked.

"I'm sure he did that, who would be foolish enough to stand in the way of two guilds?. HAHA." The other leader said while laughing, he is called a Mirror.

I didn't comment, I'm sure this idiot is still around and he will not die at his hands, but at mine.

I trained like crazy and now I'm at Lv 6 and I even have a sword with 90 damage and I bet you haven't even reached level 5 ... You'll see NumberZero, I will have my complete revenge against you.

"Guildmaster, someone is in our way." I hear someone comment and then look towards where he pointed and really someone was there.

"I'm here to talk." It's really him, I knew it, I knew it was him.

"You cannot escape your villain." Without wanting to hear what he meant I run towards him, but before I get close to him, several arrows and spells have already been launched in his direction.

He started running at an extreme speed, how fast is this guy ?. The arrows and spells ended up missing.

"We can kill the Goblins later, follow NumberZero." Red banana shouted his command and several assassins ran towards the PK that is fleeing at insane speed.

I was only able to get back to my place, speed is not my focus.

It didn't take long for one of the Assassins to return.

"Head of the Guild, he is hiding in a cave." I frowned a little at what the assassin said.

"Hahaha, so he wanted to negotiate, maybe the location of a Mini Boss to stop following him .. He is very foolish, he must be waiting for us to start a battle with this Boss and then he will start attacking us. Well, it doesn't matter won't be able to kill an army of 700 Players, so why don't we take a look? " Mirror commented, but something was bad about it ... But I couldn't think of anything that was wrong ... NumberZero is just a player, what can he do against 700 Players?

As soon as we arrived at the cave that NumberZero entered, we all discussed it again and then after saying its conditions everyone agreed and entered the cave.


Meanwhile our Mc looked at what happened with an evil smile on his face, around him several Goblins looked at the players with blood in their eyes, ready to attack at any moment.

The assassins were unable to locate this Goblins, because they were on top of the trees.

As soon as most of the Players entered the cave, our Mc looked and said.

"Today will be a banquet." His purple eyes shone with thirst, as did those of the Goblins.