First battle between Goblins and Humans.

*Before NumberZero meets the Players.*

"The strategy will be as follows .."

"Chefeeee Zerooo."

Before I can start speaking the strategy I had in mind, Gobu who had gone out to meet the other Goblins ran towards me breathlessly, the Goblins made room for him to pass I could see that he found some Goblins and brought them with him .

"What is it, Gobu, what is all this anxiety?." I was confused, Gobu is not the type of person or rather Goblin who does things like interrupting me, he has been very loyal to me so far, so there must be something important to tell me.

"We found a cave with a giant snake ..." Gobu says without hesitation, even though he was panting and what he said made my eyes shine.

To tell you the truth, I'm not 100% confident that my strategy is right, I saw that there are many players coming here, even if we win it will be a very empty victory. But what Gobu says has opened up a new possibility.

"Is that what you say true Gobu?." My eyes were shining right now, as I held his shoulder.

"Yes boss. When I was looking for other Goblins we found a cave, thinking that there was some Goblin lost inside it we decided to go in, all we found was that snake, luckily it was sleeping." Gobu said after breathing heavily. My eyes were shining now.

"Gobu, take me there." Gobu nodded, even though he was in doubt about my action.

I also told all the Goblins to follow me, that they responded positively. The location of the cave was not far from where we were, asking all Goblins to wait for my return I will go to the entrance to the cave.

At that moment it is about 1 hour and 30 minutes before the players' exercise arrives, so to prevent me from dying something that cannot happen now mainly due to my failure, I change my class to assassin.

Assassin gives 2 points in strength, 2 points in agility and 1 point in resistance. My goal is to increase my agility to the maximum so that my movement speed is the best.

This is for two purposes, first: getting in and out of the cave easily and without danger. While the second: If the cave is good enough, attract the army of players here.

The LLILI Online speed system works as follows. At the first level we have a total movement speed of 40 km / h, this is the base speed of all characters when running at full speed. At each agility status point we increase the movement speed by 1%, so at level 1 we have a speed of 42 km / h, because we have 5 points in agility status.

Of course, agility not only increases movement speed, but other hidden statistics are also increased.

Anyway, by changing my class to Assassin and putting all free attribute points into agility, at that moment I can run at a speed of.

40 (base speed) + 67% (Total attribute in agility) = 66 km / h.

67% of 40 is 26.8 which gives a total of 66.8, but LLILI Online does not allow broken numbers, so it is rounded to the base number which is 66. Something around 18 ~ 19 meters per second.

With such a movement speed, it should be possible to invade and leave the cave safely.

As soon as I get up the Goblins look at me with concern, this is very evident in Gobu's eyes, and he even asked to accompany me that most loyal Goblin, Fumu.

I tap Gobu on the shoulder saying that I will be safe and that they need not worry. He reluctantly agrees.

I enter the cave without hesitation.

At the entrance I had already noticed, but the cave is very dark, something nice for a large-scale attack Goblin ... The cave is also wide, so many players must fit here, unfortunately there is no place for all Goblins to hide inside.

Although 20 to 30 Goblins can be hidden behind the rocks and these places are high, making it impossible for players to reach, but if we help the Goblins, they should be able to climb there.

Further down the cave there is a more luminous place. At the center of it is the existence of a giant white snake ... It is smaller than the Green Anaconda that I saw in the video, but you can see that it is strong.

Silver Snake. Lv 8 (Silver Boss)

Her name is Silver Snake, a simple name, her level is 8 and right in front of the name is showing that this is a silver boss rank.

In LLILI Online, some things are ranked like monsters ranging from Normal, Elite, Leader and Rare to Boss Monsters that are Normal (White), Silver, Rare (Blue), Golden, Special (Purple) and Legendary (Orange).

These are the known ranks, but I bet there are still some unknowns. The monsters are not the only ones that have Rank. Weapons, armaments, items, there are several things that have classification to know which is the best or the strongest.

Items have a rating starting from Normal, Unique, Silver, Rare, Golden, Special and Legendary. It is almost the same as the monster rank, only that the monsters do not have a Unique boss.

Anyway, the situation at the Silver Snake base is like Gobu said, she is sleeping. The snake's battlefield is somewhat unsuitable for many players, with several stones and columns that the snake boss may end up using.

The terrain is well lit, so it is difficult to hide some Goblins around here.

Having gathered all the necessary information, I was ready to leave the cave when the snake made a small movement, I hurriedly hid in one of the rocks, hiding from her view ...

I managed to hear some crawling sounds behind me that soon stopped ... I mentally sigh in relief as I take a look from behind the rock.

I can see that she went back to sleep, just changed her position, my relief at that moment was great, I don't know if I could get away from her.

I quickly leave the cave before I alert this snake again. When I left the cave Gobu happily applauded, to which I made a sign of silence so as not to alert the snake, which he understood.

A little far from the cave, were the 132 Goblins we saved. To make this attack work, the first thing I did was divide the Goblins into groups of 10 and put a Goblin to lead that 10, so each group has 11 Goblins.

After that, I gathered all the leaders of the 12 Groups of Goblins Gobu, Gali and Gala were among those leaders.

I used all my knowledge of battle to create a strategy and put all the important points that we should take care of, even so there were still several things missing.

It was then that one of the Leaders took a position and started giving several ideas ... And I must say that this Goblin is a battle genius, I praised him immensely, the Goblin was extremely red with my watches.


* Current times. *

We were up in the trees, this was a strategic place that the Goblin called Gun showed us. I had my doubts at the beginning, but really, the players don't look at the top of the trees when they walk, they don't even take this fact into account.

Of course, not all of the Goblins were here. Inside the cave where I found it are 2 groups of goblins, while on top of the cave there are 3 more, some are hidden in places I never thought existed and on top of the trees are 4 groups.

It may seem little, but there are more than 132 Goblins hidden in this small area, any mistakes and they would spot us right away.

As my speed is really high, I managed to outwit the Assassins to think that I am inside the cave ... It may have been risky, but it was worth it.

We won't be attacking yet, so we only watch with bloodlust as many players enter the cave. Of course, not everyone went to attack the snake and some stayed at the cave door to guard the entrance ... That was exactly what Gun imagined and planned against, he certainly is a genius.

I was not worried that these players would kill the snake so quickly because it is a special Boss. LLILI Online has a system against Guilds is a system where most of the Bosses in LLILI Online, increases the Buff won by the amount of players they face.

It is a simple and effective system, if this system did not exist, players would simply join thousands to hunt the Boss as the Brazilians did and if it were not for this system I would not doubt that they would kill Green Anaconda.

Of course, although the difficulty increases / decreases depending on a person's point of view, the greater the number of people, the greater the rewards.

But with so many rewards, I can only imagine how much Buff this Silver Snake must have at the moment. Buff for being an animal type monster, Buff for being a Boss monster and to complete the world's Buff ...

As I also need to know when we are going to invade I looked for my greatest assistant LLILI Navegador. I give a quick search to see if someone is streaming the attack on Silver Snake and Bingo. There's always someone to help me with something like that.

At that time the players had already reached the snake, this time it is not sleeping, it is wide awake and ready to eat thousands of players who invaded its cave.

Her life in this time is 40.000 and even many players attacking at the same time the HP takes a long time to fall, the players do around 2 to 3 damage while another doesn't even damage her and all this because of the level difference between them.

Normally, animal-type monsters have no defense, but it seems that the system creates a defense for monsters that earn Buff ... It makes sense, thinking about 500 players doing 400 damage each is scary ...

The snake was also not osiosa she started to attack, she even used a poison attack which started to deal 300 damage every second to the affected players.

A basic attack by her killed several players ... But the players were not left behind, the Silver Snake was 20.000 Hp after a while.

"It's time, Goblins." With the Silver Snake half dead, it's time to attack.

Players guarding the front of the cave will be eliminated quickly as there will be a surprise attack behind their back.

My class right now is like Swordsman, I was just like Assassin to run fast enough to escape, which worked. As much as I want to play with the Mage class, being a swordsman is the best to play solo, I am almost on the point of choosing that class as my main one.

But now is no time for that. I looked at Gun, he nodded to signal that it is time, all the pieces are in place now, just our movement was missing ... He will decide if we will give Check Mate.

"Goblins, it's time ... To get revenge on these humans." My blood is boiling for this battle, I think all the Goblins are like this ... I take a deep breath and then with a shout I jump from the tree. As soon as I hit the ground (I didn't take any damage thanks to God) I run towards the players in front of the entrance that there must be at least 100 ~ 120.

The Goblins that were in the trees listening to my instruction, also jumped and ran. Of course it wasn't just them, the Goblins in the thickets, over the cave, inside the cave. Everyone heard my battle cry.

That was what signaled the beginning of the first battle between Goblins and Humans.