
I stand up in a blink like I was sitting on pins.

"I'm sorry ma. I didn't notice your entry. I was trying to..." I start to explain but she cuts me off.

"That's enough. You may all have your seats,except you,Amara. Show me your assignment,now!" She says.

I hear laughter from the back of the class. I don't need to turn back to know where or who it's coming from. I know it's him. He and his group of friends who we(I and my friends) termed as stubborn backbenchers. They've been sitting at the same positions for three consecutive academic sessions. They're like the big boys in senior class and they carry themselves like royalty (in a very annoying way). My set is like the worst you can get. Boys don't relate with girls. Why? Pride! Both parties are so proud that they can't stand each other. They even sit separately. Half of the class belongs to boys,the other half, girls.

My friends and I broke the rule. We get to talk to some guys in our class(his group). As a result,the rest of the girls hate us. We've had numerous class fights that sometimes needed the intervention of the staff. The last one brought about the expulsion of two students in my class. Even with all the advice given to us by our teachers,the malice remained.

I give my teacher my partly finished homework and she grades me. I get my notebook back and check my score. I'm shocked to see an eight.

"This woman must be blind. Didn't she see I only wrote 60% of the assignment? I guess she just loves me a lot or...is daft. Let me stop looking at it before she realizes her error and decides to reduce my grade" I think and tuck my notebook away in my locker.

Class goes on as usual with little lesson and plenty 'take homes'. The teacher doesn't even bother to address the noise coming from the back. She knows better. The last time she tried to punish them,they walked out on her.She tried reporting to the school authority but no one took her seriously. Why? Only because the parents of the kids in question are part of the school's board of administration.

Mrs. Article (as we named her) finishes with her class,says goodbye and leaves. I turn to my my friend, Cassie with plans to get juicy updates from her.

"Babe,what's up? What score did she give you?" I ask Cassie.

"I got a seven. After all my stress this morning. What about you? I'm sure you didn't get more than five since you didn't complete it" She says.

"Well,let me shock you. She gave me an eight! Don't give me that look! I'm also surprised. I was even wondering if she saw me last night in her dreams or something. It's very unusual of her to be nice to me. Anyways, I'm glad she was temporarily blind while grading me" I say, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm happy for you,Amy. So,how was your weekend? I didn't see you in church on Sunday. Where'd you sit?" Cassie asks.

"I didn't really do much last weekend. You know I don't get to go out as much as you do. I did go to church. I sat close to the choir,at the front rows. I didn't see you either. I'm sure you came late" I say while smiling at her.

"Duh! I'm not a latecomer like you dear. I came very early. You know the kind of people I stay with, they'd never let me go late to church. I met with Victor after the service though. He looked so good" She says almost drawling.

I shake my head and wonder if she knew how obvious it was that she was crazy about a guy.

"God! Cassie! If you're going to tell me about your crush to make me jealous then keep it to yourself 'cos you're really succeeding. Some of us that don't have boyfriends get hurt when we see all these lovey-dovey displays you put up all the time when you're talking about Victor". I say with my heart beating at the thought that I actually like someone.

"I'm sorry babes. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..." She starts to say and I tune her out.

"I'm so good at this...tuning people out. Amara,I'm proud of you. You're the best of your kind. Like,you deserve an award for best at tuning everything around you out. Okay, that's that. Michael. How's it that someone so stubborn and evil and cool has such a beautiful name? I've always loved that name. Why does he have to bear it? How the hell is he so devilishly handsome? Like,that's supposed to be a crime! He should be jailed for taking too much beauty from heaven...or hell,wherever he came from. He's tall. He's the tallest guy in class, probably in the whole school. He's light skinned,has a well chiseled face and possesses the best body you can ever imagine. He's just so unreal. Why? Why do I have to like someone I'm supposed to hate? I actually hate him. He taunts me all the time. We fight all the time. How..."

"Amy! Amy! It's break time. Will you go and get anything to eat? Amy!" Cassie screams and I blink out of my thoughts.

"Yes. Why are you shouting? Do you want to attract the principal's attention? You know he's always on the lookout for who'd enter his trap and 'work for him'. I'm going to deny you if he comes here" I say and chuckle.

"You know you can't do that. He knows we're very close so he'd punish us without asking questions. He might even include Emma, Alexis, Kate and Liz in the punishment just cause he knows we're all partners in crime" she concludes amidst laughter from the both of us.

We pack our books into our lockers and get ready to go out of the class. She decides to go towards the center of the class and ask our friends if they'll go for the lunch break. That's when I see him coming towards my chair. I pretend to be busy with my backpack but I don't loose sight of him. He reaches my locker and flips it open. I notice that he's carrying a book. He puts it in my locker,closes it and looks down at me(I'm still sitting,it's not that I'm so short...I am...short, actually). I look up and catch him rolling his eyes. I suddenly have the urge to slap him.

"Why are you looking at me in that manner?" I ask with anger laced in my voice.

"The book I put in there is my song book. Don't let anyone open it because it's very private. I want you to read it and tell me what you think about my songs. Also,we've got to talk so tell me when you'll be free. You look good,by the way" he babbles like I didn't just ask him a question.

The urge to slap him is an understatement. I literally feel like gorging his eyes out.

"Those eyes are actually cute. Oh shut up,Amy. How can you want to gorge out what you think is cute? Are you insane or something? Calm down and stop thinking about how beautiful he is. Oh, there you go again!"

"Um, I...um...well, thank you for...um,I'll read the book...yes, we'll..um,talk when I...um, come back. I wanna go and...do...I mean,get something to eat" I stammer.

"Why are you stuttering? You idiot! Why can't you be yourself around him? Why can't you make a complete sentence? I'm disappointed in you Amy. Just flee from him before you disgrace yourself further. Silly girl."

"Don't blush too much Amy. I was just teasing you. You actually look like a wild cat. We'll talk when you get back" he says and saunters away like he didn't just insult me. I feel my eyes watering and I try my best to blink the tears away.

"Such...such... arrogance! I'll kill you! I promise! I'll so burn you alive! You...evil son of the devil!

You monstrous son of Hades!

You... handsome demon! Oh God! Amy! You're finished! Must you think about his face? So stupid!" I murder him in my mind's eye and decide to get my score against him when I get back from the lunch break.

I meet with my friends and we all move out of the class towards the school cafeteria.