Friends and Problems

While growing up,I never had friends. I just never belonged to any group in my class or anywhere else I find myself. It was partly because my first best friend betrayed me. Also,I was taught to never trust anybody by my family. As a result, I didn't have friends till my penultimate year in high school. Initially,I was scared of letting them in because of past experience but in my time of need,I realized they were one of the best things that happened to me.

Liz has been my classmate since primary school but we only became close in high school. She's very protective,hence, we refer to her as our mother. I always wonder if she's 'germaphobic' as a result of her neatness. Alexis...beautiful Alexis. She's dark skinned and round. Her sweet yet deep voice can melt any soul. Emma who's like a sister to me is the biggest among us. She looks like a bouncer. Her sense of humor is capable of making a sadist smile.

Cassie,my seatmate whom you've met is a good talker. She has the voice of a chipmunk,she can't sing though. She is kind-hearted to the core.

Finally,there's Kate,the busty one. She's very ambitious and has a beautiful smile. These girls have helped me come out of my emotional an extent and I'm grateful to them. When we get to the school cafeteria,we decide to buy the most common lunch combination in my high school: bread and fanta. We approach the provision store where it's sold.

"Jesu! I didn't bring enough money 'fa'" Alexis says after checking her breast pocket.

"Do you want to go back to the class?" Cassie asks her.

"Class 'ke'? I'm very hungry and I can't walk back to that place. Give me some money 'na'. 'Ehen'! That reminds me! You haven't given me the money I lent you last week 'o'. Just pay up so I can use it and eat" she rants.

"Ha! Alex,you don't get to forget anything that has to do with money. It's just fifty naira na. Cassie,give her the money so that she'll stop insulting you. I know you're a rich woman". I say with plans to make trouble with Cassie.

"Amara,keep quiet. Nobody asked for your opinion on this. I know what you're trying to do. I'll give her the money and shame the devil" Cassie says and hisses while the rest of us laugh.

"I'm now a devil just because I'm hyping you. No 'wahala' na. I won't help you out next time, ungrateful child!" I reply her with a smirk on my face.

Cassie gives Alexis the money and we buy our usual lunch and proceed to some benches close to the cafeteria. We're about to sit before Liz screams.

"What's wrong?" We all ask her in unison.

"Today is choir practice and I'm supposed to lead the worship on Friday. It's over fifteen minutes since they started,I'm so late. Look at Alex that was appointed as our secretary, she's looking at me like I'm speaking Latin. Will you swallow that bread in your mouth and get up so we can head to the practice arena!" She says while looking at Alex like she's dumb.

Alexis tries her best to swallow the bread but it's took big and she ends up spitting it out while coughing. Instead of telling her sorry,we all laugh at her funny display of coughing like an old man.

"You witches! You people cannot(coughs)...say sorry. You're opening your dirty mouths and laughing like I'm a stand up comedian. 'Shey' I look like AY ni?

'Mumu' children!" Alexis says amidst her coughing.

Liz drags her out of the cafeteria towards the class designed for their choir practice. The rest of us sit back and eat our lunch. When we finish,we all walk back to our class and my mind wonders back to my conversation with Michael.

"I can't believe I'll have to face that demon now. I really hope he has gone out of the class or something. He doesn't play football like a normal guy would. Is he even normal? The only thing he enjoys doing is taunt and insult me. That's aside dancing and writing songs. I wonder whether he actually practices the insults he'd pour on me in a day. I won't put anything past him. Even the devil is scared of that guy. But why? Why put in such beauty in a demon? I always ask myself this question. It doesn't make any sense! That devil is actually sitting on my chair. The audacity! He's dead! I'll so kill..."

"Who gave you the effrontery,the audacity,the temerity,the...the mind to put your dirty a*s on my chair?" I ask, fuming and marching towards him in fury. He laughs. That son of Hades actually laughed.

"I'm a hundred percent sure that deep down in your heart, you're actually glad that I'm sitting in your chair. I mean, why not? I'm like a prince and you're...a wild cat or even a mouse" he says and laughs.

"Did I mention the fact that I hate this devil? Did he just... Is he tired of living? I remember coming with a razor blade in my bag. I could just cut this demon without batting an eye! Oh,the guts!"

"You're so full of yourself. You think you're good looking? Nah! Your mirror is lying to you... that's if you even have one. Also,what's the use of a polished vessel when it's empty on the inside?" I lash out at him.

"You! Are you trying to say I'm empty? You foul-mouthed girl! You don't have respect for your elders anymore" he says.

"Respect? For who exactly? I don't see any human here na. All I see is an insect" I say and hiss.

"Ooh yes! I'm so good! I'm sure he's having a heartache right now. He'd plead with me to stop soon. The child doesn't know he's battling with an experienced banterer".

"You think I'll banter words with you? No. I'm bigger than that cos it's meant for kids like you" he fires back.

"I should have known better. This guy is a mind reader. How can I expect less from the devil? Scratch that! From the devil's master! I should just accept defeat. This is too much for me. I'd rather pick beans from tiny stones than banter words with a demon".

"Amy,I've noticed that you're never focused when I'm around. Why's that? I've been trying to get your attention" I hear him saying.

"And what makes you think that my lack of focus has anything to do with you? You're either daft or worse" I say the last part under my breath.

"I heard you,you know. I'm not daft. By the way, you're probably incapable of focusing because I'm too good looking for you to handle..." He says and I go back to my head.

"Here we go again...the prideful, arrogant devil is at it again. Does he ever get tired of praising himself? 'I'm too good looking, I'm smart,I'm so tall...oh, girls love my body...I'm this,I'm that'

I'm sure he looks at a mirror for long hours like a girl. It's so annoying because I like him and hate him at the same time. I get so confused about..."

"What do you think?" I catch him asking.

"About what exactly?" I enquire.

"Where you listening to me at all this whole time? I asked if you think it's okay for me to go for the dance competition with my crew. That's what I wanted to talk to you about" He says.

"What dance competition? When did you...I mean,I thought you were insulting me just now!" I say and frown.

"You really were not paying attention again. You know very well that the whole taunting is just jokes. I really need your advice and I'm being serious here. I haven't been able to practice well because of school work so I'm not sure I can do it. The final practice with my crew is on Friday. I'd miss school for it and the show's on Saturday. I don't know what to do" he laments. I feel shockingly sorry for him. I know he loves dancing and it would really affect him if he doesn't perform well at the show.

"Um...I understand. I think you can do it. I know you have a passion for dancing so you should go for it. If you put in your best along with your crew members, you'll do well. You should also believe in yourself. How long have you been practicing?" I ask.

"Two weeks tops. I usually practice for about a month before going for any show or competition. I don't like making mistakes and I need to be used to all the steps".

"I know. But it all balls down to you and what you really want. If you feel like you're ready,then go for it. If not,then stay. But left to me,you should put in your best and take the bull by the horn. I believe in you".

"Wait! Hold up! Did I just say I believed in him? Like,am I okay?

There must be a problem somewhere. This is very unlike me. I probably let my pity for him control the better part of my brain. Or is it my love for him? Shut up! You talk too much Amy. No, your inner thought talks too much. I can't even imagine...ewww".

"...I'd just go for it. I think I can do this! Thanks Amy... thanks for believing in me". He says and smiles,a real smile that reaches his eyes.

"So this demon can actually smile genuinely? Wow! Wonders will never end. I'm glad there's still a little humanlike attribute in him".

"Oh,don't thank me too much. If you mess up that day,I'll take back my words on believing in you. It's a promise" I say with a smirk. He laughs lightly.

"I know you will. You've always been a little witch. Thanks all the same. You always assure me in ways no one else does".

I feel my heart squeezing. His words continue to ring in my head. I can't explain how I feel but it's blissful.

"He's actually better than I thought. Does he like me? Wrong Amy! He doesn't like you. Why would he? He's just being grateful for the advice,silly. But...wait a minute. Did he just call me a little witch?..."

"Who's a little witch? I thought you dropped the taunting and insults? Can't you just be nice for at least twenty minutes?" I ask and feel my anger brewing.

"You know that's not possible. Who am I not to taunt you at any given opportunity? That's the fun,you know. I like watching you loose your mind while seething. Catch you later" he says and starts moving towards his locker.

"Come and ask for my help again if I'll not chop your nose off. Nonsensical child! 'Mumu'! Go...walk away from the fight. Coward!" I say after him. He doesn't reply,he simply smiles and walks on to his chair.

Cassie comes back to her locker at the end of lunch break. She was with Emma the whole time I was talking with Mike. They were probably gossiping. Kate,I'm sure stayed out of it. She likes to keep to herself. Cassie flops on her chair and turns to me.

"What did you two love birds talk about?" She asks.

"Cassie,you've started drinking again right? Like, have you lost your marbles? You don't even have marbles, have you lost your nuts? You know very well that I always fight with Michael,so where's this 'love bird' rubbish coming from?" I ask trying my best to sound angry.

"The fact that you guys fight doesn't mean you don't like each other. The cover you are putting up is not helping,you know. It's obvious in the way you look at each other. I've got my nuts intact,by the way" she replies.

",just because you loose your senses when you're staring at Victor,you think you know how people look at each other when they like themselves? You're so wrong,dear! You know nothing. I am telling you this now...I DO NOT LIKE HIM!" I scream at her. She probably didn't expect my reaction as I notice her recoiling in shock.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you, Cassie. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just didn't like the way you said the whole 'likeness' thing. Don't be vexed,eh?"

"It's okay. I understand you. I won't say it again since it pisses you off. I'm sorry too" she apologises. I smile and give her a side hug from my chair.

Class goes on as usual and nothing eventful happens till we close for the day. I usually walk a little with Cassie and the rest before we all board a bus home. As I get home,the events of the day keeps playing on repeat in my head.

"What are we? Are we friends? Or enemies that advise each other? Or just classmates? I really can't say. I just don't like the fact that my heart likes him. What am I even saying? It's probably hunger" I think and shake my head. I knock on the door to my house and wait a little. After a while,the door opens and I enter. Inside,the aroma of food from the kitchen hits my nostrils. Classic mum! She doesn't slack in her show of motherly love and care.

After taking off my clothes,I rush to the kitchen and take my food. I eat,bathe and start my evening chores. At every point of working,my mind is battling with what I have to tell my mum.

"Amara! Come here right away!" Mum shouts. I drop the plate I'm washing,rinse my hands and run to her room.

"How was school today?" She asks. I know there's more to her question and I'd have to tell her what I have in mind.

"School was fine mum. Nothing much happened. But,mum..." I say and pause.

"What's it? Go on".

"I wanted to ask if you've gotten the money... for my examination fees. You know the deadline is next week..."

"Yes. That's the major reason why I called you. You know I just paid for your brother's tution fee and I don't have any money left. The man I wanted to borrow from is not yet back from his journey. When he's back,I promise to get the money and pay for your final exams" she assures me.

"Okay mum,thank you so much".

"You can go back and finish the washing" mum says and I walk out and return to the kitchen.

"This is all his fault. That wicked man that calls himself my dad. If I miss my final exams,I won't forgive him. I begged him to pay for them and all he could say was that I should drop out of school. Who says that to their child? It's not like he doesn't have the money. He's actually rich but when it comes to his first family,he complains of having nothing. What did I ever do to him? Am I cursed? Who did I offend? I simply can't miss my exams and spend an extra year at home for nothing! There has to be a way. Oh Lord,help me". I think with tears in my eyes.