Games and.. A KISS!?

(Aarons POV)

We were in the living room now. We were playing UNO, a card game that I had laying around. And Aaron for some reason insisted on sitting on the floor, which.. ok. But why? What a weirdo. There were blankets and pillows everywhere around us that kept us comfortable and warm but again.. WHY?

Well anyway, that is not very important right now. What is though, is the fact that we almost KISSED a few minutes ago!! This butthole in front of me trolled me in the worst way possible!!! And I'm planning to get him back for it.

No one plays with me like that!

Although I don't think I will do that by playing a card game that I totally suck at. I mean seriously, I failed three times already! How is he this good?

I was pretty sure that I was going to win this time tough. I just felt lucky. I had a pretty strong hand as some might say in what was it poker? I forgot, but that is not the point. I had two cards left and they were two +4 cards. All I need is two chances to use them and BOOM!

Beat ya mother F-er!!

Only he didn't let that happen as he laid down one of those cards that change direction that was followed by another one and then he put down his last card that was a colour changing one.

My mouth just literally dropped.


"How-.." I was at a loss for words when I slapped my cards on the blanket covered floor for him to see and he started laughing at the sight of them.

"At least you tried ba- I mean Evan." I raised an eyebrow at what he said.

Ba?.. did he want to call me baby?

When those thoughts started flooding my mind I blushed and my heart started to pick up its pace while butterflies tingled my body.

"Um.. let's play another game hm?" I said hiding my face with my minty hair.

He nodded and decided we would play don't be upset brother. I don't know if you ever heard of the game but it's really fun. You basically have little people jumping over circles and you are trying to get them in their houses. It's really fun and annoying when the opponent manages to sent you back from where you came from.

If you have never heard of it, look it up on google because I don't know how to speak.. I mean.. literally. I have no idea how to explain it better than that.

But that is not the point. He chose it because it sounded funny but never heard of it.

So now I have to explain it to him but my braincells seem to have left the chat..

"Just choose something else, gees!" I said annoyed.

"Noo.. I wanna play this one!! So tell me!"

I rolled my eyes and handed him the rules that were written down on a pice of paper by hand.

He looked at me sarcastically and I couldn't but laugh at his face... Never did I laugh so much in one day.

"Really dude, really?" That only made me laugh harder.

"Just read the instructions or choose another game." I said while leaning back on a pillow since my back hurt.

I sighed loudly and that made Aaron snort. "Don't snort like that or you will become a pig. A lazy one that is soooo lazy it won't even read basic instructions."

He snorted again and said "But pigs can't read you dork"

"That's my point Aaron." I said pleased with my answer.

I looked at him when I heard a faint popping sound and broke out laughing when I saw that he caught on to what I was trying to say. His mouth dropped to the floor like in cartoons.

"You're mean" He said then pouted.

I snorted and smirked. "I always was, you just forgot because I went easy on you."


"Next time I'll go harder." I said while grinning mischievously. I got up and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I wanted to laugh so hard when I saw his mouth drop again but I had to hold it for the drama effect.


We played for about two hours until we became tired of the games.

We had a lot of fun and we played most of the games that I had.

He surprisingly won almost every time in every game we played. I don't know what kind of voodoo magic that is but ok...


I yelled at nothing in particular. Trust me, you don't want to see me hungry.

"And what would you like to eat Evan?" He said playfully.

I let out a breath and said "Hmmmm~.... sushi.. That sounds so delicious right now after all of these games."

I said ecstatically not realising that it would sound weird to a strangers ears.

My eyes widened in shock and I shot up. "Please don't interpret that in a wrong way!" I said quickly while pinching the bridge of my nose.

When I looked at Aaron though he had a malicious grin plastered across his face. One that meant no good...

"Why do you look like a damn pedophile right now?" I said trying to get out of the awkward situation that I put myself in.

He put a hand to his heart and pouted.

"Uff...that hurt... what a monster you are." He said faking to be sad.

"I'm going to look for the number of the sushi place, hold on a minute." I said before getting up and looking through a lot of papers and documents. Why do I have so much crap just laying around?? I need to give this place a good cleaning before Monday rolls around.

When I finally found that evil pice of paper I quickly asked Aaron what he wanted and called.

"YEEEES!!! FOOD IS ON ITS WAY!!!" I yelled happily.

Aaron giggled and came over to me by the counter.

He leaned over and stared at me. "Why do you like sushi so much, it's just rice and some cucumber or salmon in the middle?" He questioned.

I sighed. It now was my turn to act hurt.

I put a hand over my heart and looked at him with disgust.

"I, am offended." I said trying to seem serious but the large smile across my face gave me away.

Aaron smiled in amusement.

"I like it because it's healthy and cheap. And..." I leaned closer to him over the counter. Close enough that made it possible for me whisper in his ear.

"And because I like cucumbers"

I could see him visibly shiver when I said that. And I watched as his cheeks became a beautiful rosy pink.

"Chill out dude I was just kidding!" I said amused as I punched his arm.

"He glared at me and that made my smile grow even wider.

Right at that moment the doorbell rang and I almost jumped out of my skin.

I quickly ran up to the door to open it.

When I opened it I was so happy that my food finally arrived, but that mood immediately shattered when I realised who the deliverer was.

"Evan!!" Her way too high voice squealed and I felt my ears explode.

"Camille? You work at the sushi place now?" I said unpleasantly surprised.

She nodded and smiled her usual fake smile that I grew to hate.

She gave me the box where my food was probably in and I went to grab for the door to close it but Camille put her foot at the entrance to stop me from doing so.

I sighed annoyed and signalled for Aaron to take the food.

He quickly came and took it from my hands before I let Camille open the door back up.

"Camille, can you leave now please?"

"You haven't payed me yet." She said. Was she trying to stall her leave? What a pity.

"I payed online. Now leave!" I said annoyed.

She pouted but did not want to move. I tried to close the door again but she stopped me again.


I looked at her ready to tell her to piss off or I'm calling the cops but before I could do that she lounged at me and kissed me. This bitch... literally JUST KISSED ME. WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!!

I tried to free myself from her hold but she pushed me in the house until I hit the counter.

"MMhhMM!!!" She wouldn't budge, even though I was trying to get her off without hurting her as much as I could.

She is a girl after all.

That was a very challenging task though, since she just kept on going and going. Panic started setting in, memories of the past came clouding my mind in a fog of pain.

When she wouldn't listen to me I took her by her hair and pulled her away from my face.

She yelped in pain and looked at me like I was crazy.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!" I screamed at her. I lost my temper for the first time in years.

"Get out and never fucking dare come here again!!" I was still screaming and pointing to the door.

"But Evan-"

"Get the FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I FUCKING KILL YOU! " I shouted so loudly that I think even the neighbouring houses heard my voice.

My voice resonated through the entire residence and I couldn't stop myself now that I snapped.

I was triggered by her forcefully kissing me. That made me remember what my father forcefully did to me and I couldn't be any more angry than I already am.

She knows what I've been through, yet she still has the nerve to do that to me.

"You DARE come in MY house, and force me into kissing you when you KNOW what my father did to me.



I don't know if it's just because I scared her or because she regrets what she did. It might be because of both because she has never seen me act so violently before.

"I-.. I'm so sorry.." She barely whispered.

Tears started to fall from my eyes.

I feel like crap. I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. And I panicked when realisation kicked me in the face. I had done all that while Aaron was still here and obviously watching.

I unconsciously looked behind me and what I saw made me cry.

Aaron was still as a statue. A hand was covering his mouth in shock while tears were threatening to fall.

Feeling awful I turned back around to Camille and saw her also looking at Aaron for a second before turning her attention back to me.

"Just please.. leave." I said in a calmer tone now.

She nodded apologetically and left quietly.

It was then that I broke into tears. Aaron immediately rushed over to me and hugged me from behind.

This was a day I will surely not forget.

I was sobbing so loudly, and Aaron joined me. I felt so bad he had to witness that.

"I-.. I'm sorry for yelling...." I said barely above a whisper.

"Shhh... you don't have to talk." He said calmly.

I was so thankful that I had Aaron by my side right now, and I can't believe that I hated him so much before.

He slowly turned me around and I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"Take it all out." Aaron said quietly. I was so thankful that he didn't ask about my father, but I know the moment will come soon.

"Aaron.." I started and pulled away from his neck.

"Yes Evan?" He asked while smiling warmly.

I didn't say anything, since I didn't know what to say.

So the both of us stared in each others eyes for a while, and I noticed that the distance between us got smaller and smaller, diminishing with every second that passed.

At one point I wrapped my arms around his neck and did the thing that I needed and craved most.

I connected our lips together.