
Trigger warning!!

(Evans POV)

We stayed like that for a while.

It was always the same scenario. I would sob and cry my heart out silently while he quietly tried to calm me down and make me feel comfortable.

It always worked for a few minutes, and then the tears would start coming right back, like winter every year.

And you know what?

Everyone hates winter so you can probably imagine how I feel right now.

I am so glad I can hug someone right now and feel like things will actually get better if I stay in their arms. Something like this is what I always wished to have but never did.

A shoulder to lean on.


"You mistake"

"Worthless leech.."

"Money eater."




They never wanted me. They never loved me. They never showed any type of affection or remorse.

They were the cruel monster from under the bed at night.

Instead of being afraid of the boogeyman, I was afraid of them.

Afraid they would hide under my bed at night, only to grab and then drag me under when I wake up in the morning.

"A-Aaron?" My voice was barely a whisper.

"Yes Evan?" He whispered back.

"Please... if you actually care.. don't ever bring this up again." I was gripping his shirt with my hands and looked up at him.

He looked like a mess. His black hair was all over the place. He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked like he was about to cry.

"I will tell you everything if and when the time comes."

I did everything in my power to get the best grades possible so I would leave the place as soon as possible.

When you have a mother that cheats on your father with multiple guys a day, and a dad that is an alcoholic that doesn't care about you at all and beats you every day, leaving horrid bruises on your body, those are things that... I will never forget...

This was something you would see on the News but choose to ignore because it is not you that is suffering.

When parents choose to starve their children and that is not half as bad as what my father did to me.

And I don't think I will ever be able to forget or get over it.

It is something that is so traumatising that I can't even think about it.

I was so afraid.

And I was just a kid.

I hope he will have a painful death and-

"Hey Evan.." I was ripped from my thoughts when Aaron suddenly spoke.

"I know it's still early to say but... you can trust me... And I am willing to listen to you."

More tears were threatening to fall when he said that. Because he sounded so honest.

God.. can I trust him?..

Me being tired, I tried to get out of his grasp and go change into some more comfortable clothes, but he wouldn't let go. When he noticed that I wanted to leave he hugged back tighter, as if to protect me from God knows what..

But seeing as it did feel really great I snuggled more into him and hugged back, enjoying the silence.

And we stayed there on the floor in each others arms for a while. I don't even know how much time had passed before my eyes started becoming heavy, and before I knew it; I fell into a very, very comfortable and deep sleep.


(Aarons POV)

He looked so fragile in my arms.

He had puffy red yes from all the crying and he was very pale because of dehydration.

I feel really bad because the reason this happened is because I pushed him too far. I am the reason he feels like crap right now..

I wish I could turn back time and stop myself from messing everything up.

"Evan..." I stopped myself when I realised that this beautiful creature in my arms fell asleep again.

I smiled to myself knowing he felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in my arms again.

Not wanting him to catch a cold I picked him up bridal style and looked for a bedroom.

I had to go up to the second floor because the whole downstairs was the huge living kitchen thingy. I have no idea how to call it since I have never seen something like this.

The second floor was just as beautiful and spacious. It was a giant two parted room with glass as most of the walls, so you could see the town and sun perfectly.

It would be so nice watching the sun go down and the sky turning into many magical different colours with him.

It would be very comforting just running my fingers through his hair while hugging him close to me, taking in his cherry-filled scent.

It would definitely be really nice enjoying such a view with him. And God I sound so gay right now...

Though I thought it would be amazing, I had to quickly brush off those thoughts since I knew that would probably never happen so I have to forget about it.

I gently placed Evan on his bed which was faced to a normal red brick wall. It dubiously fit very well in this place.

Evan grumbled some nonsense when my touch left him and that made me feel really weird. It gave me butterflies all over.

Staring at a random corner of the room I smiled to myself.

Did he want me to stay with him like that?

I got the tingles when I thought about it.

I took one more glance at him and flinched when I saw that Evan was no longer asleep, but fully awake and sitting up straight staring at me.

"E-Evan.. I thought you were sleeping?" I stuttered out. Wait. I STUTTERED?... That never happened to me before!!!

Am I going crazy?... Am I sick?

"I was.. but then I felt cold and suddenly couldn't sleep anymore.. Why were you smiling?"

Damn it! I've been exposed!!

"Uh.. I don't know?"

"Aaron. You can't answer a question with another question. And also. 'I don't know' is not an answer."

He said confidently. Damn, where's that confidence coming from?

"Well uh.. you know- uh.. I mean." I shut up to stop my excuse of an attempt of an answer. I would only embarrass myself further.

Suddenly I could feel a hand to my forehead and jumped. I didn't expect him to touch me right now. That's because he never does, only if he absolutely has to.

"Hmm... you don't have a fever so maybe you're just still tired?" Wait. He thought I was sick. Was I that bad?

"I f- feel fine. You don't have to worry about me."

"See, that's where you are lying. You never stutter, so what's wrong?"

I stayed quiet not knowing what to say in response.

"Is something bothering you?" He questioned, a worried look on his face.

Yeah, if only you knew that the cause of my stuttering is you.

"Yeah- I mean NO... I mean..- wait what?"

At that Evan broke into a fit of laughter and I could feel heat rise up to my cheeks.

When he was done he wiped A TEAR away from his cheek. A TEAR!!

"Good to know I am at least entertaining you." I said sarcastically.

At that Evan smiled and said.

"I know a better way for you to entertain me.." He said lowly. My mind immediately started to wonder. In places that are strictly forbidden. I could once again feel my cheeks flush red as I thought about it.

"We could play some games! I got card games.. board games.. or we could make some games up!" He said excitedly.


I probably looked like a damn tomato now. No, even worse. Tomatoes would be jealous of me.

I released a breath that I didn't even know I was holding and nodded my head while trying to hide my face with my black hair.

Evan probably noticed my weird behaviour because he looked at me suspiciously and cocked an eyebrow at me. God save me, MY FACE IS ON FIRE!!

"You look surprised. What did you think I was going to say?" My eyes widened at that.

After not answering for a while Evan started to smirk.

"No! nononononono!! I didn't- it's not like that... I-I didn't-.. don't think like that!" What a mess. Smooth.

His smirk only grew wider as a look of amusement dominated his features. He looked like he didn't believe a word I said.

And I don't blame him. I wouldn't believe myself either.

"I DIDN'T !!" I said one last time before standing up and waking towards the stairs.

Evan laughed again and asked "Where are you going you dirty minded freak??" After that followed another laugh. Oh he didn't.. He did NOT just call me a dirty minded freak!

"What did you just call me?" I said seriously, but there was a hint of playfulness in my voice and a smile was wide on my face.

He giggled and pressed himself against the wall while I was already by the bed and leaning down to look at him.

My face was getting closer to his with the intention to intimidate him. And I guess it worked a little because he stopped giggling. He was staring into my eyes while I was staring back.

Me not being able to hold myself in that position for too long I pinned my hands to the wall to lend me support, my eyes never leaving his. Evan gasped at my action and that made me smile... or smirk.. it was more of a smirk.

"Not so brave now are we?" I said playfully.

Evan gulped nervously and looked at my lips for a split second before darting his eyes across the room in embarrassed.

I smiled and bit my lip as I saw a slight pinky colour make its way to his cheeks.

I grabbed him by his chin and forced him to look at me gently.

I looked at his lips and he did the same. I leaned forward but before our lips could touch I put a finger in between them.

As much as I wanted to kiss him I had to get my revenge.

I pulled away pretending to dust off my clothes and smiled at him cruelly.

"Now who's the one that was thinking dirty hm?"

My smile only grew wider when he turned away from me with the deepest blush the world has ever seen.