Chapter 3

Small Talk

"That's a nice bike", Tyron commented on my bike. I parked it near the tree just beside the bench we are sitting on.

"Where did you get that?", he asked curiously. Maybe he is interested in cycling or something. He scoop a spoonful of rocky road flavored ice cream and put it in his mouth before looking at me.

"It's from my dad", I answered. He nodded and tried to wipe the dripping ice cream on the side of his lips, with the back of his hand, but the ice cream spread more on his cheeks.

I laugh a little and handed him some tissues. I can sense that he felt embarassed at what he did. Before I could help the boy in cleaning his face, a cup of dark chocolate ice cream appeared in front of me.

"Here", he said in husky yet cold voice. How is that voice even possible? And how the heck did I even know it sounded like that?

"Thanks", I simply said taking the ice cream from his hand.

He sat on the bench a few inches away from me and dig in to his own ice cream. Vanilla eh? A pretty plain flavor. Not that I'm interested anyway.

After a little while, the two boys said that they will be playing a bit more on the seesaw so we are left there all alone eating ice cream, obviously.

We eat there in silence. Like the atmosphere is as cold as the food we're scooping. Well, fall is a cold season anyway.

It's not that I want us talk to each other. It's actually in benefit of me since I don't talk to people. Besides, I enjoy watching the boys alternately going up down on a lever.

"He is your nephew, right?", he asked out of nowhere. I looked at him to see if he is talking to me, which is so obvious since I'm the only one there aside from him. Ugh, stupid common sense.

He wasn't looking my way when he asked me that. He also watches the boys having fun but I know he is waiting for my answer at the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah", I answered. I'm thinking of words to add but then I realized what's the point? It's not like he said some follow up question.

He only nodded to acknowledge my answer. An image of Tyrone nodding at my answer a while ago flashed through my mind. I guess they really are brothers.

"Tyrone is your brother", I said which I don't know if I intended it to sound as a question or a statement.

He looked at me with a mixture of confusion and amusement written on his...well, beautiful face I may say.

I didn't notice it a while ago. And I hate to even elaborate how beautiful his brown eyes are especially now that it was hit by the afternoon sunlight, plus the fact it looks deeper and enigmatic because of his long lashes and thick brows. Or how a leaf could slide down the bridge of his pointed nose. And damn those lips that actually look more feminine than mine because it's thin and naturally red. And damn my mind for being this poetic about his facial description. And when the hell did I ever feel insecure about someone's lips?!

I tilted my head to set my absurd thoughts at the corner of my dark mind. I pursed my lips and tried my best for him not to notice the war I'm having with my own sarcastic thoughts.

"Yeah, he is", he answered despite how vague my words are. He still has that amused look as if he finds me entertaining. Of course he does find it funny how dumb I look asking him that, as if Tyrone didn't introduce him to me. If my mind has eyes, It'll be rolling 360 degrees all the time.

"Right", I said and nodded my head which I don't know if for him or for me.

I just continue eating my ice cream which is apparently should be in a drinking mode right now since it has already melted into liquid state. And so I did drink it directly from the cup. Bottoms up. I saw him turn his head on me for a moment and then look away, not minding my business with the ice cream cup. Good choice.

Upon finishing the food, I looked at my watch to see that I have only 3 minutes before my shift. Damn. I almost forgot! I suddenly jump off the bench and called Zach. He immediately walk my way and took his bag on his shoulders.

"Let's just play again tomorrow", he said to Tyrone who followed him and looked my way as if waiting for me to say something to the guys too.

"Okay. Anyway, will you be fetching him again?", Tyrone asked before I can even say something.

"Uhm, I don't know. Maybe not since my Mom is the one who always does", I said and shrug a bit.

A hint of disappointment flashed through the faces of the two boys for a moment. I guess they want me since my mom always fetch Zach early and they can't play much longer.

I turn to Van who is suprisingly looking at me too. Okay, that was surprising, like what I already thought. I turn to Tyrone again.

"We have to go now, Tyrone. And uh, thank you again, for the ice cream", I tried looking at him again this time and he still is looking at me. Uhm more like staring? I don't know. Whatever. What matters is I already said my thanks and goodbyes.

"Okay, see you tomorrow", Tyrone said and wave his hand. Van only nodded at us. That was our cue to leave, and so we did.

Zach stepped on the bars in the middle of the hind wheel and put his hands on my neck like he was about to piggyback ride on me.

"Hold tight", I reminded him. He nodded and hold tighter on my neck. Damn, kiddo I can't breath.

I started pedaling fast because I'll be late for work.

"Did you had fun today?", I managed to ask Zach while we are going down the road.

"Yeah, it was fun. Ty and I had more time playing than before and Van was there too. He always treat us some ice cream", he answered. Joy is evident on his words.

"Van, huh?", I can't help but blurt out. Not that I'm interested about him. I just suddenly remember what Joana told me this morning. Is that the same guy?

"Yeah. He always fetch Tyrone. He is studying at your highschool too. Don't you know him?", he asked.

He does? Well, he look familiar and his name also ring some bells which are mainly from my memories with Joana and all his gossip stories.

"I see. I know him. Sort of", I replied because that's the truth. I know not enough about him to say something. Now I regret, just a bit, not listening to Joana's Van's daily update. Most of it are gossips anyway.

We reached home and Zach quickly jump off and bid farewell. I only smiled at him and rode down again as fast as I could.

Damn, I could pass as a stunt woman with my bike tricks powered by adrenaline.