Chapter 2

Ice cream

I woke up by the blinding lights coming from my window. I can't help but groan at the sight. So much for being not a morning person. It reminds me that another tiring day awaits.

I'm used to not using alarm clocks because hearing it first every morning will definitely mess my mood even more. Besides, my body alarm never fails me. Not even once.

I force myself to get up and do my morning routines like shower and brushing my teeth. I took an oversized gray shirt from my closet and put it on obviously before slipping into a black skinny jeans. I was about to wear my shoes when I noticed a cut on the left leg of my jeans just above where my knee is. It may have been ripped by a nail or something. I inhale some oxygen and hold it in for a couple of seconds before blowing it in a harsh sigh. What a great way to start my day.

Yeah, I'm a short-tempered person 'till eight in the morning and everything pisses me off.

Before I could say some curse words, I decided to grab some scissors and began cutting the cut much longer and did it with the other leg. I pulled the excess strands of denim to add a bit of style to my now worn out jeans. Thanks to 5-minutes crafts, at least I saved it.

After my little life hacks session, I put on my low cut converse which I can't remember when was the last time I washed but it doesn't matter at the moment and hurried downstairs.

"Mom I'll get going!", I shouted because I know she's in the kitchen, and grab the door handle.

"Okay, take care. Oh wait Eli!", she shouts back and I turn around to see her walking out of the kitchen.

"About Zach...", she said and look sideways maybe to see if the kid is eating his meal or building his legos again.

"Can you pick him up from school later? Amie texted that she'll be home late and I have my shift today 'till seven so...I mean just today", she explained as if it was a big favor to ask. Well, it kinda is knowing that I have work after class too but as if I can say no to it anyway.

"Yeah, what time?", I ask her. She seems surprise but only for a second.

"Uhm around 4 pm", she said and smile gratefully.

"Okay, I'll go now", I said and walk out the door towards the gate to unlock my bike chained on the iron grills. I took it and ride it off the streets.

Taking a school bus will make my travel faster but then the idea of spending money for it is not really something I could do at the moment. Not now that I'm trying my best to earn and save money for college. Besides, who rides the bus anyway? Most of the students in school have their own ride and mine isn't that bad either. At least for me.

It's a gift that my dad gave during my 16th birthday. He knew me well enough not to buy me some make ups or party dresses. I was only using this bike when we were out camping together or mountain biking but now it has become my way of transportation to school.

A lot of things have changed since he passed away. Our life fell apart. Most of our money was spend for his medication including at least half of the educational fund he saved for my college.

After that day, nothing was the same anymore. My mom was on the verge of her sanity because of pain and thinking of how to move forward without him to support us. The sight broke my heart but I had no chance to express it since I became the wall that she leaned on. I have to be strong for her that time. And I am until now.

I'm trying to work hard and save up for the college fund that was spent. It has to be NYU for college because that is where he graduated the same course that I will take. It's going to be hard but I don't have plans of keeping my promise as words I just said once upon a time. It'll be fufilled in time.

After almost a year of suffering, we are still trying to cope up with things slowly. My mom got a job as a cook in a seafood restaurant while Amie, continued her college education and is now on her third year. Meanwhile, I have a work at a coffee shop after school and a freelance artist and a member of a house cleaning team during weekends.

My mom is not obliging me to work but I know I have to if I want to be at the gates of NYU next school year.

Joana, my bestfriend tried to lend me some money but I refused it since I know they also have just and enough money for her. She suggested that I should take a student loan and I plan to but I know I still need some money for other stuffs like apartment and allowance.

And just in time, upon arriving at the gates of my beloved school, the bell rang. I quickly locked my bike on its designated parking space before entering the market-like crowd of people on the hallway.

In the vast sea of people, a pair of waving hands as if drowning and asking for help caught my attention. Of course she will do that on the first day after the few days of Halloween vacation. She has to do that because she is not my friend if she won't.

While saying those sarcastic remarks about her only to myself, I didn't notice that she was already in front of me grinning like hyena puppy wagging her tail.

She pulled me for a tight hug, which she would also always do since the moment I can remember.

"I missed you so much", she whispered in my ear sensually. A series of chills run down my spine because of that. Jeez. I can never be comfortable with all her affectionate stunts on me for like in a lifetime. Although I know that she is doing it on purpose, I still can't help but roll my eyes for 5 seconds straight. Pure white eyeballs on the surface.

"Oh, I missed you too so much. This whole week vacation feels like forever for me", I responded, coating each word with thick sarcasm.

"Aaaaaawe," a long trying-to-be-cute-with-matching-pair-of-index-finger-pointing-one-another-back-and-forth. God, it's too early and she's acting like a damn loli already. I can't help but drammatically face palm at her gesture.

"Enough, you white weebo. It's unbearable", I said and grab her towards our lockers because people are slowly noticing us. Thanks to her aweful "aaaaaawe" statement that sounds straight from a hentai show.

"What? Hidoi, Eli-chan (You're rude, Eli)", she said acting innocently.

"Deal with it, I can't afford to have eyes at me because my only friend acts like a 3D anime wannabe character", I explained. Yeah I know it's a mean thing to say but she knew the words I meant and not. Maybe because she thinks I'm some tsundere anime character and she is a deredere one. Making her anime fantasies fulfilled at some point.

"Demo (But), they already have their eyes at us, Eli-chan. You know, we are a yuri couple", she said doing the index to index finger cute gesture again. Damn, I love anime but I don't know why this girl end up like this. Maybe I'm one to be blame since I introduced that culture to her.

"Yeah and you're making it worse by being like that", I pointed at her from head to toe.

She rolled her eyes at me, dropping her anime act to talk to me in her usual self.

"Oh come on, I just enjoyed doing it. Bear with me or you'll be lonely for the rest of your life", she threatened as if I'm scared to lose her. Of course I am, but I'd rather die than say it to her. Yeah, I think I'm a tsundere one.

"Whatever you say", I said just to drop the nonsense conversation. I opened my locker and took my books for my whole day schedule. I hate going back and forth in this place.

Locker area is a dramatic place where all sorts of events happen. Proven by movies and series.

"Hey, did you know that Sheena and Van broke up?", and here she goes again. If not being a weebo, she is the nosy-the nosiest person I know in school. Probably because she is the only person I know.

"Sheena, who?", I said acting interested just to satisfy her nosiness.

"I can't believe you, Eli-chan. I've been like telling that name for a thousandth time since we met. All my stories are about her", she said looking at me like I'm someone ridiculous.

"I'm not good with names", I said as a matter of fact. It's the truth since I'm actually not paying attention most of the time. My life is too complicated to even care for others.

She sighed disappointedly. I just shrug it off since she'd been disappointed at me for the thousandth time as well because of that.

"So as I was saying they broke up", she tried to continue her news that is way faster than our school publication issue.

"Who?", I asked absentmindedly while reading the lesson for our class in calculus. There's actually not much to read since it's all numbers and computation but I'm more interested in it than her story. And I bet she knows it with the way I reply to her.

"Van and Sheena. They broke up last Halloween", she managed to continue eventhough I'm not really listening. And as for me being a lucky person in terms of timing, we finally reached our room before I could think of a response. We part ways and sit on our designated chairs. Then, as what happens in a normal class, the teachers starts discussing stuffs I don't have a choice but to listen to.

The day went on smoothly. Before I know it, I was waving at Joana before she get in the car and I on the other hand, unlocked my bike and ride down the streets leading to Zach's preschool. I got there a few minutes late due to the fact that I'm riding a bike but that doesn't matter since I have to hurry back soon for my work.

I look around trying to find a small boy with his semi-thick glasses on and a blue spiderman backpack. Where is he?

"Excuse me, do you know Zach Perez, the boy with some glasses on?", I asked a random little girl walking out from the gate. I could go in and asked his teacher but that would take time.

"Zach? Oh, he's with Tyrone. Maybe they're playing over there", she said in a cute, sweet voice while pointing on a nearby park.

"Aaaah, I see. Thank you, little girl", I said and I can't help but pinch her cheeks. She's so cute. I have no plans on asking her name since I know I'll forget it eventually. She just smiled at me and walk away becaise her mom called her.

Meanwhile, I took my bike and went to the park the girl told me. I carried my bike while looking around.

I saw him playing seesaw with another boy about his age too. I quickly came closer to fetch him while unconciously looking at my watch. I still have time. Maybe I can let him enjoy himself a bit.

"Zach", i called out. He glanced my way and smile a bit. He is a timid boy. I almost think he is uncomfortable around me.

They stopped playing and walk towards me. I sat on a bench and wait for them.

"Do you know that I'm the one who'll fetch you?", I asked calmly at him. I can sense he finds me intimidating.

He just nodded a response. He looked at the boy next to him.

"This is Tyrone. He is my friend from school", he introduced his friend shyly. So cute.

"Hi, I'm Tyrone. You're Zach's auntie, right?", the boy asked. Auntie huh? It sounds like I'm really old. He looks more cheerful than Zach and I think it's a good thing to have him as his friend.

"Yeah. I'm Eli. Nice to meet you", I said and extended a hand for a handshake. He took it and smile at me. A polite one.

"Ty, I think I have to go. Eli still has work after this. Let's just play again tomorrow", Zach said to Tyrone. I was touched that he knows I'm busy. Amie's boy is kind.

"It's okay. You can play some more. I still have time", I interrupted. Zach looked at me trying to see if I'm serious. I smiled and slowly he smiled back too.

"Okay then, let's just wait for my brother here then we could go home after", Tyrone said and look on the other side of the park.

"There he is", he said pointing at a guy walking towards us with some ice cream in his hands.

The guy walk towards us. He looks familiar. The closer he gets, the more I recognize his face. He glanced at the boys and looked at me for a few seconds. He stopped and handed the ice cream to Tyrone and Zach.

"Thank you", Zach said politely. The guy just smiled at him then looked at me. His eyes showing a hint of curiosity.

"Eli this is Van, my brother", Tyrone introduced. I think he will be good in socializing. He knows the proper introduction.

"Van, this is Eli. Zach's auntie", there goes that "auntie" word again.

"Hi", he greeted.

"Hi", I responded.

Silence. Only the boys are talking about some cartoon shows they watched. Now, that was awkward.

Van suddenly move and walk towards the way he came from.

"Where are you going?", Tyrone asked his brother after noticing that he will leave.

"I'll buy some ice cream. I didn't know she is coming", he said and stop to glance my way.

"What flavor do you want?", he asked.

I looked at him and pointed myself confusingly. He nodded.

"Uhm. Dark chocolate, please", I said trying to be polite.

He nodded and turn to walk again towards the ice cream store.

A/N: Here are the meaning of the japanese terms for this chapter

Weebo/Weeb- a person who wants to be a japanese mainly due to anime

Tsundere- a cold, silent type of anime character

Dere dere- cheerful and friendly anime character

Yuri- girl to girl relationship