Chapter 1


"He has to undergo chemotherapy as soon as possible. The cancer is spreading rapidly in his lungs-",

I closed the door of my dad's room while my mom and the doctor is talking in the hallway outside. I can't stand hearing the end of it.

I turn to my dad who is currently rereading his favorite book since he got into this hospital last month. He must have felt my presence making him to glance my way. He raise his hand and gesture it to come near him. With all the tubewires and oxygen-powered stuff attached to his body, my heart breaks at the sight of him.

"Is something wrong, Engr. Perez?", he asks in a soft and almost a whisper voice. He always calls me that since my declaration to be an engineer when I was 14. He was so happy that someone from the family will follow his lead that he tags me along when he is conducting field inspection during his working years.

"Yeah, I just...I'm thinking of the school stuffs I haven't done yet. You know, only a year is left before college", I lied and gave him an assuring smile.

"Liar. You know I knew how lazy you are about school stuffs. It was the last thing that you will think of", he teases me and I can't help but roll my eyes at him. So much for being a known procrastinator.

"Yeah, but you know I'm still good at it. Last minute doing is my thing", i fire back at him while having a smug look on my face. He laughs at my boastfulness.

"Yeah you sure do. Except on the nights I can hear your frustrating screams in your room of how dissapointing your outputs are and that tomorrow is their due yet you can't do it-", he tells sarcastically that I can't help but groan in embarassment.

"Okay stop right there. I'm an irony of procrastination that seeks perfection. Happy?", I admit and he laughs at my statement of defeat. I blow a sigh of relief knowing that at some point, I changed the subject about me and the way I feel at his condition.

Before he could ask it again, the door of the room opens and my mom came in. She looks tired and stressed out but she managed to look good in tied up hair, light make up, and a casual dress. She has this calm smile plastered on her lips but I know better than that especially because of what I heard earlier. She walks towards us and lean in to give my father a kiss on the forehead. I look away not because its an awkward sight to see but because of the sting of pain that creeps my heart slowly. They've been very affectionate to one another even at their 50's. And seeing them still doing their normal thing in a different situation tears me up.

"I'm just gonna grab some coffee outside. Mom, do you want one?", I tell them to excuse myself before I have a breakdown.

"Yes dear. An Americano and some cheesecake for both of us", she said and I nod before exiting the room.

I inhaled some air and blow it harshly to relax myself before finally walking down the hall. Imagining them talking about my dad's condition and pretending that everything is alright makes the side of my eyes burn. No not at this moment. I need to be strong for both of them especially that Amie is not around. Especially for my mom.

I step out of the hospital with my senses focused on building a strong facade before coming back. I entered the coffeeshop and ordered an Americano for my mom and black coffee for me together with the cheesecakes that she wants.

While waiting, I turn my head just to see that it was already dark outside. I haven't notice it while coming in. The snow is thick and a faint sound of christmas songs play in the background. Yeah I almost forgot the time of year. I look at my watch and reads 10:34 pm. Few hours before Christmas. I guess we will be celebrating it here.

The coffee shop is a bit crowded with people trying to take a break from hospital works and some trying to pass their time by drinking coffee.

"One Vanilla latte", a raspy voice said. His words thick with an accent. I turn to take my order and my eyes caught a familiar figure.

The guy is someone I knew from school. Van is the name if I'm not mistaken. A popular guy whose name brings noise despite having a quiet, cold and snob personality. A bit ironic isn't it? Well I couldn't care more except that I know his name as an everyday subject on school corridors and one of the top stories Joana tell first thing on my every morning. God, I suddenly missed that nosy friend of mine. My only friend, I mean.

I took my order at the same time he steps closer beside me to grab his. I was about to leave when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I hold my order in one hand and took my phone with another swiping the screen to answer my mom's call.

At the corner of my eyes, I can see that Van is still at the counter beside me. Maybe he ordered some additional cake or something.

"Hey mom, I'm coming-", I was cut midsentence by my mom's sobs. I stiffened for a moment before feeling my world crumbling down at my feet. My hands shoook and the coffee that I'm holding makes a splashing sound on the floor.

I heard a loud gasp beside me, maybe because some of the hot coffee spilled on his pants or shoes or something but so do I, and I have no time to apologize because I run as fast I could to the hospital.

I run as if my life depends on it. The tears starts to blur my vision and fell down rapidly as if competing with the speed of my feet.