Chapter 5


Have you ever felt the feeling that you already accepted your fate and just thought to yourself "Nah. This is it. I'm done. Better luck on my next life".

But then out of nowhere, a brave knight in shining armor came to save you, being a damn damsel in distress. Well, it's not really what happens in reality. And for a fact, I ain't no damsel. I'm just distress.

"I'm glad I made it in time", he said this? With a smile on his face as what I stated on the previous chapter? Nah. He never did.

It's just one of my illusions. Being caught up in the moment that he actually showed up, so my mind played a trick on me by making up delusions that he somehow said something nice and comforting.

What he actually said is...nothing. He just opened the trash bin, held out a hand and pulled me up in a not so forceful way that I actually stumbled my way out of the bin. Scratch that. With the bin, rolling a bit side ways.

I, then helped myself out while he just stand there, watching me picking up the scattered trash on the ground and putting them back in the bin. I look like I'm doing some community service in the middle of the night while being monitored by my superiors.

Look. I know I shouldn't complain. I mean, the dude just saved me but, I don't know. Maybe I want him to be more considerate since I am a 'lady'. Oh come on. I thought you're a gender equality advocate. What's with that demand? A voice in my head reminded me.

After I picked up the fallen trash, and closed the bin that has been my safe haven for a couple of minutes, pain slowly creeps in to my legs down to my feet, as well as to my shoulders and arms.

I bent down and checked if my legs are still intact. Gladly, they are. Only that there is a huge scrape on my left knee and a cut on my upper ankle. I closed my eyes at the sight. I'm scared of blood and though I can't clearly see it, I can feel it sticky and rusty smell on my skin.

"Are you okay?", he finally spoke up.

I tried not to winced when I tried to stand again but I can't help it. The stretch made my shoulders and back ache. I looked over my elbows and saw some scrapes and sands on it too.

"Yeah. Somehow", I still managed to say while I'm still checking other parts of my body.

When I felt like nothing fatal has happened, I tried to take a step towards my way, only to be surprised by the sudden jolts of pain from my leg.

I was sure that I will fall on my knees or worst, the ground, when an arm sprout and gave me some support to lean on.

"I'm good. It's just that, my leg kinda feel off a little", I said and tried to take another step.

He didn't take his arm off my side, and I'm glad he didn't, because that is what could keep me going. He walk beside me for support.

Every step is like a torture to me. It feels like the bone in my leg will snap and broke if I landed my feet on the ground even with a bit force.

I was about to take another step when he pulls out his arm. I nearly got out of my balance if he didn't held both my shoulders from the back. I winced from both shock and pain.

I turned my head to look at him. I saw him taking off his denim jacket and placing it on my back before walking and kneeling in front of me. His back facing me.

Puzzled with his actions I can't help but ask, "What are you doing?".

He turned his head, still kneeling on the ground, "Hop in".

It's obvious that he wants me to piggy ride him but I find it uncomfortable for him. I'm heavy.

"It will take forever before you get home if you walk with your injured feet", he said when I still haven't hopped on his back.

And so I did. He's got a point. Besides, I don't want to waste more of his time by being my support while I walk like a 90-year old lady.

He got up and started walking with me on his back. I tried not to hold on too tight so I won't choke him. I bet I look like a goblin creeping on his back.

He doesn't seem to care about my weight because he can still walk normal and fast.

The cold night wind blow and I'm glad that he lend me his jacket, providing protection on my wounds against the cold air. It would be painful without it.

The air that blew on him smells like mint and some after shower soap. He might have taken a bath before going here. I felt a little conscious of myself that I simply sniff my shoulder. It's a bad idea. I smell like rotten trash. And what's more bad is that I'm on his back, clinging to him like a giant fungus. I wish he didn't notice it. Or if ever he did, at least when he was already on his home so he could take a bath again.

I'm silently praying for it that I didn't notice we are already on his car just a few steps from my fallen bike.

"I'm okay now. You can just put me down in here-", my sentence was cut when he open his car and put me down the passenger sit then close the door. He then walk away towards my bike and picked it up before walking over the back and put it in his trunk. I can't say anything and just watched him do it.

He opened his car door and hopped in the driver's seat. He then looked at me for a couple of seconds, as if figuring something out. Oh damn. Did he notice my smell? Do I smell so badly that it might spread and stick in his car?

He lean towards me. I was ready that he will sniff me and say I smell awful. I closed my eyes and waited for his remarks but I felt his hand reaching my upper side. Then he pulled my sitbelt and locked it on my other side.

I looked at him turning back to his own sit and putting on his sitbelt as if nothing happened.

I don't know if I'll be relieved or embarassed at what I thought and did.

He started the car and in that moment, I know it's gonna be a long, long ride.