"We arrived at the destination" the speaker said that woke me up from my nap.
I take a deep breath and pretend that i don't know anything and cleared my thoughts.
The driver will be my pretend father right now.
"Identity?" He asked the driver.
I bet he was one of the spies here.
Before thinking about my mission i blocked my thoughts.
"Kim, Yohan " he said.
"And you?" He was looking at me.
"Kim, Yena" i told him my fake name.
His eyebrows met each other when he can't read my mind.
I smirked at him that made him surprised.
"Furious are we? You can't read me idiot" I said with dual meaning and provoked him but the driver stopped me.
"Yena" he said with a serious tone that made me roll my eyes
"Whatever dad." Me playing my bitchy attitude.
"You see now why i have to enroll my daughter here?" The guy smirked and laugh.