Her reason

Her dorm mates glared at me as they get maddie in my arms.

I wish she was one of my dorm mates. Not that i hate them but i want to keep an eye to her.

Tomorrow will be my fifth day. I have to convince her the day after tomorrow.

I lazily make my way to my bed and didn't bother to enter my classes. i don't care entering this school since i am going out after a week.

While i was thinking on what i will say to maddie on our talk that didn't go to what i expected, my dorm maates knock in my room door.

" I said that I don't want to be bothered right now." I shouted at them as I press my face on my pillow.

If this didn't go in my plan tomorrow i will execute my plan B where i would kill the headmaster.

I sighed as I opened my door because the knocking won't stop.

My eyes widen as I saw maddie in front of me instead of my dorm mates.

well that was akward.

"why are you here?" I demand her that made her brows met each other.