Chapter 8

I froze when he said that. Like, I didn't know how to react, am I really jealous? Wait no, I'm just mad and shucks, why am I mad again? Ohh, okay I guess maybe that's because I felt like Bryce's fooling me. I mean, he said that he wanted to move on so maybe I'm a bit mad because Bryce chose to have a rebound instead of focusing on how to move on properly.

"Wait what did you just say? I am jealous? tsk, you wish" I said trying to be confident.

"I don't know about you, Kaye. Why would you be jealous? Hmm," he said, teasing me. This man is really annoying. His laughter is annoying because that's what makes him cute.

You know what Bryce?, I'm not jealous. I'm just a little mad because you want me to help you move on and rebuild yourself, am I right?. Now, why do you have a girlfriend?. Poor woman, you are not yet healed, you will just make her your rebound. Oh my gosh Bryce I thought you're kind." I told him.

Gradually, his forehead furrowed but when he seemed to have realized something, he then burst out laughing and I don't know what to do, all I know is that maybe he's crazy. It's really embarrassing because we were at Starbucks and then this idiot keeps on laughing, he's just so lucky because he's handsome so no one's complaining, well, I'm just kidding okay. I don't even know what I'm talking about. He stopped laughing when I looked at him, he seems scared of me but he's also trying his best not to laugh. I just ignored him.

"Zeira Kaye T. Montero, also known as Zee, you're really funny. First of all, can you please stop staring at me like that? It makes me scared" he said and he laughed again.

Omg, I think he's really crazy. Legit no lies, I'm irritated because of his laugh but on the other side, I'm happy because now, I can see that he is somehow genuinely happy and I think that's what matters the most.

"Second of all Zee, I don't have a girlfriend, okay? And what you saw earlier, she's Hannah, she's the one I'm talking about, well, I want to move on from her. Maybe you think I'm fooling you but yeah, that's the truth and the reason why we're together is that, I did what you said, I asked for closure and about the hug, it's just a friendly hug" He continued

O to the M to the G, it's super embarrassing, maybe, I'll just let the ground eat me oh my gosh Kaye what have you done. I thought he's doing something wrong, I thought, yes, I judged him and I hate it, I hate how dirty my mind is. I was about to answer back but then he talked so I just kept quiet.

"And you know what Zee, lastly, I will not use anyone to move on, making someone as your rebound is not the solution for you to heal easily. I don't want that, I'm not that kind of person." He said seriously.

I really don't know what to say, I'm kinda shy because of what I did, I judged him and that's the worst thing I did to him, he's my friend, I shouldn't have done that.

"Look Bryce, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, It's just that, I didn't know. I'm sorry if I judged you, I was just concern about you and for the girl, I didn't know that you were going to ask for closure that fast so I didn't like visualize that scene so I'm very sorry, I hope you could forgive me" I genuinely told him.

I just avoided my gaze because I feel so shy and yeah I guess he's not bothered anymore by what I did because he's back at his normal self now so I somehow felt okay. He's definitely back on his mood because right now, he keeps on teasing me, well, I cannot complain though. When he stopped teasing me, I think of asking him a question.

"Hmm Bryce, if you don't mind, how was your talk with Hannah?" I asked

"Hmm, it was actually good, first, I said sorry because I gave up on our friendship because of these stupid feelings of mine, and yeah I told her honestly why I avoided them. I told him about the pain I felt back then and luckily, she understands. To be honest, it just hurts in a way that I clearly know what I feel towards her but I let her be in someone's arms because of my worthless pride. I couldn't fight for her because I know she fell for Justine and who am I to stop them, right" He said

"Second, she also said sorry because she didn't reject me. She knows that it's somehow her fault why I was hurt. Well, I told her that she won't need to blame herself because it was me who fell for her, it was me who chose to be sad. It was me who chose to not fight for her. It was my choice." He said and then smiled. I thought he's already done talking but he's not and what he said gave butterflies to y stomach.

"You know what Zee, honestly, It feels good. It feels good because I felt like you made everything better. I'm very thankful to have you. I'm very thankful because I know you are very willing to help me. Thank you so so much." He said genuinely.

It also feels good. It feels good because I know that I'm can make someone happy. I'm also happy because he's somehow making progress and that's enough for me. Besides, he deserves it.

"You know what Bryce? I'm also happy for you. I'm happy because you're feeling better, keep it up bro" I told him, and yes, I did call him bro -,-

"Bro? hmm, so, does that mean that we're now best friends?" He asked. Okay, so we're best friends now? I mean, it kinda hurts though.

"Sure," I said and then smiled at him

We just went around to the mall a little bit more before we went to the happiest place here which is the arcade. We tried all the games there that's why I got tired and when I looked at Bryce, he's kinda tired as well. We were not supposed to be that tired but because Bryce was so naughty, he was so persistent to try all the games that he can see and I can't do anything but to say yes.

We stayed a little bit more before we decided to go home. He told me that he would drop me off at my house because he wanted to make sure that I'm safe. I didn't say no because I also think that it's better instead of waiting for my driver.

The traffic is really bad so I decided to just interview him so that it's not awkward here inside his car. Through that 'interview' I knew that his favorite color is blue and his favorite food is steak. Well, steaks are good but sinigang is better. Sinigang, god-tier!!!

When we arrived at my house, I was a bit shocked because he also went down, we just said our goodnights to each other and then he let me get inside first before he decided to leave.

When I entered the house, I was surprised because my mother is sitting on the couch, I'm very happy because I haven't seen her for how many days and finally now, she's here.

"Hey mom I missed you," I told her and kissed her on her cheek.

"Hmm, I missed you too sweetheart so where have you been?" My mom asked

"Oh mom I just went out to shop for some clothes because you know, it's the time of the month," I told her and gave her a wink

"Who drove you home baby? Hmm?" She asked. I got surprised because of what she said but I just didn't let that affect me, I still act naturally.

"Oh it was my new friend, Bryce, well, we met at the mall accidentally, and then he offered me a ride so I said yes because I was tired to even wait for my driver" I answered

"Oh I see, anyway, I can see that you're legit tired so go on my baby, go to your room and get some sleep okay? I love you baby" My mom told me, aww how sweet

"Goodnight mommy and I love you too," I told her, and then I went upstairs to get some rest. I cleaned my body and I just did my skincare routine, after that, I went to my bed to get some sleep.

The next day, I woke up early and as usual, I just did my morning rituals and after that, I went down to eat breakfast and to prepare also. I don't know why but I feel so happy and excited. Maybe because I know that my mom is here.

When I went down, I'm totally right, my mom's right there and she's looking at me. I smiled at her and roam around. It made me even happier when I saw how many foods are right on the table, gosh, It's like a fiesta.

So basically, my mom cooked some eggs, bacon, hotdogs, pancakes, lasagna, and sausage plus a bunch of fried rice. I honestly don't know what to eat but I just got some fried rice and a lot of viands.

While I'm eating, I realized that I should also bring some food to school. I decided to take out some pancakes for breakfast and lasagna for lunch. Yes, my mom cooked all of it. Her lasagna's very tasty, it's the best lasagna ever and to be honest I won't get tired of eating these every single day.

I arrived early at the school so I decided to just chill. It's still one hour before my class and yes I am that early. Basically, my friends texted me a while ago that they're gonna cut their first class because they woke up late. It's not an issue for me to have friends that are capable of cutting classes but I always tell them not to do that because that's bad and luckily, they followed me, well, hmm, somehow.

I am now walking to the benches to do some advanced studies. When I arrived there, I immediately fixed my laptop because I always type here almost all of our lessons. My laptop is like my diary, this one knows everything.

After how many minutes, I realized that I read almost 5 pages and I think, for now, that's enough. I am not arranging my things but I get shocked when someone sat down beside me. It was Bryce and I hate how handsome he looks right now -,-

After ilang minutes, naka rami na rin ako ng nababasa and nagulat ako nang biglang may gwapong nilalang na umupo sa tabi ko, shet na malagkit naman nag aaral ako Bryce Atticus Roque napaka gwapo mong nilalang punyeta ka.

"Hmm? you're so hardworking, hope all," he said which made me laughed.

I was about to tease him but I noticed his mood. It's not nice and I cannot tell which one's the problem. Instead of thinking a lot of things, I just told him the next do's and dont's to help him move on.

"Bryce, to be honest, what you're feeling right now, well hmm, it will fade eventually. Even tho it's hard to forget everything, I know time will come that you will overcome all of it." I told him.

I was about to tell him another piece of advice but he immediately talked. His tone was a bit bitter so I just let him talk. I let his feelings out.

"Zee, I think my love for her is so deep. I lost my position as a basketball team captain of this school, I fucking lost it because I can't focus on playing that's why our coach decided to kick me out of the team, yes he kicked me off the team and now I just realized basketball's value to me, it hurts me." He said.

I fell so hard. I didn't know where to get some strength that's why Zee, thank you, thank you so much for being here, I really appreciate it" He continued.

Well, maybe my role in Bryce's life is to make him feel better. Well, yeah at least I can make him happy, I just need to accept this now.

"I see, so you're sad again, am I right? Hmm, here, you know what, why don't you try again, go and do the things you stopped doing. Don't let anything or anyone be the reason why you're not happy. Allow yourself to feel happy, okay? Do everything that can make you ha- " I didn't finish what I was going to say because he immediately cut me off.

This man, really.

"Zee, what if you're my main source of happiness? Will you still be here in my side 'till the end?

