Timothy and I drive to school in the morning. Our first class is English. When we get to school everyone is talking about Lianne and I don’t want to lie I am scared but something about Tim makes me feel safe . He takes my hand into his and we walk hand in hand.

I see Lianne's friends from afar crying and I feel my own tears make their way down.

“She didn’t deserve to die like that Tim. Whoever murdered her must be a sick animal!” I say as I wipe my tears and Tim remains quiet.

We make our way to class and once we are sitting he puts his hands on my shoulders.

“Everything will be okay. Things happen for a reason and we can’t question why they happen, but I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” He looks into my eyes and his eyes tell me that I can trust him, they tell me that he will keep me safe and protect me. I smile as he kisses both my eyes.

“Now stop crying, I can’t bare to see you cry.” He says wiping my tears and I smile.

The whole class joins in and everyone is quiet and sad about what happened. Professor Darcy's eyes are red and you can tell she has been crying. She sighs then looks at us.

“I know that all of you must be aware of what happened to Lianne. I.. she was such a sweet girl she didn’t deserve this. She just didn’t.” she says crying and most of us sob along with her.

“Sorry guys, I think we should stand up and take a moment of silence just to pay our respects.” She says and we comply and do as we are told.

I turn to look at Tim and his face is passive. I can’t read his expression he is just emotionless, but I guess it’s because he didn’t know her.

After what seems like 5 minutes we continue with class. After our English class the day drags as i attend more classes. The police petrol around asking students details. My classes go on until 12pm and after that I call Tim just to find out where he is and he tells me that he will only finish class at 2pm but after this class he will drive me home and return to campus so I wait for him at the cafeteria.

I drink some coffee while waiting for him. A cop approaches me.

“Good Afternoon Miss, I am detective Bernard Sibeko. Did you know Miss Seth?” he asks me and I look at him.

“ Yes but only in class. We were in the same English class but I have never spoken to her.” I tell him and he nods.

“Have you noticed anything strange in this campus lately?” he asks me . “No detective I haven’t. Everything has been pretty much normal.” I tell him and he nods, Timothy comes and sits next to me.

“Good Afternoon sir” he greets the detective and he greets him back. The detective also asks him if he knew Lianne but unfortunately Tim tells him that he didn’t and that he is new at the school. The officer thanks us and leaves us and Timothy drives me home.

“Do you think it’s someone from campus?” I ask him and he shrugs.

“I don’t know it’s possible but maybe not, you never know.” He says sounding disinterested so I decide to drop it.

When we get home he bids me goodbye and tells me that he will check up on me later and that I should lock the doors if I happen to be alone.

I nod and enter the house.

Once in the house I lock up and sit on the couch, I really can’t get over Lianne’s death. It seems personal to me, this person stabbed her 15 times meaning the man who did this was angry and there was passion involved. How could someone do that though!? How could he stab her to death like that! How disgusting man!

I make lunch and do some school work .

The week goes by really fast and it’s already the following week Tuesday and I am watching news and another murder is being reported again. However, the police are convinced that whoever killed this Brittany Evans is the same man who murdered Lianne. When comparing them they look alike. Black long straight hair, black eyes, small lips and a straight nose. A very similar smile. I think we have a serial killer out to kill Black haired women.

I listen as they say that they found her 5 miles from where the first body was found just as I am watching television I get a phone call. It’s Timothy.

“Hey Tim.” I say excitedly

“Hey, can we meet up and hang out?” he asks me and I smile.

“Of course but it will have to be for 3hours, it’s already 2pm so I have to be back home soon.” I tell


“You will be back before you even know it, I promise. I'll be there in a few minutes.” He tells me and I tell him that I’ll be waiting. After hanging up I text my mother then I change into a pair of jeans and a nude t-shirt with a black jacket. I leave my braids loose and wait for Tim.

He calls me to tell me that he is outside so I go to him and we drive off.

“Where are we going?” I ask him and he smiles.

“My crib. I wanna show you my house.” He says and I smile.

“You mean your father’s house?” I say and he shakes his head no.

“My house, we stay in separate houses. Its better that way.” He says and I nod.

We drive while listening to old school hip-hop. We drive for what seems like 30 minutes then soon we pull up in front of a beautiful house. It’s Grey and dark. We get off the car and he holds my hand.

“This is my hell” he says and I look at him with a widened gaze.

“I’m just trying to crack a joke Aza, calm down! “ he says laughing and I fake a laugh.

We walk to the door and I look around it’s a beautiful place. Inside the house it’s dark. He has a dark grey color paint, dark paintings, but it is a beautiful place it has got his personality written all over it.

“This is my house Miss Radebe.” He says as we move to the living room and I smile as I sit on the couch.

“You have a really cool spot right here.” I say looking around.

“Want me to show you around?” He asks and I nod yes.

He holds my hand as we move from room to room with him telling me what each room is for and the reason behind the paintings and his choice of décor.

We get to the master bedroom, it’s a 6 bedroom house.

“This is my room.” He says and I look around. It doesn’t have much furniture. Just this massive bed; beautiful dark paintings on the wall, a book shelf , a little couch near the huge glass wall, a huge flat screen TV on the wall. There is really not much furniture .

“I love your house, I’ll get a crib like yours when I move out of my mom's house.” I say smiling and he laughs.

“You can just come and stay with me” he says winking and I laugh.

“As tempting as it may sound I don’t think my mom would approve .” I say and he smiles.

“I’m joking but you can always come and visit.” He says and I nod. I get up and open the sliding door and stand on the balcony outside.

“You have the most amazing view out here.” I say and I feel his footsteps behind me. They are soft but loud at the same time it’s crazy. His arms stretch forward and he puts them around me but doesn’t touch me instead he places his hands on the balcony bars . I hear his breathing as he is standing right behind me. It’s fast and irregular.

“I can’t stop myself anymore, I want you to be mine.” He says and I feel my palms sweat.

“I am inexperienced Tim, I have never been in a relationship and I don’t know much. I am not even that pretty that a guy like you would want to be with me.” I say and he slowly turns me so that I am looking at him but he places his hand around me as he did before and we are now looking at each other.

“You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. You are different.” He says not taking his eyes off mine and I try to look away because I can’t look into those eyes. They do something to me. It feels Iike I am caught under some spell.

“If you really want to be with me then you will have to win me over. Let’s hang out more and see if we still like each other.” I say and he smiles.

“That’s okay with me. But I can kiss you right?” he says and I smile and run away from him