01: The Remnant

It abruptly roamed the tall trees, crushing the blossoming lilies beneath its feet. Despite its black callous eyes scanning menacingly at the forest, and its frantic sniffing at the dew weeds below, the beast constantly ran its head against the environment as if it weren't aware of its surroundings.

Eventually enraged, the beast struck its massive arms at the trees; evidently killing a piece of what was of the recovering biosphere. It huffed and puffed, trying earnestly to sense some sort of reac---


That's it! There it was!

Immediately did it sprint north on all fours with incredible speed. Discarding everything that it hit--only focusing on that slight movement of the organism and its location. It could already taste the fresh blood gushing in its mouth as it gritted its marine teeth. Then, as if it could sense the closeness of the organism, the beast halted; its paws sliding across the Earth.

It snarled in hunger, frantically sniffing around and glancing at all directions--it's naivety clouding the fact that the use of his senses was futile. The 'organism' sat in front of it, motionless and seemingly lifeless, or so the beast assumed. Upset, that the movement had ceased, its' snarls altered into a hoarse roar.




Nothing. The creature huffed as it turned a heel and stormed off, disappointed at its luck. It's been nearly eighteen days and still, nothing resided around the being that was edible. Nothing ALIVE that is.--

*clink--* *THUD*

A groan escaped its jaws as the sound of quick steps caught the attention of the beast. In a flash did it follow this fading sound, for most likely was its prey fleeing from it. What a nuisance this prey became during the beast's hunt; twists and turns, loops and shortcuts, slopes and mudslides--Why, it was only a matter of time until it completely lost its appetite! What halted this silly goose-chase, however, was the fact that it couldn't hear its prey anymore.

Thus, the cat and mouse chase was finally over.

Tired, though stocked with ferocity, the creature turned around and slowly walked back to where it began.

Meanwhile, the beast's former prey hid near the walls around it, below the beast. As it listened to its fading footsteps, it let out a sigh of relief and fell to its knees. It's only been fifteen minutes of this figure breathing and it was already being chased down by some alien! The being closed its eyes, attempting to collect its thoughts as it placed both hands upon its face...

Only to realize that the impact between its face and its hands were hard and metallic. Reopening its eyes, the organism noticed that its fingers, hands, and arms were made of solid metal. Or rather, solid steel. The figure subconsciously stood and faced downward at its legs - they too were made up of steel. Shaking its head in disbelief, the figure approached a small pond illuminating in the sunlight. It knelt down and examined itself thoroughly...

This being regarded that its whole face, upper and lower body were made of solid steel. Its eyes glowed an electric blue hue as if inside the figure was immense electricity. The color of this being held a davy's gray type that brought out it's feminine, yet exceedingly masculine physique.

So much so, it was quite difficult to determine whether if this being was female or male.

Surprised by this discovery, the automaton lifted its hand to its face as if debating whether what it was seeing was real or not.


The figure jumped at the large crimson capitals written near its face. Below them were blue italicized words that followed:

Low Percentage Warning (15%).

The system will lack the maximum strength potential and shut down automatically if not restored within [30 minutes]. Please reach any object/organism storing energy before the due time.


It thinks questioningly as it stared blankly at the warning. It soon went away after a minute or two, leaving the figure alone again in the grotto it stood in. It watched as the pond below its feet began propelling upwards and a loud roar of another creature just above it made the machine face the sky.

'Where am I?'