02: Alienated Earth

’Eighty-five percent of the ecosystem has been restored…Yet, there’s still more work to be done. Obliterating and containing the extraterrestrials doesn’t seem to decrease the number…If that is so, where are they originating from?’

The humanoids’ thoughts were interrupted as three beings entered the computer room. The two in the back wore black breastplates and masks that hid their appearance; with that being said, that left the being stood in front of the similar ones. He stood uprightly as he faced upward at the humanoid that stood before him. The being in the right spoke aloud but in a foreign language. The humanoid proceeded to stand from its chair and made a gesture for the two in similar “uniforms” to leave. The identical duo placed their hands on their chest in salutation before exiting the room.

Leaving the two same-raced specimen alone…

The one who had arrived with the duo, positioned both of his hands behind his back, letting its worm-like hair, in which was entrapped with nets, fall unto its eyes. A message in its mind caught the being’s attention,

Nakande: Mortal DNA is merging with the abominations, as you said…Just this last time--

Ferra’Tor: Even if the mortals still remain on Mother Earth, the Ma’kuubah are expanding at an irregular speed.

Nakande: I do not have the time for your inconvenient blabber. If there is any chance at all that, it is our duty--

Ferra’Tor: The army aren’t as capable as you and I—

Nakande: Silence!

An animalistic groan came from the one named Ferra’Tor as he averted his eyes in another direction. The other, named Nakande, let out a soft sigh as he proceeded to message,

Nakande: If there are any possibilities that the men of Source still reside on Mother Earth, we must do what we can to ensure that both the mortals and Mother Earth are protected. You know this already.

Nakande approaches Ferra’Tor, watching his movements as some light from the stars above them illuminate the other’s mask. Ferra’Tor’s gestures depicted of one who was constantly discrete and closure. At least for the naked eye. Despite this, the male answered,

Ferra’Tor: Yes, I do…I only…

The older humanoid laid a hand on Ferra’Tor’s shoulder as if he was attempting to comfort him.

Nakande: I understand your worries, mic shyna. However, life on Mother Earth is either mutating, evolving or spawning. I cannot risk the universes strongest specimen alive to cease like the rest...

With a nod, Ferra’Tor placed a hand on the others shoulder in agreement…



Object: Maple Tree

Age: 3 years

Life force: 79%

Energy Status: Stable

Other: ➡

‘Three years…? That is impossible.’ The cyber retracted its hands from the tree, thus the labels ceased. It stared upward at the large plant, approximately fifty feet in height and ten feet in width.

‘Almost everything on this planet is recent. The rock itself could not have been terminated…could it? Nevertheless, that would mean that the energy I’m receiving from here would feel new but…It is familiar.’ Facing downward, the cyborg went around the tree and proceeded its journey.

Confusion was its overall emotion and ignorance seemed to be its annoyance. Notwithstanding this, as the automaton glanced upward at the skies, all those thoughts dissipated and were replaced with amazement. It appeared as if some mixed colors collaborated with the blue sky above. Colors such as white, pink, and lime. Conversely, it would be considered a red flag seeing these colors to humans—



How did it know such a race...? Without even seeing a single one in sight?—

A sudden motion in the mortals’ stomach caused the being to stop and look down. When it did so, the motion continued as the area brightened through the fissures of the solar plexus.

‘What is this…?’ It asks mentally, only to be interrupted by a loud grumble behind it. Whipping its head around, the cyborg perceived a buff, long-armed creature. Its legs resided in the tall grass, presumably nowhere to be seen for the robot. The robot recognized the beast, thus relaxed its shoulders a bit when it remembered it lacked sight.

The beast constantly swung its arms at the grass, puzzlingly enraged. Something resided in the grass that disturbed the beast, or so the automaton thought. The cyborg decided to continue its journey; aware of the beast’s presence still, it walked backward and slowly as to not alert the beast. Drawing a claw, the beast grazed the back of a slim and warped organism. The movement was so sudden that it made Cyborg jump and fall onto a tree near him.

Though the tumble sounded quiet to the robot, the vibration of another’s movement notified the animal quite a lot. It turned its head towards the sound, its ominous black eyes glaring daggers at whatever made such an effort. The cyborg clenched onto the trunk of the tree behind it in intimidation. What first became slow and steady steps swiftly altered into quick thuds in which shook the earth. Immediately did the automaton turn to flee for its very life!

The beast would catch up with the cyborg at any given moment. However, what only prevailed for the cyborg appeared to be its speed—nothing else. Furthermore, its ability to outrun the predator seemed to be the only strategy it could execute for the time being.

The machine meandered across the forest to no profit. The beast didn’t intend on submitting any time soon---


Moving straight ahead once more, with the beast surging through the trees after it, the cyborg felt an unexpected tightness in its limbs as it began to transfer at a faster pace. A bolt of voltage coursed through its body, especially its legs, as it zoomed towards the base of a cliff. Interlaced with weeds and vines. To one, it would be a dead end for the automaton, but to another, it would be of many benefits. With this fact in mind, the machine proceeded to run skyward, up to the surface of the rugged rock.

As a current of energy streamed through its attire, the cyborg leaped off the stalwart onto the beast, who had commenced to open its mouth broadly. Understanding faultlessly of its actions and prepared to sink its teeth into its circuits only to be trekked on the head harshly. Despite the pain, blinding its senses for a bit, the creature swayed it claws left and right, attempting to catch its prey.

The metallic thud echoed as the machine panted. It landed on the brink of the precipice on its back; the beast remained at the base of that cliff, fluctuating its arms at every direction. The machine twisted its upper body, to take a glimpse of the upset predator.

Indeed, confusion would be its overall emotion for a very long period of time.