There's an old saying that says; "there's no place like home." I totally understand and agree to it, but my agreement is coming from a different dimension. Indeed, there was a home for me if you're talking about a building, a time when everything was not perfect, but everything was okay, a time of boundless and unconditional love from a person who gave you life. But the bitter truth is life doesn't care, and for me, home is not home without that person or should I say, the person was indeed my home.

If you've listened to home sweet home by Maro, then you might be able to relate to this. A home could be anything you make of it, a building, a social gathering or a mental state. Whatever interpretation you choose to give it. My home sweet home really left me, and the home I live in don't feel like home anymore.

So if you ask me what my home sweet home is? I'll tell you it is myself. Like I said, there was a home but when life takes it away from you, you believe it's not the end. So I decided to make myself my greatest investment, my home and paradise.

"Goodbye sweetie!" Theresa, my aunt and my dad junior sister whose shirt strained against her bulging stomach screamed.

"Bye Tessa!" I yelled back, hopping into my dad's car. I slumped down the passenger seat, and released a heavy breath.

"You did not even do anything." My dad said, adjusting the side mirror.

I just rolled my eyes at his comment and turned to the window, looking at Tessa.

She continued waving, smiling and screaming.

"No distractions okay."

"No ugly boyfriend."

"Stay healthy, read your book."

"Dream of me and......"

She kept hollering and I even wondered if it was going to stop.

"Focus baby girl! Focus, no bad things."

Ugh! This fat woman is really obnoxious and infuriating.

Finally, my dad twisted the ignition key, pressed the brake pedal, and did what I simply did not care about. I sighed, then rested my back on the chair, playing Hillsong.

After few minutes, my dad increased his speed, changed the songs to Michael Jackson, and hummed softly. Sorry! I meant annoyingly.

I just huffed and puffed at his action, turning my attention back to the window. We were surrounded by trees; this place will definitely be creepy and scary in the night.

"Get ready for butt pain." My dad said still humming.

I groaned then rolled my eyes before closing my eyes to another world.


Finally, We were almost there. I slept and even woke up, staring at the trees and forest in sight. Thank God, we were soon reaching our, I mean my destination which seemed endless.

I sighed as my dad stopped the car, not in front of the building because of the warning sign but at least close to it.

My dad turned to me and smiled, I returned the gesture.

"I'm going to miss you." I said still grinning.

"Miss you too." My dad replied.

I got down from the car and felt a really sharp pain on my butt. My dad was about to come down too....

"Don't worry I can handle it." I walked to the back of the car, opened the boots and, took out my heavy bags. I closed the boot, dragged one of the bag on the floor and carried the other one. I walked back to the front of the car, snorting.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Do I have a choice now?" I asked.

"Of course you do." He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Just joking, I am." I said, I was about to leave but he stopped me. I swiftly turned back.

"Remember be careful, not for anything but life. Be careful of life, what you do, what you say and what you even wish or think of."

"Nice advice." I complimented jokingly, he just chuckled softly and smiled again.

"And always remember, I love you."

"I love you too dad."

I watched as he drove away, leaving me all alone. I walked further to where the building was, stopped at the front of the gate.

"Welcome to F. A. A." I read out loud. I watched as other students walked into the school, they were either new just like me or they were old student back from the long break.

"Ugh! Finally back to this school." I heard a girl grumble beside me, she had red hair. She dragged her box carelessly, as she walked into the school.

This is probably where my future lies. I thought, I started at the black shiny gate, a prestigious big school, I watched people go in. Different types of people surely, those frivolous kids who think life is only meant for exotic food and amazing dresses. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and whispered to myself; "here goes nothing but a journey." With that, I walked graciously to the academy.