"You have to wake up Arie." I heard Mira voice.

"Just a few minutes more." I grumbled trying to use the pillow to cover my ears but it seemed like it was of no use because Mira kept tapping me.

"You'll be late for combat." She said again.

I knew it will be a waste of time if I still slept. I stood up lazily and in a groggy manner. I almost tripped as I stretched out my hands yawning shamelessly.

"Where's.....?" I used my hands to point to Lizzy bed.

"She has gone." Mira replied.

I just nodded as I sat down on my bed again.

Mira furrowed her eyebrows.

"Common, we will be late." She said.

I yawned again then coughed.

"Not taking any shower." I said as I walked to the bathroom.

I stripped my clothes off my body and put on the school gym short and a simple shirt. I came out of the bathroom with my pajamas.

"You should at least wash your face." Mira said with her hands on her waist.

"That is not necessarily." I mumbled. I packed my hair into ponytail and applied lip balm then put on my shoe. I looked at myself in the mirror but I cared less about the reflection the mirror gave me. I turned to Mira and mouthed 'ready'.

"Thank God." She said, opening the door. I just followed her to wherever she was going. I don't even know we had combat class in the evening.

Mira was actually a bit shorter than me while Lizzy was taller than me or we were the same height. Mira had a full black hair which was just a little bit above her shoulder. Funny enough, it was after she told me about her eye glasses, I saw her putting it on. Mira wasn't fat nor really slim.

Finally we arrived at a place where I saw a lots of people gathered. There were some people fighting. Actually two groups and Victoria and and a guy were one of the group. I would have loved to watch it but it finished too soon. Both Victoria and the other guy were severely injured. If she was not quickly attended to by a group of doctors or nurse, I would have gone to meet her.

I didn't even notice that Mira had left me until I saw a huge, tall guy walking to me. Only his appearance screamed the word 'bully'. Why the hell was he walking to me. Do I look like a prey or whatever. I averted my gaze away from him and watched as people were fighting.

"Hey. Aurora right?" The fat, tall boy asked.

"Yeah?" I replied, raising my eyebrows. I looked at his round fat stomach, his shirt even found it difficult to hold it.

"Well I'm Collin." He said offering a cocky smile.

"Okay." I replied flatly.

"That was cold." He said, putting his large hands on his chest pretending to be hurt.

"Was it supposed to be hot." I mumbled myself, watching the fight.

"How are you enjoying what you're viewing?" He asked, changing the topic as soon as he noticed my interest on the fight.

I just shrugged.

"What if you were the one up there?" He smirked.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"And how's that possible?" I asked.

"Everything is Aura." He replied.

"That is not going to happen." I stated dryly. "My name is Aurora not Aura."

"Whatever." He mumbled.

I watched as the fight was over.

"Will prove to this ass hole instructor that I can beat any new student." I heard him mumble to himself.

I was confused but I involuntary moved away from him a little bit.

"Who want to go next?" The instructor asked.

"I will go with Aura." Collin said confidently, like a proud egoistic idiot he definitely is.

"Okay." The instructor said, smiling.

"Hell no, no way, not even possible. I'm just a new student." I yelled to the instructor who is really behaving like an asshole.

"That is even more reason why you should fight." He said back still smiling.

"I said no. I have never been involved in a fight before, you can't just expect me to go up there and perform magic."

"You can and you will Aurora. This are more reasons you should try. Don't be a coward and scramble away from this." The asshole said and it doesn't even look like he was going to let me go. I glanced at Collin. He just smirked at me and walked up to where the fight took place, waiting for me.

Why the hell did Mira even wake me up. I should have been busy sleeping now. I didn't sign up for a bloody mission. Everyone one who left the fight, left with injuries. I glanced at Mira and she just gave me an apologetic look. I just sighed and knew everyone was waiting for me. I walked up to where Collin stood proudly and confidently.

"Don't be too scared kitten." Collin had a smug look.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Start!" The instructor shouted.

We both circled each other. I stole a quick glance at his fist who was ready to punch and collide with my soft skin. I was waiting for who will attack first; for I wasn't even sure about my body.

This was all too much, I have never been in a fight before. I only watch things like this on T. V. I must be in a crazy dream because I didn't come to this school to destroy my body.

Time felt like an illusion and the only thing I could see was Collin determined eyes who never left mine. Finally, Collin lunged for my left side and I was about to block it but he attacked my right. His fist punching my shoulder painfully; I easily fell to the floor. I stood up again touched my shoulder. He lunged forward again but I bent down trying to avoid it but he kicked me in my leg.

"Ouch." I muttered painfully, quietly. I struggled to stand up again with my aching leg. He spun to face me then smirked at me. He punched my face this time more aggressively and punched again. Blood trickled down my face and I used my hands to clean it before it blurs my vision.

Before I could think about anything again; my whole body landed on the floor with a loud thump. I struggled to stand up but Collin already helped, forcing my fragile body up. I staggered to stand properly. He lunged at me but I ducked fast avoiding his punch. He was a little caught off guard, so i tried to punch him but I was too slow. He caught my arms and twisted it really hard causing it to become red. He grabbed my foot and pulled me to the floor. I let out a loud groan as my face collided with the floor. I tried to stop the tears that was about falling from my eyes and muffle the sobs that was about escaping my lips.

"It's just about to start." Collin whispered. He looked around, people were cheering for him and screaming his name. Night was coming faster and I hope the angels at night save me from this. The wind blew tremulously and stroke my pain filled, aching and bleeding skin. It was already drying the blood on my face slowly and darkness was creeping in.

I noticed Collin was having his ego moment. I took this as an opportunity and kicked his shin aggressively.

"Shit." He mumbled as his furious eyes met mine. Then it clicked, he started attacking me carelessly. He flipped me twice and started his endless punch. I struggled to catch my breath as I felt the oxygen slowly being knocked out of my body; Suddenly his fist came colliding harshly to my abdomen.

A sudden gush of pain was felt throughout my body. My stomach ached, my arm lost tension, my legs began to weaken and the blood never stopped dripping from my face and arm. My tongue was soaked in blood. Bruised and winded with a body calling out for help but Collin never stopped.

I looked at the crowds the caught Alex mouthing 'say I give up', I turned back to Collin whose eyes met with mine.

"I give up." I said weakly.

"Repeat." Collin said with authority laced in his voice.

"I said I give up." I managed to voice out as I looked at the stars not wanting to see his egoistic smirk.

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It's just about to begin