Embarrassing to Clear lovers.

After the coronation that happens on December 24, 1780, and the trip to Norway ended they return to Canada.

Olivia entered her class "good morning duchess Please stay in the doorway" the teacher said.

"William and Jackson stand up" The teacher, they stand up "Take your bags and go to the door don't leave now" they grabbed their bag and walked to the door.

"Now go to Class R1," the teacher said, "why-" "just go!" The teacher said.

They walked out "What the hell was that?" Olivia "I don't know probably detention," Jackson said, "Why?" Jackson shrugs.

They Stood in front of R1 Doors Olivia Opens the door and gets jump by a Person with an Electric sword.

She blocks it with her blade she quickly disarms the person "Aghh! The blast not again!" The person said, "It's them!" The other said.

"Hmmm... Oh, I get it " Jackson said " What?" Olivia asked "look around their All

children of very rich people," Jackson said.

"I guess they were right in what he said you are a talented duelist," the person said "meh," she said and shrugs. they sat down on the free seats "All alright everyone please get to know about your new classmates, while I get the necessary equipment to start our lesson " the teacher said Leaving the room.

Everyone turns to them in the room with notebooks and pens "is this normal?" William asked "yeah pretty much" Olivia and Jackson responded "Heh... This never happened to me before" He said.

"Stay calm and don't think about it too hard"

The students slowly get up and formed a line They asked various questions about their family and life as a royal While some just asked for an autograph. But someone, in particular, grabbed Jackson's eyes.

"You with the blue hair come here," he said, "Is something the matter?" The German accent sold it for him.

"Mia I thought I recognize that Blue hair how are you?" He asked "I'm fine How are you," she said "Fine " he replied.

"Jackson who's this?" William asked "This is my good friend Mia we've known each other for about 10 years now," Jackson said "Well I guess you know a lot about Jackson how you and I have a chat about him," he said.

"Hang on-" "Hey shush Go talk to your "Girlfriend" over there," he said, "We are not!" Jack said "Whatever " William walked away.

"You were flirting weren't you?" Olivia stated "What wasn't flirting," Jack said "Yeah sure If not your sudden change in behavior and The way you Touch her on the cheek, the way you two looked at each other. C'mon just confess to her" Olivia said, "Listen, missy, I don't know what Videos you're watching on the Internet but we are not-".

" And your two little kisses on the cheek you two love each other," Olivia said "I- forget it," he said.

"Hey we're back" William walked to him "Jackson is it true that your mother lived since the dawn of time?" William asked jokingly " shut up" Jackson Smashes his head on the desk.

"What's the matter?" He turns to Olivia "oh, I told him that he and mia like each other" she said "Uh... First of all not true" Mia said.

"Oh well explain Your two Interaction You two stroke each other hairs and The two kisses you to each other huh!" She said "I can Vouch, " William said "Oh... Umm... Well, it's just a normal thing we do" She said Clearly lying.

"Your Blush, the way you look at each other, Jackson sudden Behavior Change explain that to science!"

"Ooooohhhhh!!!" The class went off "Calm down and take a seat because today we are learning how to learn theoretical physics fast" the teacher said "Step one pull your Notebook " The students pull out their notes "Step Two listen to me and writing down what I say" they do so "Step three *cock* Listen or you get shot" the teacher said pulling out a Plastic gun.


"man the teacher pulled out that gun it helps with learning theoretical physics," Willaim said "fear is the greatest motivator," Jackson said "Olivia here almost got shot with those paper bullets" Jackson pointed out "hey! that bullet made a hole on that wall " Olivia said.

"Just look at that hole!" she points at the wall where the bullet hit "still didn't make a dent," Jackson said "You know what forget it let's go get lunch," she said.

"So about Mia how to did you met?" Olivia asked "Tinder," William said, "Really know! Jackson my man" Mia walks up to them "Hello fellas" She said sitting down.

"Hey! wait a minute is that my dad's Cooking?" Olivia asked "N-no..." Mia stutters "Shut Germany women I watched my dad in the kitchen cook millions of times and I can tell that his cooking, It even has the spill! He's here isn't he!" Mia nods "I knew it! Now tell me where is he!" She asked.

"Second-floor station 69," Mia said "Of course the funny number," She said getting up "Are you finish your food?" Mia asked "she already gone, " Jackson said.

She dashes to the second floor The air rippling behind her making it to station 69.

"Damn this place is full " She Mumbled "Sis is that you!" A familiar voice called out "oh boy..." A lady walked to her "Hello Lily" She hands a tray "here you are " She said Walking back to the Counter.

She dashes back to her table.

"She already gone," Jackson said "Hey guys I'm back," She said sitting down "welcome back," Jackson said.

"So about You and Mia Jack do you have some Feelings you two would like to say with each other " Olivia winks "We aren't lovers!" Mia slams his hand on the table.

"C'mon Princess you two are a perfect match, Jackson, with Your Black hair and with your light skin tone and- wait... Wait!!! Are you Emily!" She said "Now... Now... We don't need to pull out those Pictures..." Jackson said Trying to take Her phone.

"Ahahahaha!!! Look jack That's her you can fool that Blue hair, those green eyes! " Jackson Grinds his teeth "The same facial features the same shape of the Skull and the smile!" She said, "and you never told me that you broke up with her!" She pointed.

"Jackson my man! " William said " not like you like Olivia over there who's laughing her A@# off " William smirk "me? No... No... The only person who I would Love is you!" "What?!" "What?!"

The two stared at each other... Awkwardly "Well I guess you crack the code Duchess," Mia said standing up, "Yeah Another point to me take that Jackson!" She said pulling out her phone " I gotta post to social media"