
"Your dad is a big celebrity," William said "oh Yes If not being the man who stands Against diatress and just from his looks he Already Handsome enough," Olivia said "So who's cooking again?" He asked, "didn't we already discussed this I said and we agreed that you're the one who's going to cook."

"Good now shut up and get inside of the house will you," Olivia said entering the house she placed down the grocery on the counter.

They made their way upstairs "Now I'll be back by 7:00 after the interview so by the time I come back I should food when I'm back" Olivia said "Yes mom I got it" William said sarcastically.

They entered their room Olivia Gets dressed for the interview She leaves the room goes to remind William one more.

"Again William make sure you-" "do you have some privacy!" William said, "I'm so sorry!" she left and rush down to the Living room, minutes later William came down.

"Do you have you no privacy?!" "I'm sorry alright I didn't know," she said "what kind of roommate just waltz right to my room" he rambles as he entered the kitchen.

Olivia stands up and walks out of the house where she expects her ride to the Interview. "Where the Hell is that Belgium idiot," she said getting impatient. She waits for a few more minutes until her patient ran out.

*Rinnggg!!!! Rinnggg!!!* "where see you?" A Belgium accent asked "Where I'm! Where I'm! aren't you supposed to pick me up you Belgium idiot! I've been waiting outside my house for five minutes now and great it's starting to rain!" She shouts.

"I'm sorry Miss I didn't know I'll be there in a few minutes alright-" "You didn't know! You know just tell my dad I'll be coming to the interview," she said "but wait don't- " She hangs up.

"Hey, where is she!" Kp asked, "She didn't want to be on the interview anymore." He said, "did you forget to pick her up?" He nods "oh... Jared what the hell!" He said walking back to the studios.

"Welcome, Kp... You look Unhappy, where's your daughter " the interviewer asked, "oh she couldn't come because that Belgium moron forgets to pick her up."

"Oh your back Food at the table," William said "Forget it," she said going up the stair "Well more for me"

The next day...

Olivia lazily comes down to the dining room "Good morning my lady " William placed down her favorite cereal "Thanks... " She grabs a spoon, she scoops some up and Takes a bite.

"Cheer will you!" He said trying to make her mood lighten up "Alright what's wrong " he asked "Nothing just tired" She responds "guess that solves it, well I need a bath"

He said walking to the stairs "hey are you just going to leave me here?" She asked "Yeah Not like you anything interesting to talk about to right now," He said, "Well guess what you smart potato I do!" She said.

"Are you changing your swears to muffins and potato " She nods "You should stop using twitch " he said, "what is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked.

"You know stuff..." She said, "You got nothing to talk about I'll go get a bath, see you!" He said running up the stairs "no wait!- aww..." She sat in silence. She continued to eat her Cereal "Stupid Dutchmen."

Later that day :)

"Williammmmm!!!!!!" Olivia shouts across the room, but she got no response "William!!!" She continued to shout his name but still got no response...

She goes looking for him in the house, not able to find she calls him. But still no response.

She gives up and Goes back to her room, the afternoon passes William came back from a long day of hiking.

"You! Where the hell was you!" Olivia yells "hiking!" He said "Hiking and!?" She asked "Camping".

" Why didn't you invite me!" She shouts "I asked you but you were too busy," He said, "I wasn't!".

" listening to music..." He continued "I-... Yeah you're right," she said.

They both stared at each other, soon enough they engage in a staring contest they stayed like that for a while until.

"Ow! That stupid dust ahh! My eyes" she rubs her eyes to get rid of the dust, William continued to stare at her.

"Hey help me out here!"

"That archives!!! The Romans!!! The Romans!!!!"

William passed out Olivia looked confused and worried

" ThE seCretAry of thE arChiVes haD bluE eyEs"

He passed out again

"Alright where's the Memory fixer "

She goes into the garage and gets out a toolbox with many Ancient tools, she rummages through until she finds the memory fixer.

"Aha! Their you are"

She observed the tool, she noticed that it change.

"Hmm, meh maybe just me"

She walks into the living room, where William still screaming about the archives and Romans.

"Alright buddy Look up to the sky and think happy thoughts"

William looks up to the sky and thinks about the time he had with those Romans fellas, she smacks him with the memory fixer.

"Uh... Jeez..."

"Hey, William what's the last thing you remember?"

"Uhhh... Oh well, I was sat at this big table with these Romans fellas-"

She was him again with the memory fixer knocking him out cold.

"Ok, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Uhh... We had a staring contest and while we're having that it went black and I was on the floor "

She sighs in relief and puts away the memory fixer, William looks at himself in the mirror.

"Why is my head so smooth?..."

"It's nothing don't worry about"

She pushes him away from the mirror and into the dining room.

"You must be hungry don't worry I'll get you some food"


"Shh you're hungry"

William sat there thinking about what happened in that staring contest and his minds land on the Archives and blue eyes and then to Romans and the Secretary of the archives.

"Oh yeah, the Romans and the Archives-"


"Oh shoot I might have sent him back to high school!!!"

The end- but wait there's more!

Jackson walks in.

" Man so much for the movie night "

"Shut up you help me with this"

"Nah I'll just watch you as you struggle to out him out of his highschool phase"

The end.