Vampire Freak

"And if we move to chapter 49 you could the subject to-" *Bang!!!* Misses Eva Steps into the room looking for someone after a few seconds of Looking she left the room.

She continued through the halls barging into every classroom and disrupting them.

"Alright the next spell we'll be learning is fire spit now this is a simple one to learn but a bit tricky to master," Kp said standing up from his Desk.

"So everyone stand and point your wand, find or palm on a target You like that be the walls, yourself, your books, etc"

"And simply think of the word, fire spit remember focus Don't rush it"

*BANG!!!* The room burst into flames, Kp Froze the room and look at Eva. He looks at her with a face.

"Woman did you not look at the door with a sign it clearly said don't disturb we are having a lesson on how to cast a spell," Kp said calmly sitting back down and instructing the students to do it again.

"The mister wants him at his office."

"You can tell him that I'll be there after My session," Kp said moving his hand.

"He wants you there now," She said walking up towards him.

"You have no authority over me In the campus and out of the campus My lady so tell him this I'll be there after my session," He said as they get all close up with each other.

"Nor can you disobey the founder's order," she said.

"And who do you think co-founded this school?" She shakes and steps away

"I'll s-send him your m-message" She surprised Herself with stuttering. Kp looked surprised as well. The students began to whisper. The Students began to whisper among themselves.

Kp covered his mouth And wonder if he went a little too hard on her. "Guys I think was a little too hard on her".

She went off to his office still shaking. She steps into the cold darkroom of the principal office. "What's the matter, Secretary? You seem to be shaking"

"Nothing sir... Umm... Kp wanted to tell you that he'll be with you once he's done with the sessions"

"I see... Well I guess I'm doing it again"

He gets up and puts on his Cloak with covers him from head to toe and ear to ear. "Follow Secretary," he said as they step out the room.

"Eh... the light is annoying"

They walk to R1 Classroom.

"Ok maybe next I'll demonstrate it first then you do get it" the students nods.

"Ok so now We'll be learning how There's the magic energy everywhere we go even the Cosmos so-"

"Kp deary!!! Lovely to see you again"

"What do you want Vampire freak?" The students gasp at what he said.

"Well, I want to talk to you old champ."

"Are you implying because I'm 41 years old you're calling me old?" Kp raised an eyebrow.


"Again I'll be with you after I'm done with these Students," Kp said sitting back down and continue talking with the students.

The vampire freak Frowned and gone back to his office.

"Anymore question before I go?" He asked them.

A student raised, Kp nodded. "Who was that man?" They asked.

"Well, that was your Principal and Son of Mr. And Mrs. Fillmore" Kp simply said.

"Well I'll off now see tomorrow," Kp said Getting and Left the classroom.

A little while later Kp made his way to the Principal office. Walking inside the room, his instinct made him flare-up.

"Can you turn on the heater?" Kp asked Sitting down on the chair facing the Vampire freak.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

Several snakes lunch at him and Bit him. The snake began to Dig deeper. Kp looked at him uninterested, he flicks them away and looks back at the vampire freak.

"Ehehe... happy birthday?" He shrugs.

"My birthday is on May 1st," He said getting up and walking away. he tries to leave the room bi the door was locked. he turns back to the Vampire freak. "sorry but we aren't done"

"Beth!!!" Olivia shouted from her. she rushes towards her room and was shocked at what she saw. "what is that thing?" she asked pointing at the shadows who was above her. "there nothing to worry about Misses Elizabeth were the shadows, spiritual embodiment of Magic we have been sent our self to heal our poor Olivia" the central shadow said who came forward.

Elizabeth was speculative and she said nothing, "Nothing to be worried about my friend," the shadow said, they began to heal her. "I feel nothing new I think and it only healed my coughing but not my headache and Magica drain."

"impossible maybe we should retry-" Diana barge in the room.

"what in God's name are you fend doing here! go back to your master go! GO!" Diana yelled they all left the room.

"don't you dare mess with the lives of My family again!"

Kp tackled down the Vampire freak on the floor. " OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! look sorry! SORRY! SORRY!" he yelled as Kp let go of his hand.

"Are you ready for round 2?" Kp asked. "No! NO!! please you can go! YOU CAN GO!!!!"

kp left the room and go to the staff room. Diana teleported in front of him.

"AH!" he falls. "OH! sorry dear" she helps him up. "it's ok"

"what that on your neck?" she pointed at the two holes on his neck. "well that Vampire freak bit trying to turn to a Vampire, thankfully My angelic blood manages to block it," He said, Diana, looked at him confused.

"angelic blood as labeled by the scientist is blood only founded on very powerful Mages makes you have angel wings and other physical traits of the angel. that be the aura of light and access to Angelic magic" Kp explained to her.

"Too much to comprehend let's just get some coffee," Diana said.

"No thanks I'm busy" Bat landed on Kp's shoulder, he grabbed it squeezed it. He taps the eyes. "Cool it's a robot hello Vampire Freak what do you want?" The bat screamed at Him and Blew up.

"Hmph rude"

"Well I'll see back at Olivia's house dear I got some matters to attend to."

Olivia was still at her bed. She gets to go to the Fridge for a good snack. As she closed the fridge her mother appears beside her. "Hi, mom!..." She said hiding the Chips.

"Hello, sweetheart what is that on your hand, and why are you out here shouldn't you be back at your Bed?" She asked.

"Oh well you see I just needed some chips you know," She said sweating.

Diana only smiled and walks closely towards her.

"AHHH!!!! I'm sorry I just wanted some SNACKS!!!!!"

the end.

Hmmm... Jojo