A talk with Misses Olivia

mostly dialogue sorry, not sorry :( but for real sorry


"man I wish this fever would just go away," Olivia said as lays back down after going from the bathroom. she looks to her left and sees someone she blinks the figure disappears. she shrugs and laid down.

"hey," the figure said. Olivia screamed and blasted at them. "who the hell are you!" she shouted. the person just wiped away the flames. "nothing to be worried about Olivia I'm the author" the person said. she stopped and thought for a minute and it clicked.

"what do you mean author?" she asked them. "well what do thinks I'm the one who made this world, I'm responsible for everything," they said. "so are you like a god?"

They float above her. "No, I'm simply the author"

"So what are you?" She asked. "Well, that's up to the reader's imagination," they said sitting down.

"How's your life?" They asked. "Could be better how's yours?" she said.

"Well it's fine but the school exam is coming up and I'm finally graduating," they said exploring her room

"Graduating? How old are you?" She asked confused.

"1769 or 2008 do the math," he said.

Olivia began to count and stopped once she reaches their age.

"Oh... So your-" they covered her mouth.

"Classified information" they simply said.

"So what should I call you?"

"You can call F"

They sat back down.

"What are your plans for me and my friends"

"A lot I mean we're going until 50 or 60 chapters"

they float around looking at many books in her room. she calls their attention "how can you stretch that"

"well since the school year starts in early August and ends in late April and since Fillmore's opened in late November and you got accepted around that time too.. so technically four weeks from now it will be your vacation. "

Olivia stared at them. "what? It's true" they respond. "well what will be our adventures in the 4-month vacation?"

"you asked the question like a minute ago," they said

"yeah because I want to know"

they look at you (Reader) and shake their head "what are doing"

F just winked at her. there was a knock at Olivia's door, Kp walked in and stares at F.

"ello, Aure!" F waved at him. Kp just walked up to them "hello F how are today"

"Wait you two know each other" Olivia said looking at the both of them.

"Of course I know him! He is my most prized creation after all! Aurelian Kp Alarie" they said.

"Who are some other you created?" She asked.

"Well everyone in this novel," F said Smiling.

"Your mood certainly Changed" Olivia pointed out.

"Eh, what are you talking about?"

"She talking about your complete change of expression and Tone, You looked Like you give a damn if you died Now you look like someone ready to party until 9 o'clock," Kp said pushing F off him.

"Now... Now... No need to get all angry I still have lots to discuss and you two are preventing me from doing it" F said.

"Anyways I'll be right back I need to go get some food," F said disappearing away.

"Am I going to remember any of these?" She asked her father.

"No probably not," He said.

"Hello Narrator Dave" He waved. Hello to you too Kp. I waved back

"Who's this narrator guy," She asked.

"Well He's F Narrator who reads and says what's going for the reader Very poorly," Kp said. That kinda mean.

Kp sat down on A chair and began to read a book and Olivia hummed to a certain tone. They both waited for F to come back.

A few minutes later. "My God is there any good fanfiction nowadays!" F yelled Coming back from God knows where.

"Ello OC"

They waved at Olivia and Kp who was asleep at this point. "What time is it"

They float down the living room and encounter Elizabeth. She stared at them for a few minutes and continue working. He phases back into Olivia's room. They sat down and began to eat their Fried Chicken.

A couple of hours later, F was Looking at the ceiling and looking at every little detail that his eyes can see. *creak...* he snaps his heads to the noise it was just a door which most likely came from the Wind. He played no attention and went back to looking at Ceilings.

Eventually... "Ahh piss I'm too tired to do this I'm going to bed I'll continue this tomorrow morning"

"Alright, I stop writing in at around 9 P.M and now it's 8:25" .....

"oh looks like its next day I was too busy reading and watching Jojo Bizzare Adventure part 3 and now this chapter turn A talk with the author"

Olivia wakes up and looks around her room, she gets up and walked to the living room where she saw F looking at the ceiling eating a pack of spicy chips. she walked up to them. F stared at her and put his attention back to the ceiling. "what are you doing?"

"You Alarie's have some strange patterns."

Olivia looked at her ceiling and indeed it was a strange pattern. "Oh there's updog I've wondered where he went"

"Tcks... What's the matter with you?"

"Yeah what's the matter you?"

They point at the top. Olivia looks at the ceiling and sees a dog licking its paws. She looks at with confusion and in awe.

"What??? That actually exists I thought it was a joke"

KP tumbled down the stairs. Startling the dog which ran off never to be seen again.

"Uh... God damn it... Felt worse though" He said to himself.

He stands and walked to them. "Updog no..."

"You guys saw an updog?" He asked them. "Yeah we did but you scared it off," F said.

Kp stomps his feet. "Ugh... I could have gotten another photo"

*woof! Woof!* the dog come back from who knows where with a bone. Kp pulled his HD camera and took pics of the cute doggo. It walked around the roof trying to find a warm place to settle down.

"Looks he owns this house," Kp said Following the dog around.

"What is it doing?" Olivia asked.

"It's an updog it's attracted to places with high levels of magical energy and it will stay in that location until the building is destroyed or you know you two move," Kp said.

*beep!!! Beep!!!* "Kp in"

"Your Majesty the Queen requests your presence"

"Very well tell her at 5 pm tomorrow, also ready the Armageddon plan"

"Yes sir"

F smiles. "What are you smiling about?" Olivia snaps her head at them. "Oh it's the dog also the impending doom of the war of that will the 50 years of British rule over the world"




"Anyways I've gotta go bye-bye"

The room went gray and Olivia and kp froze as the sound of time rewinds...

"And so it begins"

The End.

Yes, that conversation still happened. The one with 5 pm one