The Breaking Point

I finally made my way home after our quick dismissal. I mean we did just survive a pollution storm that could've knocked out the wind from our lungs, literally. I said my farewells to Tyler but he still followed me home. As soon as I entered my beautiful and safe home. I was wrapped in a warm embrace, still unsure of who it is, I eventually pushed the person back and saw Jaxon's worried but happy expression.

My parents hadn't returned home or answered my text yet and I was starting to get worried. "Jaxon has mom or dad gotten into contact with you yet?"I asked anxiously waiting for the right response. "No, I'm sorry Athena. Anyways where's Heidi?"he asked rather curiously. "Um at school or out with friends,"I said guessing what she was most lightly doing. "But everything's closed so...that makes no sense,"he said seriously. He then seemed to notice Tyler behind me. "Hey Tyler, I see it's become a custom of yours to be at our house every time bad news arrives after a pollution storm,"he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes knowing there was about to be another argument. "Just because your daughter died doesn't make me responsible for being a bearer of bad news. You can't seriously keep blaming me for that and the fact that your girlfriend left you because of it,"Tyler said seriously whilst trying to hold back anger.

"Well you promised to take care of her and my sister that day. Well let's just leave it at the fact that, you failed at your job. You let my daughter die and put my sister in danger by not taking them to proper shelter,"Jaxon concluded countering Tyler's argument. Tyler just shook his head because everyday he felt responsible for killing my niece, the one I was talking about previously, she looked like my brother but at the same time had unique features of her mom and my parents and all of us combined. It was amazing seeing our family come together in one person. So she had curly hair like my parents, brown eyes with flecks of green mixing my eyes and my brother together. She inherited her mothers strawberry blond hair. She was absolutely gorgeous, I miss her, her beautiful name never being uttered from my lips. "Meadow,"I mumbled so no one could hear.

Tyler looked at me and he saw the tears brimming, ready to spill over in my green eyes. He'd heard me utter her name, the name I promised I'd never utter in his presence. He didn't care that I said her name, no, he cared that I was crying for her. "I'm so sorry Athena,"he told me gently hugging me. After awhile, my brother noticed and came, he pulled me towards him and hugged me tight. "Look, it's not your fault and Meadow-," he said but his voice cracked and he started crying, "she's better off not being in this world where we have to always live in fear of what's going to happen next." I nodded.

I stared into space for awhile until my parents walked into the house looking like they just came from a zombie apocalypse. "What on earth happened to you guys?"I asked worried about what could've caused such harm. "We...well...we kinda got stuck. Mostly because we don't have a car, I mean walking after a pollution storm isn't the best idea. So ugh...yeah we kinda did go through a human apocalypse of very scared people rushing home,"my mom said and as soon as she finished her sentence. Guess you walked in? "HEIDI!!!"I said shocked looking at her, she looked worse than our parents, "what happened to you?" "I don't know what I was thinking ok. I just ran and I ended up on the other side of the world, trying to find my way back here was a nightmare,"she said finally quite nervous to get us to believe her.

"It's fine. As long as we're all safe. Right?"my mom said. We all nodded agreeing and all went to bed but not peacefully. The next day, life went on as normal and we went to school. I saw Tyler and he pretty much tried to make me happy the whole day because of Meadow. Well, he was feeling really bad about it again and I didn't want that, I didn't want him to feel like it was all his fault. Because truthfully it was my fault too even though we were like 11 and he was 12 so Meadow was 5. I just realized that Heidi was 13, she should've been the one to take care of Meadow but anyways it doesn't matter.

"Hey Athena, I'm seriously really sorry about yesterday,"Tyler said kindly trying to soften the blow. "It's fine seriously. I've said that like a thousand times today please stop apologizing because I promise that the next time I'm not going to forgive you,"I said seriously making his eyes widen. "Ok,"he said plainly. The next thing, we were told to go into the assembly hall for an important announcement. The announcement was sudden, swift and important to the events to follow.

"To all the people of the UK, I am obligated to give you this terrible and disturbing news. That France, even though we're not sure, we're positive that they have stolen oil from us and they will pay the ultimate price. We are going to wage war against France starting tomorrow so all schools and jobs will be shutdown as well as any malls and facilities that provide food, water and electricity,"he said concluding the dumbest speech of all time.

You know how people say, there was pin-drop silence well in this case you couldn't hear a pin-drop. Let alone our principle trying to get our attention with a microphone. I stared into space for a time, processing the information. Tyler was absolutely shocked and terrified. I was more bothered that my brother may be conscripted for the war and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Yet again, I would lose someone in the most terrible way. And yet again, it would be the fault of humans.

Humans caused Meadows death, the war to come and the death of millions to come.