"No!"I screamed, "you can't go. I won't allow you to go." "I have to go I have no choice about the matter,"he said seriously. "But there must be some proof that we're not originally from here," I said in a last effort to make sure he doesn't go. "Listen Athena, I'm being serious now. Wouldn't you rather me go than dad? He doesn't have a chance,"he concluded trying to make me reason on the matter.
"No, you need to still have a family. How could they conscript you for war? It's not fair,"I said childishly. "Can you keep it down? I don't want the whole world knowing, you know what dad would do and I just can't afford...you losing your family like I did. My life's over Athena but you and Heidi, mom and dad, you still have a chance. It's only a few years anyways, I won't be gone long," he said comfortingly. "That's what you promise. But you might never come back just like Meadow except yours will be directly by the hands of man while hers was indirectly by the hands of man,"I said with tears and in complete sobs. He just looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I don't have a choice if I did I wouldn't go. They threatened your lives Athena and I can't be responsible for that."
I just full out sobbed in his arms, how could a country do that to anyone? I knew he'd have to tell eventually. "Please stay safe during this war Athena, please,"he said pleadingly. I just nodded knowing it isn't my choice but I said, "Same to you." When dinner came around I knew he'd have to tell them and he did, thankfully. Sadly, they were furious but you just saw their faces melt when he told them why he didn't say no. It is horrendous to think you trust them so much only for them not to care about you, as long as you care about them.
The next day, me and my entire family are crying for my brother Jaxon and his departure. We were such a great family, we're all mourning his lose even before he dies. We knew he'd never make it back. We cried and cried until we couldn't anymore. Then we all went our separate ways. I just sat in my room looking outside at the bright blue sky, it is a rare sight these days. I even could smell the fresh air. It is weird, must be my imagination. So I closed the window, I didn't wanna get sick or not notice a storm and close it too late and all. So I closed it and continued to stare into the distance. I noticed many army vehicles going by. We are not too far from the border, it's a very bad thing for wars, but a very good thing for refugees.
"Athena, why'd you open the window?" I heard Heidi ask me. "Cause we're probably gonna die anyways,"I said happily but matter-of-factly. "Listen Athena, I know I haven't been a great sister and all, but seriously don't get sick. Not now. We may have to run and I'm not gonna drag you with me. You're going to have to fend for yourself and I'm not doing it for you, I'm sorry,"she said seriously. "Well thanks Heidi, you haven't changed all that much. We all care about each other but you're the only one who doesn't. Jaxon left and he's never coming back Heidi, ever. Don't you get it. We lost him already and I'm telling you now that I will save myself and mom and dad. Not YOU!!!"I concluded in anger. "It's not about me Athena, it's just that mom and dad are old. If the war hits here they're gone. I'm not taking you as a reminder of that. Not in the least,"she said without any heart. "I will fend for myself Heidi!! I don't need your help and if mom and dad die so be it, but we will never be family again,"I said seriously and I saw her flinch. She just nodded and walked away but I saw the tears in her eyes.
When we were kids, I got cancer. That's pretty much when I lost Heidi. I was about 12 so she was 14. So we had a similar fight, it's our no-attachment fight. It's when one of us feels the other is gonna die so they fight with them to make them hate them. So we won't be sad when they die. We both know we both won't be happy in the end but it's our let out. I'm actually glad we had the fight, we haven't had one in forever. It's weird, I know, anyways I go back to staring at the window. I see the skies have darkened quite considerably and it's not yet close to night so it's either a storm or just clouds.
I decided to just sob about my tragic life, I wish I were somewhere else. Why did the UK and France have to fight now, in my lifetime. The reason is silly even because there's no proof. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang and the shattering of my window. The blast is close by so I decided to go there to see where it is, I wanted to make sure my families' safe. My parents aren't home and that could be where they are. I ran as fast as possible to where the smoke and sirens are blaring to find out that it's the supermarket. The supermarket where my parents told me they were going to go to so they could get the groceries for the week. I cried a river, I couldn't stop and everyone noticed. Their faces filled with pity and sorrow for me and my suffering. I quickly rushed to go and talk to the officer. I said, "Please my parents are in there!" He just looked at me and said, "I'm sorry but there's no survivors. When we're done here we'll deal with everything else. Do you have anyone who can take care of you legally?" I nodded and said, "My sister, H-Heidi." He nodded and continued with his job.
I went home in tears knowing that I lost everyone, everyone except Heidi.