After running for some time, we came to realise that we needed to find some sort of gas mask, but we soon realized we need to make it.
Leto cough violently and Tyler as well as me are sitting there sighing as we try to help her.
"Do you think that she got some of the smoke?" Tyler asks me and I nod. "Chemicals and gases are closer to the ground, so it is more likely that even if it is gone then she can be affected by it. Maybe we should carry her," I say seriously and he nods as he picks her up, placing her on his shoulders.
She giggles in between coughs as we continue to travel as far as we can.
We find food at every corner as wild fruits and vegetables grow. The animals don't avoid our gaze and we share with them what is available.
Soon, Leto's cough wears off, but the amount of people that are seen as we pass are not there as much anymore.
As the days go on and the green smoke attacks increase, animals disappear and food becomes scarcer.