As we head to breakfast, Kamali smiles smugly at me and fear spreads through me but we eat the food nonetheless.
“Anax, Athena, Calliope,” James says seriously, “let’s talk.” We all nod but the entire room is silent and tense, even the children don’t seem to make a sound.
Afterwards, we go to his room and we all stand as James enters the room then sits down.
“There has been a lot of tension lately,” James says seriously as he looks at all of us, “Deirdre, since she attempted to harm Amadeus, will be banished. That’s the final decision. I talked to Kamali and her alibi’s so there is no doubt in my mind, that despite everyone’s claims, she did not commit, attempt to commit or assist anyone in committing any actions, so she is exempt from punishment. That decision is, also, final.” I grind my teeth in frustration but no words escape my mouth or Calliope’s, even though he claimed she’s a liar.